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What is the easiest way to make money in dofus

what is the easiest way to make money in dofus

Can’t attend? Google Calendar. Here I will tell you how to make lots of Dofus Touch Kamas in the game. There is referred to as a thing you really should remember that should you wish to possess enjoyment playing DOFUS Touch, you have to personal satisfactory Dofus Touch Kamas as much of it as possible. Not obtaining Dofus Touch Kamas, you cannot buy the appropriate weapons as well as other gear, which makes you weak and more possible to lose out to other DOFUS Touch players. One of the ideal methods to acquire cheap Dofus Touch Kamas in the shortest time is level up gathering professions. The other way, you can retain your items on Marketplace, using an addition concerning the marketplace price, then you definitely can buy product for low price and sell them for increased price. The gathering professions could not be left inside your action. Two on the gathering professions are the necessity for you. Mining and farming could be your ideal choice should you wish to earn more Dofus Touch Kamas. You really should proceed fast. This what is the easiest way to make money in dofus possibly be probably the most very important information.

It’s obviously that the most difficult thing to do in Dofus Touch as someone just starting out is choosing a profession and making money. Unless you’re a paying player, these are the professions we strongly urge you not to take up: Mining and Tailoring. Both can be immensely profitable, but are like pulling teeth until you get to a decent level. Under these criteria, Alchemist is pretty nice for a newcomer, though farming is a close second. Alchemy is a good profession to start with, then you can harvest all your mats and make potions, its immediate and you can make some good potions. Being able to heal yourself early is a real advantage for low level players. Don’t have to waste levelling time on resting, and you can make a little kama by selling healing potions or recalls. Not a bad way to start the game as you’re pretty self-sufficient almost immediately. Just pay attention you will have a large geography of mats on higher levels, so you’ll use zaaps a bit money-consuming. Alchemist and Farmer are very easy to do around Astrub because most resources are available there. Even the highest level, subscriber Alchemists still come to Astrub for most of their regular ingredients, and for Farmers Astrub Fields is one of the three largest cereal areas the fields south of Bonta and the Ingalsses’ Fields in Amakna being the other two. Ash and Chestnut are plentiful in Astrub Forest.

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There’s a bit of competition for walnut, but it’s still one of the better areas for that. And kk per units of wood is a very nice income for low-level players.

what is the easiest way to make money in dofus

A lot of people have repeatedly been asking about how to make kamas in the shortest time possible and there has been plenty of contributions from rest of the population. I will attempt to summarize all the suggestions so that new players can choose whichever route they prefer. Credit, of course goes to everyone who has contributed in this forum. First of all, there is no quick and easy way to earn kamas. Everyone works hard and because the economy is run mostly by the community mostly, real human users , the law of economics function just like in the real world. I will list them in order of progression of level.

Its a possibility. Edited by Dovahsebrom , August 25, Each of the Paragons open a portal wherein you can find a sizeable amount of gold. How do you make fast money on the game Dofus? Reply Preview. Sky Above,Voice Within wrote: I am pretty sure the daggers exploit was patched some time ago. Quote More History. In general, Solstheim is just an easy place to make money. The easiest way to make money is to identify a skill that you possess. If you bring them to Urag gro-Shub in the College of Winterhold’s Arcanaeum, he will pay you gold for each one as well as give you the translated versions for free. Step two: Pick flowers, berries, and other plants while walking to Whiterun make sure to get at least 50 of two different types. Asked in Video Games How do you log on to dofus and start playing if your already a member and downloaded the game? Bounties from the Jarls net only about gold.

Dovahsebrom wrote: Sky Above,Voice Within wrote: I am pretty sure the daggers exploit was patched some time ago. Quote More History. Then sell it all then kill the people you sold it to and sell it to some other people. The Alchemist, Poisoner, and Physician perks are very useful. Step four: Each of these cities has an alchemist’s shop run by a lovely lady poisoner. Asked in Video Games How do you make dofus kamas? This not only the most honest way i can think of, the best way you will ever. Skilling — such as woodcutting, fishing, or farming can make a decent amount of money. You’d better start an other project.

I downloaded a mod which adds a home to buy that costs 40 gold, i have about 15 now and i want to know what the best way to earn the remaining gold is? Go on youtube and look for Kajiit merchant chests.

There are three: One near the Iron-Breaker mine in Dawnstar, one in Markarth behind the wall beside the bridge heading straight out of town, and one just outside Solitude hard to. These chests don’t count as stealing, and you can always find good stuff. There’s gold in here and stuff to sell. Dungeon delving works well, as drauger usually drop gold and gems, so it can add up pretty quickly.

Bandit raids. Forsworn, not so. Bounties from the Jarls net only about gold. Joining the Dark Brotherhood will get you 20, gold; destroying them they are an easy kill. Mining, chopping wood, and harvesting wheat and veggies will get you some gold. Not much, but it adds up. Then sell it all then kill the people you sold it to and sell it to some other people.

Some dude said that smithing now levels accordingly with the rank of the items,so no more iron daggers being equal to iron armour. Yeah, that’s right.

See here for. Oh, and Sky Above, I just realized where you got your name Arngeirlol. See Stones of Barenziah. After this, using Prowler’s Profit, you can gather and accumulate massive amounts of gems, Flawless SapphiresEmeraldsFlawless Diamonds. You will then sell off all of these valuable gems to your fences, netting you gold each time.

