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California trucking that make the most money

california trucking that make the most money

Is this helpful? Truck Driver Salaries in California. Are you paid fairly? Get a free, personalized salary estimate based on today’s market. Get Your Estimate. Truck Driver Jobs in California. Notify me of new jobs. Create Alert. Filter by Location.


Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments. Experience is where the money is in the trucking industry. Just like with any other job, entry level positions do pay considerably less. The best bet is going through a truck driving school that offers employment placement assistance. Inexperienced truck drivers are a high risk to companies, however, there are several reputable companies that do pay very well for first year drivers. Unlike other career salaries, truck driving salaries tend to not follow suit when it comes to the cost of living in an area. The salary is more about the job being performed and the company you are with. Jobs that no one seems to want do pay more; a lot of those jobs are available in the state of New York according to CNN. West Virginia and Mississippi are also high paying states for truck drivers according to PayScale. These positions require precision driving and dedication. In West Virginia, local or state-wide drivers earn top wages simply due to the terrain within the state.


Truck drivers earn about the same as related careers in California. On average, they make less than traffic technicians but more than delivery service drivers. Highway maintenance worker salary. Rail transportation worker salary.

How we determined pay by state

Heavy demand for truck drivers has pushed up pay, benefits and bonuses for truckers across all parts of the country and industries. Wages have gone up substantially over the past few years. Demand for truckers is partly the result of the bustling U. The trucking industry has seen a steady rise in orders and revenue in recent years at the same time many carriers have complained of a truck driver shortage. For carriers, the labor situation has created an ongoing headache finding enough truck drivers to haul their freight. Looking for truck financing to start and grow your own trucking business? The U.

california trucking that make the most money

Find a Truck Driving School

Sorry, we can’t find that. Please try a different city or state. Without fail, in surveys across basically every demographic, the number one most important aspect of a job for most people is the salary — how much do truck drivers get paid where I live? So while your city may be slightly different than the state average, these averages give you a rough sense of what to expect for your salary. To better understand how salaries change across America, we decided to take a look the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on average pay for truck drivers by state. Additionally, we wanted to adjust the salary based on the cost of living in a state — because your salary goes further in North Carolina than it does in California. The state with the best salary for truck drivers after this adjustment?

Dump truck business owners have more freedom to set their own rates. About Careers Events Testimonials Contact. But other groups contend they are victims of unintended consequences, including freelance writers and photographers who filed their own lawsuit. To find the perfect freight for your truck or team, invest in the best load board for growing your business. Want to plan ahead so you can know your profits in advance?

Truck driver

Dump truck owners make their money in one of two ways: by working with the dump truck as a califfornia, or by leasing out the dump truck. The amount of money you can make depends on how many trucks you own, the types of clients you have and how many hours you work.

Landscaping companies, building contractors and mining companies often hire dump truck drivers to haul heavy materials to and from the job site. You could also find local opportunities for winter snow removal. Since average salaries can be distorted by one or two people earning an unusually high amount, the industry typically uses «median» figures for earnings.

The median figure is the midpoint; half of all truck drivers make more than the median, and half make. This suggests that dump truck drivers earn a higher-than-average wage. BLS data comprises the salaries reported for employed truck drivers, tyat those who are self-employed. Dump truck business owners have more freedom to set their own rates.

Coal mining, for example, is a high-risk environment. Dump truck owners who work in the coal industry may be able to charge a higher rate than those who work in landscape gardening. Location is a factor. For example, North Dakota ttucking the highest concentration of jobs for dump truck drivers.

California trucking that make the most money out your truck for others to use is not going to be as profitable as using the truck yourself, since you are not charging for your labor. BLS projects that the heavy truck driving industry will grow 6 percent bywhich suggests that there truckin demand for dump truck leasing services.

Contact local mining companies, local construction firms and competing dump truck companies to get an idea of daily, weekly and monthly leasing rates in your area. You will need a commercial driver’s license, and there are the usual running expenses including vehicle tax, insurance and fuel.

Be sure to deduct these expenses from your revenue to discover your profit. Jayne Thompson earned an LL. Her articles have appeared on numerous business sites including Typefinder, Women in Business, Startwire and Indeed. Share It. About the Author. Photo Credits.

My take on a truck driving career is. The sacrifices and stresses of a driving career are plentiful. A niche market is a specialized segment in the trucking industry. The work involved in specialized niches in trucking is often a little out of the ordinary. It often involves expensive, specialized equipment and mske, skilled and top notch specially trained drivers.

Truck Driver Jobs in California

Often these specialty niche jobs come with varying degrees of risk and danger involved. The high paying truck driver jobs in these specialized areas of trucking are sometimes driving jobs that not many truckers are attracted to for various reasons.


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