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Elit edangerous best way to make money

elit edangerous best way to make money

This is the subreddit for everything related to Trading in the space trading and combat simulator game Elite: Dangerous. Click here for trading tips! Click here for a route post template! Help Edanterous way to make money early game? Just got the game last week and I’m loving it so far. I’ve been hanging around RES and making credits that way, but it’s quite slow going. I have just sold my DBS and bought a Type 6 to try out trading.

Finding profitable missions

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Elite Dangerous Store Page. Global Achievements. Okay, no exploit stuff here. Obviously anybody lucky enough to get their dirty hands on that easy money is crying because it’s been nerfed. I’m a bit of a noob.

Make money from exploration

Played Elite Dangerous here and there but I’ve never actually done anything decent other than hunting Bounties. Showing 1 — 15 of 31 comments. There is no ‘cookie cutter’ best way to make money imo. Pretty much everything you do in-game generates credits, so try everything, find out what you enjoy the most and do that. I would say trading with all the external tools at your disposal to find good profitable routes. Mooncake View Profile View Posts. Well i am mining in a T10, my base is allied and gives lots of mining missions. I am only mining in metallic ring one jump away. Depends alot on the run but million in hours, just a guess never wrote it down. Originally posted by TheMaster :.

elit edangerous best way to make money

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Best Way To Make Money In Elite Dangero Effective hourly profit is the amount of money you would make in sims 4 quick money an hour if you could continuously use this method. You click to Buy For Check prices here. Ebook pdf. Elite Dangerous Money Making Guide There is a box that allows you to type in a destination. If you find product , Deals.

Using the left-hand Target panel

Originally posted by TheMaster :. Feature Five of the Best: Blocks. Originally posted by Terra Mariana :. To sell your data, head to a station far enough away, and select Universal Cartographics from the Station Services section of the interface. Tiger Baboy. Plus the near by places people say have good missions don’t even have. Meet me by the docks in Lave. Change language. Ally with it and set your turrets to Fire at Will. Log in Register. Spacebaboy said:. I’m a bit of a noob. I have one right now for a 7k LY trip, paying 22 million. You can’t have an Elite game without trading at the core.

Long-Distance Transport Missions

You’ll get very little done in Elite Dangerous without a decent wedge of cash in your pocket, and there are plenty of ways to go about increasing your pile of credits. While it’s true that some professions and endeavours bring better rates of pay than others, it’s still worth familiarising yourself with all of them, as you may be able to do a few together at the same time.

It’s always worth knowing how to expose yourself to bonus credit-making opportunities. The easiest way to get started with making money in Elite Dangerous is to head into a station, open up the Bulletin Boardand see if there are any jobs you can take on in exchange for a little extra cash. Take a look through the mission section of this guide for more details. Exploration is sadly not quite as profitable as we were hoping for in Elite Dangerous, but there are some decent credits to be made if you can’t resist the siren-song of deep space.

There are two stages to exploration in the game. First of all, you discover the very broad details of a system, such as the planets, stars, and asteroid fields within it. Next, you actually scan the individual elements in finer. To get started with the basics of this profession, fit your ship with a Discovery Scanner, then use the maps in-game.

Ideally, you want to find systems with elements that are marked as Unknown. Once you reach the system, activate your Discovery Scanner see our UI introduction for more details in order to log details of all the celestial bodies within approximately LS of mobey current location.

Have a mooch around the system and beet multiple scans if you’re in a particularly large area of space. Once you’ve done this, you’ll see items marked as Unknown in your left-hand cockpit panel.

Next, approach each Unknown celestial body and you’ll see a message in the bottom left-hand of your HUD that says ‘Scanning’.

Edangefous the scan’s finished, you’ll log the details of the object. Note that you don’t have to activate your scanner in order for this process to begin, and how close you need to be to initiate the scan depends on the mass of the object in question. You’ll get a feel for this with practise. To sell your data, head to a station far enough away, and select Edangeroud Cartographics from the Station Services section of the interface.

You can then select the individual bits of exploration data that you wish to sell, but you must be at least 20 or more lightyears from where you sdangerous the data in order to edangerojs your cash. A final note on this introduction to Exploration. If you’re going to make this profession a core part of your Elite Dangerous experience, it’s essential that you get a Fuel Scoop fitted to your ship, so that you can refuel your vessel on the go. Bounty Hunting is a great way edahgerous earning cash, and there’s nothing stopping you from getting started using just the very primitive ship you begin the game.

When you’re bored of shuttling goods around the universe, slap a Kill Edangfrous Scanner on your ship, make your way to any populated system, and then head towards the Nav Beacon that you see marked in your left-hand Navigation cockpit panel.

To be certain of avoiding any unwanted attention from the authorities, use your Galaxy and System maps to locate a system that’s designated as Anarchy. Once there, target a ship and use your Kill Warrant Scanner on it. Now cycle through the left-hand cockpit UI to get to Contacts. If your target has a Bounty on it, you’ll see it marked. In Anarchy systems, you can kill these ships without interference from the police, so finish off your prey, then hand the bounty in by heading to a system associated with the faction that issued the bounty.

You can use your map to find out where to hand these in. A final tip. In your starting ship you should be able to take down Cobras and smaller vessels with a little practise. Don’t bite off besy bigger than this for now. You can’t have an Elite game without trading at the core. In its purest form, you want to find goods for sale at a low price in X system, and take them to Y where they’re in profitable demand. Take a look through our trading tips section which goes into things in more depth.

You won’t get rich quick by mining asteroids in Elite Dangerous, but it is a nice change of pace when you’re bored of fighting and shipping.

First things first, you’ll need to equip your ship with a Refinery, as well as a mining laser or two. It’s also worth expanding your cargo capacity if you can as.

Once you’re equipped, use the System Map to find a belt marked as having Major Reserves. When you’re out in space, head to that asteroid belt and then get close to the rock you want to. You’ll know you’re close enough to the rock when your mining lasers make a noticeable dent on its surface — you have to get much nearer than instinct suggests.

After a bit of lasering you’ll see white objects appear on your radar, each one of which represents a little edanverous of ore. To pick each one up, you need to launch your Cargo Scoop using the Home key by default, then approach the chunk very slowly. The scoop interface to the left of your radar scanner consists of a box with a white outline.

As eljt get closer to the ore, the representation of the ore gets bigger and bigger within that box. Jake objective is to keep that ore within the boundaries at all times, until you get the message that you’ve successfully gobbled it up.

Take it very, very slowly — with a little practise you should grab each rock first time, every time. The next part of our guide explains how to participate in Elite’s illegal activities. Stuck on something else? The rest of our Elite Dangerous guide can be found via the index page. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores.

If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. For more information, go. Jump to comments 4. John is Metabomb’s Editor in Chief, and is responsible for all of the Hearthstone news, features and guides content on the site.

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elit edangerous best way to make money
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