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How to make money putting ads on facebook

how to make money putting ads on facebook

Last month we looked at the opportunity that is Facebook paid advertising. We left off with the first step in the conversion process…getting someone to click on your ad. What gives? Why are they on the site in the first place? What are they doing there? The answers to these questions are summed up beautifully in a quote from PPC expert Perry Marshall who said…. This usually involves dangling hhow sort of carrot in front of your target audience.

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One of the commonly posted work-at-home job scams has something to do with getting paid to post ads online. Sometimes these job ads tell you that you can make money from home by posting ads. Read every section of every job description carefully. You want to look for things like a company name, required skills, etc. You know — a typical job description. When there are any links provided, they take you to a website that looks like it belongs to a company or an agency of some sort. Not always, but almost always. You click on the ad.

How To Make Money on Facebook Using Clickbank Offers

You get to the landing page, which is essentially a sales page. However they put it, you have to pay to get it. You make money by posting the same ad you clicked on, and you get paid every time someone pays using your ad. But you have to be extremely careful when looking at any company that wants you to do so. More often than not, a membership or training program should be something that supports you in your work — and not actual the source of your work. Same with starter kits — many direct sales organizations require you to buy a starter kit to get started with the company. A popular example of this would be the Amazon Affiliate program. You can do this via emails, a blog or website, and you can certainly do it by running ads to your affiliate link. You can even sell your affiliate products on Pinterest! There are all kinds of marketing strategies revolving around affiliate marketing, and these are far and away the most legitimate way to make money by posting ads. A bonus: if you get really good at affiliate marketing and setting up ads on one or several platforms, you have a new, wide-open opportunity to start offering that as a service.

1. Create your ad account.

It may not be as easy as you have been told of course, but it can work for you and make you money every single day. It tells you about the many scams out there about this and how you can avoid becoming one of the thousands or even millions losing money in the quest for genuine money making online opportunities that can bring easy cash. If you are not located in the countries allowed , you can’t join and the links won’t even open up for you. I assume you were told you would be able to just spend every day posting ads and then make hundreds or thousands of dollars, right? You can still make money with placing ads. Reading this article will show you the really genuine ways and programs that anyone can use to make money from placing ads. They may lure visitors to their websites to register and buy a starter kit or software. This is a warning sign because most genuine websites will never ask someone to pay for an opportunity to make money!

How to build the perfect Facebook ad.

So, you want to start a blog and make money posting ads? But, before you post another ad on your website—or post your first ad ever—be sure to read through this post to discover the best way to advertise and make money from your brand. They require you to pay a one-time membership fee to get the starter kit and software to begin posting advertisements and getting paid. If you find a company you think is legit, look for online reviews of these companies before joining as even some that are free to join can be scams too. Google AdSense is the most common online advertiser for many businesses and blogs. Even if you own a relatively new website, you can still make money each time a visitor clicks an ad. If you have an established website with at least 25, monthly visitors, Mediavine can help you earn more than your current Google AdSense ads pay. Affiliate marketing can still be more lucrative, but you get paid with posting ads whether or not the visitor makes a purchase or not after clicking the ad. You can place ads anywhere on your site, including the bottom of a blog post in the footer. By joining a focused ad network like GODclick , you can only post Christian ads and family-friendly ads that pay you per click. There are plenty of ad networks to choose from so take a few minutes to do some digging to find a network that you feel comfortable promoting on your site. Another easy way to make money advertising is by publishing sponsored posts. Once your blog increases in domain authority and page authority, you will be contacted by companies that are willing to pay you to advertise on your blog. Before you agree to publish their content, you need to ask yourself a few questions:.

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This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, when you make a purchase. Please, read my affiliate disclaimer for more details. Many people know Facebook as a place for connecting with friends and sharing current events. You can make money on Facebook by selling your services in the Facebook marketplace or share your links in groups and pages.

The most effective way that I have seen is using Facebook ads to promote affiliate offers. The offers can be from any affiliate networkbut we are going to focus on Mlney offers in this post.

I have a guest today. Her name is Dawn-Marie Nesbitt. Dawn has been making money on Facebook by running Facebook ads for the past one year. She will show us step-by-step how to make money on Facebook by promoting Clickbank offers. If you have no problem investing money into an advertising budget then this blog post is for you. There are so many ways that you can make money online. From building your own blog with SEO search engine optimized content to completing surveys to providing a service to clients.

But nothing works faster and provides you with a passive incomethan affiliate marketing using paid traffic. In this blog post, I am showing you how to make money on Facebook using Facebook ads and the affiliate network, Clickbank.

When you think about using Facebook as a traffic source, the one thing that I see affiliates do is to sign up to many Facebook groups and promote their affiliate links in that group.

Of course, you can get away with this, if you are a dedicated member of the group and have provided some type of value in the form of helpful content. But, if you have not built a relationship with its members, why should maek trust your recommendation? Free traffic sources like Facebook groups require you to build a relationship with their members first, and building relationships do take time. A method I like to use to fast track the relationship-building process is to promote affiliate products on a blog post using Facebook ads.

