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How to make money in the army reserve

how to make money in the army reserve

If you are serving as a member of the Selected Reserve, you are eligible for regular drill pay, and might qualify for some special pays. Each «Drill Weekend» counts as 4 Drill Periods for pay purposes. If you are activated placed on active duty your pay will change from «drill pay» to the same monthly pay structure as your active duty counterparts. If you are not a member of the reserve click here to get the scoop on joining the Military Reserve. Don’t get left behind when it comes to staying on top of BAH updates, and changes to all your other military benefits. Sign up for a free Military. Reserve Rseerve Overview. Related Topics Military Pay. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. You May Also Like. When is your LES available?

Education Requirements

Visit www. To learn more, go here. Air National Guard offers over career choices. You hold the key to tomorrow’s future. Click here. The National Guard and Reserves offer programs that allow you to serve your country part-time and get many benefits of full-time service. Here are some secrets to help get the most of your Reserve or Guard experience:. Get a new skill. The National Guard offers programs to retrain people with previous military experience interested in new skills. Training is based on service needs.

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Service programs also have annual retraining quotas they can offer. Expanded Medical and Dental care. Medical and dental benefits have expanded their coverage for Reservists, Guardsmen and their families. Benefit Initiatives for the Reserves and Guard. Help with employers.

how to make money in the army reserve

Education Requirements

Upload your resume Sign in. Find jobs Company reviews Find salaries. Upload your resume. Sign in. Find Companies. Army Reserve. Army Reserve Salaries in the United States Salary estimated from 22, employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months.

Trending News. An Army reservist’s job depends on the career path he or she takes. Learn why people trust wikiHow. This Site Might Help You.

Pay For Army Reserve Soldiers

Army: Army Reserve Bonuses U. You will need to submit an application to join the Army Reserves, which you can do online or at a recruiting center. Trending News. Applicants must be healthy, in good physical condition, and able to pass a comprehensive physical exam. Home Categories Finance and Business Government. Co-authors: 4. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Army Reserve members may be called for active duty at any point in time, likely in the case of crisis or war.

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Joining the Army Reserves has many benefits, including being able to live anywhere you want while still serving your country. You can also attend school or pursue a career while in the Army Reserves, and will receive education, medical, and retirement benefits. If you are interested in receiving military training and benefits while living a primarily civilian lifestyle, the Army Reserves may be perfect for you!

You need to be a US citizen or resident alien aged between 17 and 35 with a high school diploma to be eligible. If you meet these requirements, fill out an application form online or visit a recruitment center to apply.

Afterwards, you’ll have to complete a physical exam conducted by a military physician. For tips on how to prepare to be called for active duty, keep reading! This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Together, they cited information from 10 references. Categories: Army Careers. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Home Categories Finance and Business Government. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Learn more Confirm you are a US citizen or resident alien with a high school diploma. To join the Army Reserves, you must be a U.

You must also provide proof of a high school diploma. While some candidates with a GED may be accepted, not having a high school diploma will affect your placement within the Army Reserves. Make sure you are aged 17 to 35 and in good physical health. Applicants that wish to join the Army Reserves must be between the ages of 17 and 35, and year-olds must have parental consent.

Applicants must be healthy, in good physical condition, and able to pass a comprehensive physical exam. You must also be in good moral standing, and a criminal record may disqualify you from joining the Army Reserves. Apply online or in person. You will need to submit an application to join the Army Reserves, which you can do online or at a recruiting center.

Once you complete the application, a recruiter will contact you and let you know how to move forward with your enlistment, including scheduling your ASVAB test and physical exam.

The other areas of the exam, including general science, electronics information, auto and shop information, mechanical comprehension, and assembling objects, will determine your placement within the Army Reserves.

You will receive your score within 2 weeks of taking the test. Pass a physical exam. The exam will include height and weight measurements along with hearing, vision, urine, blood, drug, alcohol, muscle, and joint tests. All these things will be examined to determine if you are in good enough health to join the Army Reserves.

Enlist for 3 to 6 years as a member of the Army Reserves. Attend basic combat training. If you meet all the requirements and pass the ASVAB and physical exams, you will be sent to training. Go to advanced individual training. The length of AIT varies per person and can range from weeks. Lead a civilian life during active duty. Speak to your commanding officer to learn.

Plan to attend 1 drill per month. You will be compensated for your time and your meals will be provided. Expect to travel for a 2-week training period each year. In addition to monthly drills, you will have one 2-week training period each year. Be ready to be called for active duty. Army Reserve members may be called for active duty at any point in time, likely in the case of crisis or war.

Your rank and expertise may determine if or when you are called for active duty. In the event how to make money in the army reserve you are called for active duty, you will be informed by your commanding officer and will be expected to follow all orders regarding shipping. Reenlist or opt out at the end of your enlistment period. After years, depending on the period of time you enlisted for, you have your choice of what to do.

You can reenlist for another years, or opt out of the Army Reserves. Can I still join the Army Reserves if I’m already enrolled in college? Benjamin Prowell.

Yes, you. It’s also possible to look into an ROTC program that might help you with scholarships and give you a boost in rank when you actually join. Contact an ROTC office near you for more information.

Yes No. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 3. There are no specific subjects you need to take to become a soldier; all aspects of school are utilized. Math, science, and technology courses are always good to have. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 5. Unanswered Questions. Can someone be an army reserve and earn a Fulbright scholarship? Answer this question Flag as Flag as Can you join the reserves if you have a marijuana possession charge? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.

Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Related wikiHows. Did this summary help you? Article Info This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Co-Authored By:. Co-authors: 4. Updated: November 21, MH Melanie Hernandez Mar 22, Related Articles.

Employers are always looking for workers who have held leadership roles. The program establishes a relationship between you and a participating partner and affords you priority employment consideration. In addition to giving you a head start on your career for your commitment, the Army Reserve will take care of you and your family by providing tremendous benefits for part time employment. All while you pursue your civilian career or continue your education.


See what your drill pay will be and find out about all the financial opportunities you can get as a Soldier in the Army Reserve. The Army Reserve recognizes the value of hard work. By enlisting as an Army How to make money in the army reserve Soldier, you will have access to thousands of dollars in cash bonuses. Want to go to college or finish your degree? The Army Reserve will help you pay for school — and also give you the character and discipline to excel in your studies. Imagine having the best medical staff and technology available to you. The Army Reserve has part time jobs with health benefits giving you access to world-class medical care and group life insurance at affordable prices. Job Certification and Retirement. Careers and Jobs Benefits.


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