By Mike Fleming Jr. PT with Sony moneg Sony Pictures spent much of yesterday putting its perspective on the prospective loss of Kevin Feige from future Spider-Man films. First the studio downplayed the idea he might be leaving; then insiders pinned his exit on added responsibilities from the Fox acquisition of the X-Men franchise, though they declined to make a statement. Sony declined to meet those makd or even counter with anything worth considering. It was an aggressive stance by Disney, which already owns the merchandise on Spider-Man, and a tough nut for Sony to swallow, giving up half of its most valuable franchise. But these talks had been going on for some time. Sony issued a statement late in the sipderman, not denying anything Deadline revealed yesterday, but reiterating its stance that Feige was too busy. Deadline stands squarely behind its reporting. How important is Feige to the future of this franchise? Sony is planning two more installments, though it is an open question whether those will spidreman Jon Watts, director of the first two films guided creatively by Feige. Kevin is terrific and we are grateful for his help and guidance and appreciate the path he has helped put us on, which we will continue.
After Deadline reported on Tuesday that Sony and Disney were unable to come to an agreement over Spider-Man’s movie appearances, Sony released a statement blaming Disney. A Sony spokesperson said that it was the Mouse House’s decision for Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige to not be involved with future movies. A source familiar with the negotiations told Business Insider that the Deadline report was accurate. But how did we get here? Spider-Man’s big-screen journey has been a roller coaster, and this is just the latest in a series of headaches. To understand the current tug-of-war between Sony and Disney, you need to understand how the arrangement arose in the first place. Sony has owned the film rights to Spider-Man and related Marvel Comics characters since , and can keep them if it releases a new «Spider-Man» movie every five years and nine months. But «Spider-Man 3» left a bad taste in people’s mouths. But the sequel was a disappointment critically and commercially. The groundwork was clearly laid out in «The Amazing Spider-Man 2» for a potential «Sinister Six» movie, which would be directed by «Cabin in the Woods» director Drew Goddard and bring together a cast of some of Spider-Man’s most dangerous enemies. That didn’t happen, and then the Sony hack revealed internal communications about «reinvigorating» the «Spider-Man» franchise and potentially having Marvel Studios produce. Sony could no longer ignore pressure to strike a deal with Marvel, from both the public and Marvel itself. Fritz wrote in «The Big Picture» that Feige and other Marvel executives disliked what Sony was doing with Spider-Man and disapproved of rebooting the series.
Disney theme parks are the most popular theme parks on the planet, and Mickey Mouse is making billions.
Sony and Marvel Studios finally struck a deal in Marvel would be able to use Spider-Man in its cinematic universe, while Sony retained distribution rights and creative control. Sony distributed them.
Sony’s big swings — and big misses
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But let’s bring some quotes into the topic to prove the things being said are fact and not fiction or conjecture. So here’s the facts. Feige has said Sony is financing the movie, which means that Sony will make all the box office profits. Meanwhile, Disney and Marvel will actually profit more than Sony because Disney bought the merchandising rights from Sony in We’re excited about the film and expect it will drive significant benefits for Spiderman consumer products,» Iger said via SeekingAlpha. And then in the deal, we purchased Sony Pictures’ participation in Spiderman merchandising This transaction will allow us to control and fully benefit from all Spiderman merchandising activity, while Sony will continue to produce and distribute Spiderman films. We won’t be specific about the economics of this 2-way transaction, but we expect it will drive attractive returns for Disney. The movie may have been hated by critics, most fans and caused Sony to cancel a third movie in a proposed trilogy by director Marc Webb, but merch sales were as high as they have ever been. Now just imagine when Spider-Man shows up in the MCU, under the creative oversight of Feige and his Marvel Studios brain trust, and how much more retail sales that version of Spider-Man can and will make in merch. An easier task to accomplish when Marvel Studios is running the creative side of things. To say Disney enjoyed attractive returns on purchasing the Spider-Man merch rights back from Sony is quite the understatement.
The way the movie industry is going, in six years there will be four movie characters left, and each of them will be rebooted in a new franchise every three movies. All Rights Reserved. Asked in Movies Which Movie had the largest weekend opening ever and how much money did it make? I can’t believe they did this to us! By now you’re probably aware that there’s been a superhero shakeup. Other times, film companies came up with brilliant marketing strategies for their products. This is very good use of it, too. Spoilers ahead if you are one of the 20 people who haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame yet. Tom Holland should play Spider-Man until he is 96 years old. Asked in Movies How much money did the movie Prom make on opening weekend? It’s like the Five-Timers’ Club but instead it’s a club for all the dudes who’ve played Spider-Man and been spurned by studios fighting over the property. The movies in the Toy Story franchise are wonderful stories that connect with audiences of all ages, bring joy to even the most hardened cynic, and make a lot of money in merchandise sales. I have no idea what is going on in this video of people dressed as Spider-Man doing a crazy dance in what looks like a mall but could also be an airport?
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It can be like an Into the Spiderverse thing, but it’s live-action, and instead of multiple Spider-Men in different universes, it’s the same Spider-Man in one terribly annoying universe where studios keep fighting over. Would we have had to endure the emotional toile of the end of Endgame? Harry Potter. I can’t believe they did this to us! He should have been able to go out on his own terms. Honestly, I’m not even sure Sony had enough class to say «Thank you! We’re talking about so much money that could be used to oh, I don’t know, do anything other than fund the 70th Spider-Man movie. It held the record for the highest-opening weekend until it was beaten by Spider-Man the following May.