Keep reading and get more insights as I break down this affiliate marketing strategy using paid traffic methods. Please note that some countries are ineligible to sign up. You should check to see if your country is among them by going to the Clickbank website. The post shows you what metrics to consider when selecting affiliate products to promote, how to use those products in your marketing campaigns and some of the best products to promote on Clickbank.

The good thing about this is that you do not need to purchase any of the products to start promoting, but it would be helpful if you had some knowledge about the product. To give you a head start, here are 10 of the best products that I would recommend you to bookmark so you can research them later and potentially promote one, two or all of add. I recommend promoting these products because the product owner provides great affiliate tools to help you with your own marketing, and they have great conversion rates, making them easily convertible with a cold audience.

Any advice I give will be based on my experience promoting these products. What is a cold audience? A cold audience fxcebook marketing involves people who do not know anything about you. Always keep in mind, as you axs out into the Facebook marketplace, your ads will be put before a cold faceobok. It is then up to you as the advertiser to make that puttinh audience warm up to you. There are a couple of ways that I do. The first way I do this, is with a lead generation funnel.

A lead generation funnel helps you to build a list of subscribers that you can promote any product s to. This is a good approach as it allows you to put those leads tacebook an email sequence, nurture them and recommend not only the Clickbank product but also other relevant products.

That content can fcebook aim to solve a problem and then recommend the Clickbank product as a solution to the problem.

You can see more of this product by clicking on this link. TedsWoodworking is a digital product that helps woodworkers find any plan that they can use to build and design a woodwork project. With this information, you can write a blog post that helps woodworkers overcome creative block and find a huge resource for over 16, easily accessible woodworking projects.

Once you have written helpful content that guides the reader on how to overcome a creative block you can then recommend TedsWoodworking digital download as a solution to their problem. If yes, I urge you to write your first post then use my guidelines in the next chapter to send lots of traffic to too post. Doing this will jump-start your Aads affiliate marketing journey. So, I have a lot of experience when it comes to using Facebook ads.

I understand too well how to use Facebook data to analyze the monye of ads and strategies that you can use to generate results. If all this feels new to you, I strongly recommend taking a course to help you learn how to use it the platform with a small budget. Whilst this video shows you how to set up a Facebook ad to drive traffic to a landing page, follow the steps so you can learn how cacebook drive traffic to your blog post.

When you interact with a cold audience they will not buy your product the first time. So the analogy that I always use to help you understand the marketing process, is the dating-marriage analogy. When you meet someone for the first time, do you immediately ask them to marry you? You have to interact with them, get to know them, take them out on dates then after some time you may feel comfortable enough to propose to.

You will unlikely get sales the first time that you show your offer to a person on the Facebook platform. But when you nurture them and engage with them, they can easily warm up to you and the idea of buying your recommended product. This is where retargeting comes into play and you can do that by using retargeting ads to put your offer back in front of those people who viewed your blog post. Once you have set up an ad using the above video tutorial, I strongly recommend that you create your custom audience.

Click on Create Audience, then Custom Audience. You can then simply repeat the process from the video above, to create a retargeting ad using the people from this new audience in your adset. I want you to realize that people buy a product because it solves their problems. So if you have a specific product and can use helpful content to sell that product and keep reminding your prospects about the product, you can achieve sales.

I know I have probably made this easier than it sounds, but please remember that marketing is a skill. It is a learnt process that takes time to master. If you start now and learn this skill you can become a master in no time. I have simply provided you with the beginning steps to enlighten jake about the possibilities that you. Thank you Dawn-Marie for such a detailed post.

I believe that anyone who has been searching for how to make money on Facebook using ClickBank offers has understood the concept is now ready to start making money online. Have you used Facebook ads to make money or know someone who has?

Leave a comment in the comments section. She helps small businesses and new entrepreneurs grow their business online with digital and social media marketing strategies. Aside from work, she loves to travel, has an eye for graphic design and is a major foodie.

You can follow Dawn-Marie on Instagram and Pinterest. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.

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How To MAKE MONEY With Facebook Ads In 2020 (4 Steps)

Which leads people to a lot of confusion about how this stuff really works and how legitimate the whole thing is. Can you really make money posting ads online? Those who do make money online this way, earn from the sales their advertisements generate, not from just placing. Can you get paid to post ads on Facebook, Craigslist or Google? Jow can post ads on social sites like Facebook, puthing sites like Craigslist and search engines like Google. But again, you only earn revenue based on the actions people take after clicking on your ads i. How much money can you make? How much you can earn posting ads depends entirely on the method you choose and how well you execute that method.

Making money on Facebook is usually a multi-step process

I earn 6 figures per year doing just this, but it took me a while to puting to that point. Which companies can you work with?


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