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Why does crab fishing make so much money

why does crab fishing make so much money

Alaskan king crab fishing is carried out during the fall months mony the waters off the coast of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. The commercial harvest is performed during a very short season, and the catch is shipped worldwide. Large numbers of king mucj are also caught in Russian and international waters. Alaskan crab fishing is very dangerous, and the fatality rate among the fishermen is about 80 times the fatality rate of the average worker. It is suggested that, on average, one crab fisherman dies weekly during the seasons. In Alaska, three species of king crab are caught commercially: the red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticusfound in Bristol BayNorton Soundand the Kodiak Archipelagoblue king crab Paralithodes platypusSt. The red king crab is the most prized of the kake for its meat. A fourth variety of king crabthe scarlet king crab Lithodes couesiis too small and rare to be commercially viable, even though its meat is considered sweet and tasty.

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Faced with danger every day, crab fisherman sails the seas to hunt for crab. Using special pots that weigh as much as pounds, crab fisherman work hard in a short period of time. Most crab boats carry crab pots and work during a four-month season. The work environment can be peaceful during ideal weather conditions, but can be life threatening during large storms or in violent seas. Teamwork, attention to detail and an understanding of safety at sea is essential to this career field. Unwieldy Crab pots must be filled with bait and then dropped into the ocean. Since each pot is heavy, teamwork is essential. One misstep and the results can be catastrophic. The pots are left for two days and then pulled to the deck. Accidents are common on a crab boat. Imagine several pound pots dangling overhead as the crew works together to bring in their load. Crab fisherman must be vigilant about crew maneuvers to ensure that everyone remains safe.

Education Requirements

In addition to dropping and lifting crab pots, crab fisherman maintain the boat, chip away ice on the boat deck, cook meals, and check over the equipment. Strong communication skills, physical strength and the ability to solve problems are essential skills for a crab fisherman. Requirements vary by state, so check with the fish and wildlife conservation commission in your state. Previous experience with commercial fishing, or even as a deck hand, is a plus. Serving as a captain requires even more qualifications. Coast Guard licensure, first aid and CPR certification. Special equipment needed by a crab fisherman includes warm boots, gloves, waterproof boots, sleeping bag and wrist guards. Earning money from crab fishing isn’t easy. A crab fisherman must endure cold weather, heavy rain and volatile seas. Most work days start at a.

Risk Versus Reward

A greenhorn is the lowest man on the totem pole on a crab boat. He or she works for a season or two on the deck, helping the deckhands and performing the grunt work. We’ll cover those grunt work tasks in more detail in the next section. What’s the payoff? A successful crab boat can bring in nearly a million dollars in one trip. It’s that promise of quick cash that lures many greenhorns into the crabbing lifestyle. But it takes a while to earn those spoils.

How to Become a Greenhorn

It’s no longer the deadliest job in America. You can make enough money in three months to live in comfort the rest of the year. Experienced crab fishermen will tell you that you’ll either fall in love with or run like hell from this dirty, freezing endurance contest called crab fishing. On a good day, you might make the equivalent of a first-year CEO’s salary, although you do have to split that with the rest of the crew. You don’t get an actual salary, either. You get a share of the catch, based on your experience and effort. Potential profits from crab fishing depended on the derby system until

Millennials squeezed out of buying a home. Florida python hunters wrestle invasive snakes. Securing a position as a crabber is competitive. Related: Best Places: Where the jobs are. Get your answers by asking now. Pay for crabbers hinges on the daily yield and market prices. With the longer season, crabs come to market more gradually and pricing is more consistent.

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Skip to main content. Trending News. When the king crab season ends, Campbell goes after snow crabs, a less lucrative catch but still worth the effort. Securing a position as a crabber is competitive. Your car is a giant computer — and it can be hacked. These guys MUST be cashing. Greenhorns are generally not welcome, but seasoned crabbers who are licensed have the potential to secure a job as a Master Licensed Crabber. Most also work the spring snow crab fishery as well and many crabbers clear six figures for the year. Females, which are also illegal to take, also died in the rush to empty the traps. Available jobs for crabbers are expected to grow by 11 percent. When the weather is beautiful and the seas are calm, the work environment is priceless. Commercial fishing has long topped the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ list of jobs with the most fatalities — and crabbing in the Alaskan waters is by far the most lethal form of fishing. Inthe season for Bristol Bay red king crab lasted just three days before the quota was reached, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Even in a survival suit, designed to provide insulation from cold water, death can why does crab fishing make so much money before help arrives.

«Deadliest Catch» Captain: Made $2.5 million in 11 days

Commercial fishing has long topped the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ list of jobs with the most fatalities — and crabbing in the Alaskan waters is by far the most lethal form of fishing. Thanks to new government rules, there has been only one death in the Alaskan crab fishery in the past six years — a significant improvement from the s crwb saw an average of 7. The industry, which was made famous by the Discovery show «Deadliest Catch,» no longer engages in «fishing derbies» where fishermen rush to fill their quotas in a few scant days. Others pushed their crews to work too long. During the derbies, some boats could pull in hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of crab — half their annual wage — in why does crab fishing make so much money few days, while latecomers could come out with.

That’s quite an investment. What would I have to do every day?

Everyone fished as fast as they could until the quota for the entire fleet was reached. Most crabbing takes place in the unforgiving Bering Sea. Ice can coat boat decks, pound cages being winched aboard can lurch and sweep workers overboard. Even in a survival suit, designed to provide insulation from cold water, death can come before help arrives. But ina new catch-share also called a quota-share system was put in place by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and the State of Alaska, which co-manage the fishery. Each wuy received its own quota to fill during the three-month season. The voes can be bought, sold and even leased, so crab captains are able to acquire the shares of other boats. With so many captains buying up other crabbers’ quotas, the number of crab boats has shrunk to just over 60 from more than at its peak and the boats now are mostly bigger — and safer. Crabbers don’t have to go out during storms or work on little-to-no sleep. If there’s umch storm or a mechanical problem, the catch waits. Inthe season for Bristol Bay red king crab lasted just three days before the quota was reached, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


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