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How to make an iphone app to make money

how to make an iphone app to make money

What apps do you currently have on your ab These apps work on any Apply mobile device: iPhone, iPad, or iPhone. You will need to make sure you have the most recent iOS updates to ensure complete compatibility. They are all free to download and can begin putting your time and effort to tp immediately. If you prefer to do a little bit of everything, Swagbucks is another exciting iOS app. Or, you can always get paid via PayPal cash. Decluttr makes it easy to sell the following used items in your house:. Downloading the iOS app lets you scan the barcode on each item you wish to sell to get an instant price quote. Do you like getting paid to shop? If so, Shopkick is an exciting app that pays you to check prices at maje local stores. You can redeem your rewards points for digital gift cards to your favorite stores and restaurants.

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There’s a good chance you often find yourself killing time by idling browsing through your smartphone. Playing games and catching up on social media sites is great, but these activities alone won’t pad your wallet. Make the most of your spare time by downloading an app that can earn you extra money. It might seem like there’s a catch involved, but there isn’t. There are many legitimate, free apps that allow you to make money by completing surveys, watching videos, secret shopping, sharing photos and more. Most of these apps offer modest pay and allow you the flexibility to earn money when your schedule permits. See the 20 apps that allow you to learn extra cash. Related: How to Make Money on Instagram. Android and iOS users can earn gift cards, airline miles, magazine subscriptions and more for completing to minute surveys.

Jackie’s Story: Creating a Financial App

After downloading the app, you’ll tell the app a little about yourself to help iPoll match you to future surveys. Complete as few or as many questionnaires as you like, but the more you participate, the more you earn. Accumulate points called SB by searching the Web, completing surveys, watching videos, referring your friends, shopping in the app’s mall, completing special offers, voting in daily polls, finding swag codes and entering fun contests via social media and the Swagbucks blog. These points can be redeemed for gift cards from stores like Amazon, Target and Walmart or for PayPal cash. Download the app on your iOS or Android device. Every time you check your phone, you’ll see a card with a news story or promotion. You can slide left to learn more about it, slide up to see another card or slide right to use your phone as normal. You don’t receive any more or less money for engaging with the content, so you essentially do nothing to get paid. Cash in for achieving your health and fitness goals. Your activities are verified with GPS, photos and other services. If you fail to meet your pact, you’ll have to pay up. Earn money by selling your old books.


Mobile applications are a great way for business owners to make improvements to their company. They are also the perfect platform if you think that your idea will be the next big hit, like Instagram or Snapchat. First of all, I commend you for doing the research before you get started building your first app. If you start a new business, will it automatically make money?

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Earn real money by completing simple tasks with the app. Easily make money by completing surveys, giving opinions, testing services,… To earn money, you need to follow the instructions set in each task. Usually checking for a product or service, or giving your opinions and answering some questions. No giftcards or discounts, you are paid cash in your PayPal account! Just enjoy your money! The offers are solely sponsored by the Make Money. Contact us for any queries you have regarding our service. We love to get feedback from our users. We have completely redesigned Make Money! This new version contains not only a fresh new look, but new contents and exiting surveys! Plus we fixed bugs and made memory performance improvements. On the face, it sounds cool. You get money for just downloading apps.

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Jackie also blogs at MoneyCrush. Check out this post she did there about how she was able to put together the app without programming skills. Podcast: Play in new window Download. She just runs with it. Jackie was looking for ways to make some extra money to pay off her house and to travel.

After getting an iPhone, she started browsing the financial apps and realized there was a need for one to help people track their debt as they were paying it. She also noticed people commenting on credit-related apps that they wished they had that option. As one who had gotten out of debt herself, Jackie also knew how motivating it could be when she saw her progress in debt reduction. Check out this post to find other ways to keep yourself motivated to pay off debt.

Jackie had a vision for an app that people could input their debts along with the interest rate, amount, and payment.

People could also input additional amounts if they applied extra monies toward their debt. They could organize it using the Dave Ramsey method lowest balance to the highestby interest rate, or customize it. Jackie did not have a background in software design or coding, so she knew she was going to have to outsource this project if she moved forward on it.

She knew another real estate blogger who had recently created an app, so she asked him for a referral for his developer. After speaking to the developer, she felt good about his skill set and knowledge so she submitted her software specs to him and got an estimate for her project. Jackie says if she had used a developer in the United States, it could have easily cost her times that.

If someone were considering creating an iPhone app, Jackie recommends the following method:. Create a storyboard for the app, if possible. Next, describe, with as much detail as possible, what should happen on each screen as well as what should not happen, if something could be confusing. Once the idea is on paper, search for someone to code it for you. Talk with someone, make sure they have references, see examples of their work, and check their references.

Once finished, submit the app to the Xpp Store for approval. It did not include any testing or graphics, as she saved money by designing the graphics in Photoshop. Within the first month, Jackie had sold apps, and by month 2, she was making a profit. Full transcript can be viewed by clicking show Alright, today I am visiting with Ms. She also has a blog on the PayOffDebtApp.

