The Credit is the primary currency in World of Warships. Credits can be used to buy unlocked tech tree ships, premium consumables, modules, upgrades, and speed up commander retraining, as well as pay for servicing and resupply after each battle. Players earn credits through battles, shkps, containers, premium shop bundles, or special missions. Base credit income in battles is dependent on performance and may be modified by credit modifiers such as the «Zulu» signal flag and «Ocean Soul» camouflage. Factors such as damage, wowss damage, capture and defense points, and plane kills positively affect credit income in a battle. All premium ships have a besh base credit income rate; some premium ships are better at this than. As premium currency, it can have a considerable impact on one’s gaming experience.
By cyxnide , August 30, in Community Area. Same as in WoT, the ship you enjoy the most, because farming credits is playing with an «working» kind of mindset. Ryuujou before Nerfed. Tier 6: Cheatland. Choose any ship which you are good on at tier 5 for money maker, as tier 6’s repair cost is already high. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. Best non-Premium money making ship? By cyxnide , August 30, in Community Area money ship lelelelelecheatland. Report post 1.
Posted August 30, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. Report post 2. Cleveland, Minekaze currently , St. Report post 3. I’d say Aboa. Report post 4. Hence having fun while farming is the best option. Report post 5. Posted August 30, edited. Report post 6. I will want to try the Tirpitz.
This guide describes World of Warships, the newest game created by Wargaming. It will help you in understanding the basic mechanics of the gameplay and will allow you to control the massive ships from the times of Second World War faster, easier and more effectively. This guide should be useful both for novice players who will find information about the basic elements of the game, such as interface, starting advice and money management, and for intermediate players interested in increasing their knowledge about different warships and game styles. In World of Warships you will have to face the vast waters of the oceans, where countless ships battle each other to conquer the seas. The player commands one of the giant war machines and sets out to aid his team in the fight against the enemy armada. The developers have created several dozen ship models based on genuine 20th century warships. You can also modify and upgrade your warship, which allows for a more tactical approach to the game and gives it more variety. World of Warships is a game focused strictly around its multiplayer mode, the battles, however, can take place in different game modes, e. Recommended: Intel Core i5 3. Minimum: Intel Core 2 Quad Q 2.
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. World of Warships Store Page. Global Achievements. I am poor. I can’t even buy any upgrades for my Fubuki. Which tier is most profitable? At which tier you start losing money while playing? Showing 1 — 7 of 7 comments. TIer 10 is the most draining unless you have perma camo.
Josh Noye August 3, at am. Table of Contents. Fr4Ged August 3, at am. Main article : Naval Base. Phly, have you thought of using the Q and E buttons instead of A and D for your rudder? Players earn credits through battles, campaigns, containers, premium shop bundles, or special missions. How do u get a so high fps? South Carolina. M1garandforthewin August 3, at am. Morgan Robinson August 3, at am. Experience is measured by Experience Points XP. Stronk Soviet ship do not waste money on puny lifeboats! Note that Free XP does not count towards mission objectives or daily containers, unless specifically stated otherwise. Gadjah Mada.
The service cost is a flat fee [8] depending on tier, type, and premium status. Josh Friedman August 3, at am. Main article : Economics. Campaigns, missions, and events may grant additional containers of both standard and special types. Keep up the videos. South Carolina.
I was wondering if you have encountered this problem before and how you fixed it or if you fixed it? Phly, the Furutaka will bounce your 6inch AP rounds and nullify HE damage to the belt if she angles to you.
Good and intense game! Phly, have you thought of using the Q and E buttons instead of A and D for your rudder? The Q and E lock it at half or full, allowing you to focus on your shots and not have to hold down the rudder key. Stronk Soviet ship do not waste money on puny lifeboats! All capitalist pigs will be crushed by stronk Soviet Union! What was that monstrosity of your pronunciation of the Arkansas?
Or am I missing some long standing joke here? Then it transfroms, yes transforms into a battleship spraying water every were and then your logo comes up then gets rammed over by the phly ship!!! Love you Phly!!!!! You need to be on a battleship or a specific cruiser like the Murmansk to have it.
