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Kingdom new lands hunter makes no money

kingdom new lands hunter makes no money

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Kingdom: New Lands Hunrer Page. Global Achievements. Elum View Profile View Posts. I don’t seem to be able to get money anywhere except the merchant. This feels unbalanced or bugged.

Perfect Defence Combo

Kingdom is not an easy game. But some working strategies may not be clear, so here are some of the more effective ones. They can take your crown in a real hurry, no matter how great your base is. In the early game, cash is rare, so it can feel like Kingdom is about saving and spending wisely. But once you start building farms, money becomes far less of an issue. Instead, find nearly neutral camps in the forest and build your population. Also, if your people get attacked, they can revert to neutral and wander off — try to reclaim them before they go. Expanding too fast gets rid of the neutral camps — they need to have trees on both sides — with no way to get more population other than ranging further and further into the woods. Build up instead of out while you get your people set up. But how do you know when to expand? By far the most important item to craft in the early game are bows. Archers will kill wildlife to get more gold and fill in any watchtowers you build.

Working with your Merchant and Banker

Keep replenishing them, too — you always want free archers around. The most efficient method of building your item stocks is to find the merchant. But outside of that, the earth mounts and rock outcropping that turn into defenses are randomized, so it can be tough to find a good setup. The A. So you can have a perfect defensive setup in one location. These are shields, which citizens who become knights pick up, and they then recruit a few archers to form little armies. This sounds great, but it has some caveats. As such, building an army too early — or rebuilding it after a difficult defeat — can severely hamper your defenses and infrastructure. During the daytime, your armies will move out beyond the walls, under a banner. Whether they succeed or not, this results in a massive demon invasion that will almost certainly kill them all, and likely do major damage to your defenses.

Perfect Defence Combo

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Kingdom: New Lands Store Page. Global Achievements. So if you have no money and no people, you can still ride around but can’t do anything if you’ve already collected all chests, is there any way to make money on your own or at that point is the game in a failure state with nothing to do? Showing 1 — 2 of 2 comments. Hurodrik View Profile View Posts. If you still have at least one coin and the merchant, you could be able to turn it around, but it would be hard. Ydyp View Profile View Posts.

He’ll keep the money he brought with him and will only release it the next dawn. After a natural blood moon you will have one night afterwards monster free, so use this time well. The idle, unladen Merchant who is waiting to be paid stands to the right of the kingdom’s central campfire, until the town hall is upgraded to a stone keep. If he is sent to resupply too late in the day, and he can’t get back to the town, completely finishing his travel before dawn, he won’t give the money and won’t accept a new journey this day. So be sure to bulk up on defenses and recruit extra archers, before a blood moon starts. Sign In Don’t have an account? Be careful when destroying portals. When he’s paid four coins, he returns to the center of town and delivers up to four tools of a single type, chosen randomly, no matter the town’s side he’s coming from. The Merchant does not have a campsite, and he instead wanders around with his donkey deep in the woods. Kingdom: Classic — The Monarch can depend on daily income from the tax chest until later in the game. Note: Always remember to pay the Merchant 1 coin every morning. He will not be attacked by the Greed and ignores them. Start a Wiki.

For example, a greedling can apply one point of damage each time they bump against someone, making them lose one coin per hit. Two: fields provide an area for your Horse to eat grass and regain its stamina. So be sure to bulk up on defenses and recruit extra archers, before a blood moon starts. Note: Always remember to pay the Merchant 1 coin every morning. He’ll keep the money he brought with him and will only release it the next dawn. As he only releases his riches the day he sees its dawn from the city, if he’s not in town at this precise moment, he’ll wait the next sunrise. This might give to some players the impression that he was robbed by the greed. The idle, unladen Merchant who is waiting to be paid stands to the right of the kingdom’s central campfire, until the town hall is upgraded to a stone. Sign In Don’t have an account? After receiving too many blows your Knight will drop a coin. This is the Banker. However, if the kingdom borders are expanded without cutting the two trees, the Merchant settlement will remain as a patch of forest in the kingdom. Large fields are powerful and can push the time needed to get to the next island. The only thing to cause this wall to fall is a small amount of Archers.


Various kinds of animals exist to form the wildlife in Kingdom and hunting them serves as the primary source of stable income in the early game and afterwards, if labds. Only free-roaming archers can hunt animals. Archers stationed in towers and those accompanying knights will ignore animals. Hunting becomes more difficult as a kingdom grows and wild lands disappear, although the practice can be continued by creating space for open fields outside the walls.

Working with your Merchant and Banker

The bear hunting a rabbit. Rabbits are the first source of income that the Monarch will encounter. They emerge from patches of tall grass, also known as rabbit bushes, ignoring the Monarch and the hunters while hopping around in the grass. They take only one hit to kill and will drop a single coin upon death. Idle archers will approach and aim mxkes nearby rabbits during the day while all archers ignore rabbits at night-time. Rabbits bushes appear in large patches of grass, known as plain. More bushes can appear by extending grass patches by cutting trees. However, rabbit bushes will disappear if a building is constructed near. Additionally, in New Lands and Two Crowns rabbit bushes disappear if they become located inside the Kingdom borders, as walls are expanded. There is also a limited number of rabbits per land.


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