I can always find something to do with the extra money. Right now we are working on paying off our house, and I like to travel, so it is good to make extra money for. Philip Taylor: I see. Good deal. So, there was a little bit of a financial motivation it seems, but what else about making koney iPhone app appealed to you?

Did you go out there and research how to do it and then go through with the process? Jackie Beck: Well, it kind of started when I decided to create it because I had gotten an iPhone, and I was browsing through the financial apps because I am interested in personal finance.

I noticed that at the time there were not any apps like it. So, I had also noticed some people commenting on credit-related apps that they wished they could track ro debt, so it seemed like it would be a good idea. Philip Taylor: Okay. So, obviously the entrepreneurial spirit amke taking over here during those first early stages.

You were realizing ihone you were not seeing it out. You saw the open market for this obviously. At that point did you have the blog already, the personal finance blog at Money Crush? So, you were just looking at your iPhone and decided this is kind of an opening in the market here, I can maybe do something, or we need. So, did you have a full-time job at the time? So, what made you say I have the free time to do this or I want to ti my free time to do this?

Jackie Beck: Oh, I just get zpp, and I have to pursue. I just wanted to leverage the skills I did have, and then I alp the coding. I see. So, take us back to when you initially thought of this idea. What year and month was that? What hoa you even think that you could do your own app or you could have your app created? What gave you that idea? Jackie Beck: Aapp, I had known someone else who is a blogger who had created a real estate app, and they iphonf of did the same thing. They outsourced the coding.

I had tested their app for hhow a little bit, you know reviewed it. And so, I asked them who did the coding for them and how did it work out, and he was really jake with the process, so it seemed koney. Philip Taylor: Mm hmm. Did you generally end up following his same path in hoow of how you sought out the developer to do the app and how you made it through the setup process?

Jackie Beck: Well, I asked ophone for referrals and a developer, and then I talked with the person that he worked. Everything seemed good. They seemed like they really knew what they were doing. So, I also have done QA testing in the past, so I knew that I could do that part of it which really takes a lot of hours to do. So, I just went ahead in, and I wrote the software specs for it, and I submitted it and got an estimate.

,oney seemed not terrible or anything, so I just went ahead. Now, do you have to have this experience to go out and do an app, or would you say that just sort of gave you a leg up over the competition?

Jackie Beck: It would just be a benefit to you. You can test your app without that experience because you would know what it is supposed to. It probably helps to have that background. Otherwise, you could outsource that part too if you wanted. Okay, so you got some referrals for some developers. Were these just local developer friends of his? Were they someone through an online service? Where were these developers at? Jackie Beck: You know, I am not actually sure how he came across them in the first place, but they are in Russia.

Philip Taylor: Oh really. So, they just knew the software application or whatever that needed to be done to get this going? You just had the concept? Philip Taylor: So what was the concept?

Talk about the pay ho debt app. I think I know, I think I get it, and most of our readers probably understand how paying ma,e debt works, but maybe just talk about the concept that you had initially. Jackie Beck: It is basically just a debt snowball, so you can input your debts, you know input the interest rate, amount, and your payment. You can tto input an additional amount if you have extra to apply to your debt, and then you can organize it either using basically the Dave Ramsey method where you put it from the lowest balance to the highest, apo you can organize it by interest rate.

You can also organize it in custom order. That sounds like a great app, and it sounds like you were meeting a need at the time. It sounds like you still are. You got a great name, the Pay Off Debt App. Philip Taylor: Not necessarily coding but how to go from idea to hiring qn coder to testing mqke to submitting it to iTunes or whatever those steps are. Philip Taylor: Sort of map it out a the different pages, the different iphome of the application. Jackie Beck: Actually, next you would write it out in word format so that you describe.

So you have to pay these iphlne up front? What kind ipjone investment is that up front? Obviously we are talking about wanting to make some money off this app. It sounds like there yow an how to make an iphone app to make money investment, so what type of investment are we aop about here? Jackie Beck: Well, I actually do have a free version. Yes, there is an investment. It is going to depend on how complex your app is.

Every person has a different rate. They usually have an hourly rate. Well, what gave you the confidence that this was worth pursuing, that you could see this through and do something with it? Jackie Hoq I just go with my gut for the most.

I saw a few people complaining which made me feel like there was a need for it.

Can You Make Money With Apps?

Are you curious about how to make a living online? There are many other ways to generate passive income online. Right from your iPhone. If you spend an hour or two on social media each day, divert that time to doing something more productive on your iPhone.

Purchasing something in-app vs a mobile site

There are a couple of ways you can go ahead with. Surveys and data information apps have the best hourly rate. But you can also make money by selling your iPhone photos or go on gigs and even survey offline locations to make money. SB Answer is the specialized app for surveys and polls from the app makers of the popular Swagbucks app. Surveys are the best part of the SB Answer app and they are one of the highest paying in the industry. Each survey takes about minutes to complete, and it pays around 75 SB. You can also share personal details and participate in daily polls to make more SB points. The value of SB in terms of the currency depends on what Gift Card you are choosing.


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