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How to make safe money eve online

how to make safe money eve online

These forums have been archived and are now read-only. EVE General Discussion. Forum Index. The Greatest Corp in the Universe. This guide assumes that 1. You are new to Eve online. You’re going at it solo.

Passive Income Sources

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Ive heard of people making TONS of money doing this.. Ive been scanning probes for a week new and havent found any gas or relics or anything like that. Showing 1 — 15 of 49 comments. Gas sites are usually in wormholes but like mining except everything is trying to kill you.

Ways to Earn ISK in Eve Online

And rarely in K-Space I guess. Anyway, you really want relic sites. Sell well, cash out well, hack easily. You’ll find more and once with better loot in Nullsec Though the sites depend on the local rats , so either get your cloaking and bubble evasion up or join a Nullsec Alliance Note that TEST Alliance Best Alliance in that regard. Kodokuro View Profile View Posts. Exploration is a matter of luck. Less is better. When — Weekends and peak hours are mostly a bad time to explore. What — There is to many sites and to many info to tell. Site you find get info on google or youtube.

eve online easy way for newbs to make money

You should calculate the cost of production using the price of sell orders. This is a real money maker. This is used to display charts and graphs on articles and the author center. Set up your buy and sell orders and trade away. Let’s start out with passive income sources. Originally Posted by Sunshine.

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My Account. Remember Me? Need an account? Register Now. Recent Blue Posts 15 hours ago. Recent Forum Posts AM. Thread: eve online easy way for newbs to make money. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last Jump to page:. Reply With Quote. Really you don’t need to be rich.

Just go do missions, you’ll make enough money to keep you in decent enough ships that you are skilled enough to pilot. Blow a big amount of money without the skills and you’ll be crying about a pile of space junk really fast. Better to keep your ships cheap and your skills over-powered. Originally Posted by Rukh.

Originally Posted by Khatolic. Like many other areas, you need to have money to make money. Having some money lets you buy a better ship, which will let you run better missions, which brings in better faction standings more money to buy an even better ship, and the cycle continues until you’re making more money. At level 4 missions, the bounties can be up to a few million per kill, plus a few million as a reward. Knock them out quickly maybe with a friendand you’ll be making some nice cash.

You can also make a good chunk of money by running things between major trade hubs — it’s often the case that things are cheaper at Jita than at another trade hub or vice versaand you might be able to take advantage of that hopefully repeatedly and in bulk.

But again, it requires money to make an initial investment, so you’ll have to have some money via missions or other ways. I’ve heard that mining can be very profitable, but again, the most profitable stuff is in dangerous territory and you need a decent ship to pull it off. I’ve also heard that mining is incredibly boring.

Originally Posted by Sunshine. Originally Posted by Zeta Unless your part of a huge corp doing alot of stuff you wont be able to make enough to buy ples’s and play the game so forget about.

Go for a hulk, im only in a retriever and i can make about mill in a min haul of ore. Personally, I have a Tengu that blows through missions really quickly and since I’m lazy has enough perma tank to not worry about taking damage. Tengus cost nearly million though, so that’s probably not an option for you.

My suggestion would be to fit out a Dominix. You won’t be clearing missions at an exceptionally fast speed, but they offer great tank, and drones are very simple to use.

A single decent lvl 4 mission with salvage can net you anywhere between million ISK. Think about that, if you do missions a day you’ll have a PLEX easily! When I first trained battleships, I went with the Caldari Raven, and it was absolutely horrible without good skills. I definitely do not recommend trying to get into a Raven. Last edited by kumduh; at AM. Ok ive always looked at this game and sounds like it takes a lot of time and effort which is something i looking for It’s worth trying at.

There’s a free 14 day trial, or a 21 day if you get a referral from someone with an active account. It has a very steep learning curve, and it’s a very technical game.

By technical I mean it involves lots of drop down menus and learning how to use the interface. It’s not just zooming through space with WASD.

If you’re in the habit of starting a quest in WoW without reading any of the info and just pressing M and going where the map is highlighted, that is a habit you’ll have to break. As sunshine stated, it takes money to make money. As a new player, you don’t have much in the way of isk or training and hence cannot hope to make an appreciable amount of money. But once you’ve got some money either in the form of straight isk, or capital in terms of ships you can start making money faster.

Having better skills helps as. If you’re mining or fighting, it means you do those things more efficiently. Regardless, as a completely brand new player, things are stacked against you. However, for all my completely new friends that I take under my wing, I usually suggest skilling towards the noctis as a pilot who is days old can fly one reasonably. Then pair up with a veteran player or two who are running lvl 4s in high sec and play clean up after.

You can usually make m an hour, assuming you’re efficient about your salvaging and your buddies are killing things at a good rate. For a brand new player, that’s pretty fantastic. Also as some have asked about the game, if you’re thinking about playing you can start your own 14 day trial. If you get an active player to refer you, you get a 21 day trial. If any of yall want me to refer you, just how to make safe money eve online me know.

I’m usually quite helpful as far as advice and learning how to play. Dominix missioning is probably the easiest way to get into Isk making territory. Fortunately if you stick with your Gallente Battleships the Winter Expansion is really boosting the hell out of Hybrid Turrets, both Blasters and Rails.

In the long run a Rail Kronos is going to be a huge Iskmaker. Failing that, turn yourself into a logistics bitch and run Incursion fleets. You need to be on the ball and know what you’re doing, but it’s more ISK than you can shake a stick at. Sports and Fitness mod, Brit with weird sleeping hours. Originally Posted by Fengore. Originally Posted by Zdrasti. All great advice, but I think he’s hoping for a strategy for a trial account.

Steal anything that isn’t nailed. If there are ships outside of stations in high sec just wait till one dies, loot it and port at the station. All times are GMT. The time now is AM. Social Media. Services My Account. Resources Terms of Service. Privacy Policy. All rights reserved. Ads by Fandom.

EVE Online — exploring for riches

It’s a legitimate way to turn EVE into a free-to-play game, but the rising price tag of a day PLEX can make it seem as if only veteran players can afford to do it. New players typically scrape together just a few million ISK by the end of their free trial periodsmaking the million per month required to pay via PLEX seem like a tall order. With the right guidance, a new player can actually pull in over a billion ISK in his first month or two of play and quickly become able to afford a PLEX each month. Farming missions requires a bit of time investment but can pull in million ISK per hour once you’re set szfe, and exploration and salvaging can lead to some unexpected big hauls. There are also plenty of newbie-friendly corps that run group activities, and those who aren’t interested in grinding to their first billion ISK might try their hands at trading or turn to a life of crime.

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It’s all possible in the sandbox. In this week’s EVE EvolvedI give some practical tips on making your first billion Howw, from scraping together the seed capital to buy your first big ship to reliable farming methods and some more underhanded methods. Starting small For your first few weeks in New Eden, you’ll be flying small, cheap ships like frigates and destroyers.


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