Through the use of Invester perk in Speech skill, of course. I thought it was rather obvious what is name ment, maybe it is just because my name is based off of a Greybeard quote aswell. Then why don’t you use the console? You asked what was the easiest and most efficient way to earn money,and the answer is the console! Adding to this, at Halted Stream Camp there is a spell tome for Transmute, which will turn your iron ore into silver ore and your silver ore into gold ore.

Buy all the iron and silver ore you can get, transmute it increasing alterationsmith it into jewelry increasing smithing by a lot since it has a high valueenchant it increasing enchantingand then sell it increasing speech. Plus, the maximum value jewelry you can possibly make in the game is worth Gold, the Gold Diamond Necklace. It’s better to just sell flawless gems on it’s own rather than taking the time to fuse it with chunks of Gold Ore. And, not trying to be up myself here but, my method is far better than what you suggested.

What you said is far too time consuming. Just sayin’. All these are good ideas but I say dupe some dragon armor, improve it, enchant it, which is how I put dragon armor on my followers and prowlers profit, plus the fences.

Supposing a good Dragonplate armor that has been improved is worth about base what is the easiest way to make money in dofus, that makes a ton. And I deleted them off of Xbox Its a possibility. You have to do something with the system cache or. Have a follower with you and steed stone so that you can carry more, than go to a dwemer ruin and collect all the junk, melt it into ignots then smith bows and sell.

Its not the easiest way but you could join the Thieves Guild then collect all of the Stones of Barenziah and the Crown of Barenziah and have Vex appraise it. Then after you do that you find much better loot throughout the game in dungeons and. Although, killing anything that has expensive stuff, like thalmor patrols and selling their gear is pretty fast.

The easiest is still do dawnstar, search the Khajit merchant chest, wait 2 days, talk to the merchant to reset the chest, search the chest and rinse and repeat. You might even be lucky and get a huge sum by killing dragons that always attack dawmstar, worth about. That does work well but if you prefer to not exploit glitches for it makes the game boring I reccomend the Stones of Barenziah. Prowler’s Profit is by far the best, also if you have Dragonborn you can go chat to Glover Mallory on Solstheim to get his Letter and give it to Sapphire to get a Exquisite Sapphire which is worth gold and the letter respawns, along with a shed load of other valuble stuff but flooding the black market with high quality thieving gear is probably not good for business Of course these require that you join the Thieves Guild if your not into crime or murder a good way is to find a valuble enchantment that has no link to the class of soul gem used e.

Buy or find a bunch of iron daggers and petty soul gems. The dagger will now be worth gold, giving you a profit of gold assuming you spent 10 on the dagger and 10 on the soul gem. Brew potions made from Taproot and Dwemer Oil. These both have the same four effects, making for a very valuable potion. It’s surprisingly valuable. I say doing quests for people, just little things like clearing dungeons for them and all that could get you a lot of money.

It adds up. Do the Break of Dawn quest for Meridia. Each corpse has between gold on them and there are a LOT of corpses. Become the ultimate slave of skyrim and literally do every odd job the npcs have to offer they normally reward you with or more gold.

Dark Brotherhood radiant quests after the main quest which gets you 20, on its own, plus the jobs from Nazir yield 1, gold per kill at a mid level. Of course, if you don’t want to be an assassin, then this is not an option. Dungeon crawls, get the loot at the end, smith it as far as you can and enchant it, then sell. Looting Dwemer dungeons is especially lucrative if you can make Dwarven armor and weapons.

If you also have Dragonborn doing the Deathbrand quest nets some unique armour badass swords and around gold, gems and loot from the treasure room. Downside is a pretty tough fight at the end. Step two: Pick flowers, berries, and other plants while walking to Whiterun make sure to get at least 50 of two different types.

Make sure to collect body armor, and anything valuable, off of anyone who attacks you. Step three: Sell everything except the ingredients and weapon you are using.

If you’re not already at Whiterun fast travel. Pay the carriage to take you to Solitude. Step four: Each of these cities has an alchemist’s shop run by a lovely lady poisoner. You now start making potions.

Sell the products of your work to the shop’s owner and use the money to buy more ingredients, but keep them cheap at. Keep doing this while fast traveling between the holds to refresh the shop’s inventories and gold.

The Alchemist, Poisoner, and Physician perks are very useful. If you run out of money go to step. To fix this just go walking. Yes, it is just that easy. Once you have a small pile of plants fast travel back to the holds and start. As an extra hint watch for how much the potions you make are worth.

Eventually, potions worth more than 1, should be a norm for you. Y ou can easily make enough gold to buy their whole inventory. Note that they may have less gold than one your potions is worth. Just sell it anyway and get all the gold they. I’m sitting at around 57, gold in my inventory and will probably pop the Gold Touch achievement when I feel like it. I just made a crapload of Daedric and Dragonbone weapons, sold them, raided the hidden Kajhiit and Eorland chests, and found the hidden treasure from the Dawnstar Sanctuary torture victims.

Sadly, i still have only 16, septims and i made my smithing skill legendary, and everyone keeps running out of money. Luckily, i have my wife for septims a day, but it will take quite a while before i can buy Proudspire Manor.

I regret buying Honeyside. I am now going to spam the Dark Brotherhood Forever quests i have a dragonbone bow that has 96 damage and chaos damage enchantment, so it will be easy. Sign In Don’t have an account? Start a Wiki. The rich text editor does not work with JavaScript switched off. Please either enable it in your browser options, or visit your preferences to switch to the old MediaWiki editor.

Follow 0 Kudos. What is the easiest and most efficient way to make money? Loading editor. Quote More History. Save changes Preview Cancel. Sky Above,Voice Within. Console commands Hope this helps. This is the straight game BTW.

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