Phly you missed torping Furutaka. Let the horse nerd accusations commence! Wargaming is retarded. Warthunder should add. PT boats have scouting ability, anti submarine and anti ship.
They should have also added anti submarine aircraft to balance submarines. Submarines have limited underwater time and speed. Limited weapon range but highly deadly. Basically a mega Derp. Scumbag arty aircraft Carriers. PT boats on the other hand would be awesome…. I am a noob in world of warships, but I bought the ship as I was having fun and yes… great fun and great money.
Though with German ships being tested already who knows. Your email address will not be published. Best Money Making Ship! JackyCola August 3, at am. Elad Katsir August 3, at am. Muyang Cheng August 3, at am. AlexNguyen August 3, at am. SlicerJen August 3, at am. Ramon Lewis August 3, at am. About time they stop that wall hugging exploit! CouchPotato August 3, at am. Quick, somebody tag Michael Bay. Jesse Clarke August 3, at am. Streamer house hype! Josh Noye August 3, at am. Brendan p August 3, at am.
Can you take out the gearing or the fletcher? Kristopher Parsons August 3, at am. When are you moving to Florida with baron,slickbee and royal???? M1garandforthewin August 3, at am. Alexei Coe August 3, at am. Ryan Edmonds August 3, at am.
Phly, your singing makes American Idol try-outs look like Opera-house performances. Allan McKend August 3, at am. Cindy Wolcott August 3, at am. Eric Schrader August 3, at am. Jokeren August 3, at am.
What kind of recording software are you using to your computer? How do u get a so high fps? Travis Humphreys August 3, at am. Knight Artorias August 3, at am. Wacked August 3, at am. Harry Dewing August 3, at am. Red Fox August 3, at am. Reece Wouters August 3, at am. Keep up the videos. Tank August 3, at am. Fr4Ged August 3, at am.
Phly loves to make people rage about stuff like. TheKippie August 3, at am. ArticExplorer August 3, at am. Russian fleet August 3, at am. Panzer Films August 3, at am. Bill Johnson August 3, at am. How do you use that scope?? What key bind is it? Nathan Peterson August 3, at am. Mateusz Falkowski August 3, at am. Sasa Anakijev August 3, at am. Dimitri Zdrovski August 3, at am. That1 guy August 3, at am. Stephen Shaw Undeadmac August 3, at am. Ace Archangel August 3, at am. Suzumiya Haruhi August 3, at am.
Marc L. August 3, at am. Jack August 3, at am. Omaha on vodka Reply. We know your are moving!! Zach Woodruff August 3, at am. Coffeehound August 3, at am. Srinivasan Mahabhashyam August 3, at am. How do you go into the other scope mode? Rillus August 3, at am. Aparently Its a American ship but. Its a slightly modified Omaha Reply. Smitty Boy August 3, at am.
Josh Friedman August 3, at am. Kuri47 August 3, at am. Phly, please, Akranas? LOL, its Arkansas!!! Beach Ball August 3, at am. Devil’s Den August 3, at am. Yes Reply. Jebidiah Kerman August 3, at am.
Could anyone tell me which ships are the best for making credits? Thanks to all. It has a different credit modifier than other premiums. Otherwise, T8 or 9 premiums you can do well in are the best. Premium cammo and flags also, obviously.
Before anyone else suggests it — obligatory Missouri mention. Other than that, most t tech tree ships that you do well in can also make credits pretty well since their service costs are significantly lower than wows best money making ships and especially t T are great for earning credits with good games, and t8 is even better when facing t10 teams and you perform. In reality, bezt ship you do consistently well in can make credits very easily. If you do mooney well in Helena, it will make tons of credits for you; if you do well in Konigsberg it will make you credits; if you do really well in Kawachi or South Carolina, they can make credits pretty reliably. Of course, those are also adjusted by tier, so if you do equally as well in makinb t5 versus a t7 or 8, the higher tier ship will earn more credits with the same wwos impact on the game. Any of the ships that you find you do the best in. I have ships and I have no idea which one is the best.
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