In a new partnership, Sony keeps Spider-Man movie profits, Disney sells the merchandise
By now you’re probably aware that there’s been a superhero shakeup. Sony and Disney can’t seem to come to a deal about the rights to Spider-Man, and so, after several Spider-Man movies that have been tied directly to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that partnership might be coming to an end.
Will Tom Holland still be our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man? How many more times can we stand to watch Uncle Ben die? Fans everywhere and even a celebrity hint: it’s Ryan Reynolds responded to the controversy the way they know best: by tweeting jokes and making memes.
Here are the best ones. Spoilers ahead if you are one of the 20 people who haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame. Well, this poll pretty much sums up people’s opinions. Sony is generally considered so incredibly stupid to try to take Spider-Man completely away from Disney. They just can’t handle the property on their own! Honestly, I’m not even sure Sony had enough class to say «Thank you!
Of course, we don’t really know how this is all going to go down yet, so remember that caveat when I proceed to get extremely dramatic about all. I don’t know what happens to Sony between the second and third Spider-Man movies, but it’s not good.
It’s like they get sucked through a portal where they become incapable of making a good third installment of a series. Now that Spider-Man might be out of the Marvel universe, he can technically hang with Deadpool or even Venom. I’m just wondering how we get tickets to Ryan Reynolds’ heart You know, Spider-Man is strong, but this might be too big of a problem even for. We need all the Avengers in on this one.
I didn’t even think about this! Would we have had to endure the emotional toile of the end of Endgame? I can’t believe they did this to us! This one got me. Why do any superhero movies that aren’t in the MCU just feel like sad imitations of real superhero movies?
I’m sorry, but it’s true. This compilation of Jonathan Frakes saying, «It never happened,» in different ways over and over again has become a popular meme, and it makes me laugh every single time, no matter how it’s used. This is very good use of it.
Poor Uncle Ben. How many more times will be subjected to the sad tale of his death? I think I speak for literally everyone when I say we are over reboots of Spider-Man. Tom Holland should play Spider-Man until he is 96 years old. This would be funny if it weren’t so possibly true.
The way the movie industry is going, in six years there will be four movie characters left, and each of them will be rebooted in a new franchise every three movies. Well, if this is true, then I am ancient. I remember when Tobey Maguire was Spider-Man. I saw that movie in theaters. I probably saw the second one. Oh, how wrong I. Now this, this is a good idea! It’s also a good reminder that ultimately, none of this matters! We’re talking about so much money that could be used to oh, I don’t know, do anything other than fund the 70th Spider-Man movie.
Listen, I’m here for it. A full-on adorable father figure whose belly might be bulging out of his tight suit but who prioritizes his family and his children. Enough with this high-school superhero crap. SpiderMan fans on their way to storm the Sony studios to save their boy pic. I have no idea what is going on in this video of people dressed as Spider-Man doing a crazy dance in what looks like a mall but could also be an airport? Or a college campus? But that’s besides the point.
I also cannot stop watching it. I didn’t even think about how this could potentially affect the Disney parks attractions! This is a total mess. Thanos knows better than anybody how reality can disappoint us.
Or he did before this Sony thing happened. Man, what I would give for the ability to snap my fingers and make this whole controversy disappear. Sony has managed to ruin three Spider-Mans! I smell an SNL sketch for next season. It’s like the Five-Timers’ Club but instead it’s a club for all the dudes who’ve played Spider-Man and been spurned by studios fighting over the property.
I have an idea. The next Spider-Man movie should star all three of. Tobey, Andrew, and Tom. It can be like an Into the Spiderverse thing, but it’s live-action, and instead of multiple Spider-Men in different universes, it’s the same Spider-Man in one terribly annoying universe where studios keep fighting over. You have to admit that Tom Holland did make a good Spider-Man. And if we’re not going to get any more of him in the suit, that’s kind of a bummer. Especially for him!
He should have been able to go out on his own terms. Good luck, Sony! There’s still time to back out, turn around, and be the hero we need by not being a little baby about Spider-Man. Also, we could also just be done with Spider-Man movies forever! I’d be OK with that.
Potential solutions have also been tossed around, but none of this is as simple as it may. The studios are applying completely different disneg equations to the Spider-Man movie rights. That is why it has been and may continue to be difficult for them to find a place to meet in the middle. Plus, Disney is now willing to share in the cost of making the movies instead of Sony paying for everything like.
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Now, Disney has released all of the biggest team-up movies Marvel Studios mmerch presumably spidermn for the next several years. Disney would undoubtedly love to have Spider-Man back for another team-up, but the value the studio places on that cannot and should not be as high as the value the studio placed on having the character in Phase Three. Disney has to be responsible enough to consider the opportunity cost of making Spider-Man movies for Sony and request a new deal to mitigate it. Marvel Studios is now making three movies per year. What Marvel Studios probably cannot accommodate is a fourth movie on the slate whenever Sony wants to have a Spider-Man solo film. That means Disney would again have to give up one of its three annual Marvel Studios films to Sony, as it did in and To decide the proper level of compensation it wants and needs to receive, Disney must factor in the opportunity cost of not distributing a third Marvel Studios movie in a year that has a Spider-Man solo film. Disney is only being reasonable by ,oney for these new terms. Sony would have a hard time contesting that Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige add oj value di the Spider-Man franchise than Sony has had to pay for, but that does not matter. Sony cannot agree to give Disney a major stake in the Spider-Man solo franchise unless Sony feels like it has no choice. Sony Pictures is fighting for fo life in an era of studio consolidation. The studio has only just started to turn things around after years of reporting losses. The fan and pundit-proposed solution of Disney buying the Spider-Man movie rights back from Sony is not so simple.
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