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How much money can i make with honey bees

how much money can i make with honey bees

One of the perks of hobby beekeeping is that it can generate some income and help pay for. It is also scalable into a small business. The main source of beekeeping mae for most small and medium-sized beekeepers is honey sales. In the United States, the demand for raw, local honey exceeds the supply and beekeepers have no problem selling all the honey that they can produce. The requirements that need to be met before a beekeeper can legally bottle and sell honey varies from state witth state. Some states require a licensed honey house, which can be quite burdensome to moneey small producer. Other states allow beekeepers who less than a certain amount of honey annually to be exempt from the honey hour requirements. In other states, direct producer to consumer sales are exempt from most regulation. Honey sales how much money can i make with honey bees usually regulated by the state department of agriculture.

This is part one in a 3-part series in which we look at things to consider when starting to keep bees. We think the world would be better off if practically everyone kept bees! We also think that you should understand, as much as possible, the tangibles of cost and time. Keep in mind that you could keep bees with no investment, other than hard work and skills for building what you need, and luck in capturing a swarm. Keeping bees with no initial cash outlay can happen, but rarely. For the majority of us, some purchases will be necessary. Here are the assumptions upon which the rest of this article is based:. There are other options—top bar and Warre hives are becoming increasingly popular. Langstroth though, because of its standardized approach and widespread use, is our recommendation for beginners. Each colony of bees requires its own living structure, called a hive.

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That price varies by hive type, quantity discounts, shipping expenses, and options. This investment typically includes all the needed components of a Langstroth hive, such as a top cover, inner cover, bottom board, frames and foundation, although foundation is considered by some as optional. Please give careful consideration to frame versus 8-frame equipment, and hive body size. A hive body is the box into which you put frames and bees. Opting for medium boxes, versus a combination of deep and shallower boxes, has its advantages. Research and talk to other beekeepers about their preferences. Going with all medium equipment means you only have one size to handle for the box, the frames and foundation. Used housing? Unless you know why the equipment is available and how it was used, you may be slowly or quickly killing your honeybee investment by putting them in dangerous equipment. Used equipment may be carrying diseases that killed its previous occupants and left residues that live for years. The equipment, especially drawn wax, may also contain chemicals or a chemical build-up that will negatively impact your bees. Beyond the hive, there are costs in hive preparation.

how much money can i make with honey bees

The Market for Honey

Most of the people I know who keep honey bees do it to make money. Many started out looking for something to do, an activity that would benefit the the garden, help the environment, and provide them with a needed activity. But somewhere along the way they found out that they could make money from keeping bees or from bee products. The home brewers got into beekeeping because they wanted their own honey for home-made beer, mead, fruit drinks and even hard stuff. They wanted to produce their own honey to control the quality of the product, and, in theory, to reduce the cost of one of their raw ingredients. Many profit-focused beekeepers find that a challenge, but it is worth a serious discussion and your consideration in the upcoming year. We have discussed the concept of Two and a Half Hives over the past year or so, and this is a major focus of my latest book, Bee-sentials: A Field Guide. In case you are new to this conversation, I advise new beekeepers to start with two hives during their first year, using package, nucleus, swarm or purchased bees.

How much money can a beekeeper make in a year owning hives? If you have thousands and thousands of hives, you may have to hire a few full time employees. Where are you going to keep the hives? Beeswax can be converted into many different products including candles, soap, and lip balm.

Beekeeping Can Be Profitable

Pollen is worth more than honey in my local market, way. Learn to overwinter nucs, and split like crazy, but not to wtih that they will not mone able to survive. Lets brake it down: hives: Not including initial investment of equipment. It’s not a simple task. The only queens that you should be ordering will go into cwn nucs. Like farming there are good years and bad years But there are good years and bad, and it’s certainly far from the steady income of a regular job. Thanks, Michael. I have just hit that mark this year. There has to be some money in it to stay in business. Humble Bee. Doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the transition from season to season, product to product. If you want to be a commercial beekeeper, learn to cut costs. There is profit to be made, you just have to find it.

BeeFriend Us

Beekeeping has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, and it continues to be a profitable endeavor for many hobbyists and professionals. While honey is the obvious source of income for beekeepers, you might be surprised to learn that there are many other streams of revenue connected to beekeeping. Here are some of the many ways you can make money with bees:. Honey is the most obvious yield from beekeeping and it enjoys a high level of popularity with consumers, making it a highly marketable product.

Each hive of bees can produce anywhere from 20 to 60 pounds of honey on average per year depending on a variety of factors such as geographic location, weather, temperature, pests, local flora, and. Some hives can produce much greater amounts under ideal management conditions.

Beeswax can be converted into many different products including candles, soap, and lip balm. Beeswax prices can vary widely based on the quality and color of the wax. Handmade beeswax-based products have been particularly popular in recent years, both in retail stores and online craft markets such as Etsy. The benefits and need to protect pollinators like bees and other flying insects are drawing the attention of many industries and government organizations like the Environmental Protection Agency.

Bee pollen is usually available at natural food stores, health stores, and some drugstores. Most people have never heard of propolis, a sticky and resinous substance that bees use to seal small gaps in the hive. It is purported to have a variety of medical uses including the treatment of sores, acting as an antioxidant, and boosting immunity.

It is also how much money can i make with honey bees in commercial products like cosmetics, car wax, and chewing gum. Many agricultural producers will pay to have hives temporarily relocated to their fields to provide pollination services.

Hives are generally contracted for service for a period of three to five weeks. Almond crops have the highest demand for commercial pollination, followed by sunflower and canola.

New bee operations always need stock for starting their hives, and established beekeepers may need replacement bees due to swarming or disease. Many beekeepers establish a profitable sideline for their own honey making or pollinating businesses—providing bees and custom-built hives or kits to others in the industry.

Bees can, in fact, be shipped through the U. Postal Service, making for an interesting visit to the post office for a new hobbyist and you can be sure everyone will want to get out of your way when they hear the buzz of that shipping container.

Beekeeping can be a fun and profitable hobby or business venture, and it is fairly affordable to start up. With proper management, a hive can turn a profit relatively quickly, especially if the beekeeper is willing to consider all the potential streams of revenue. Animal Careers Salaries and Benefits. By Mary Hope Kramer. Continue Reading.

Can A Lazy Beekeeper Make $20,000 A Month?

There is a honey rush on, mostly thanks to an explosion in the returns from manuka honey because of its remarkable antibacterial properties. The result is overseas markets are clamouring for our honey and we are struggling to keep up. There is an explosion in the number of beekeepers.

Bee Social

In in the last year or so, beekeeper numbers grew by 70, many of them hobbyists and semi-commercial set-ups. Should you be one too? Bees on your block would be lovely, right? Looking after bees well is complicated, expensive and time-consuming. There is a lot to learn, including all the legal requirements that come with bees. Your bees may still die, or just not prosper. There is an easier way to have bees than to become a beekeeper. Commercial beekeepers always need places for their hives, and there is considerable competition for good apiary sites. This is a basic guide on what to expect when you host the hives of a commercial beekeeper. If you have pip or stone fruit trees, or a large vegetable garden full of cucurbits and other vegetables that produce flowers, then fruit, having hives of eager bees nearby will increase your yields. Bees also pollinate clover, and clover is an excellent nitrogen-fixing plant. By pollinating clover you get the significant value of the how much money can i make with honey bees effect of nitrogen, without having to pay for or spread the fertiliser. To give you an example, NZ Lifestyle Block editor Nadene Hall hosts 10 hives on an unused corner of her north Waikato block and in return receives 12kg of different types of honey in 1kg pots. However, if you are running a commercial proposition, you can expect proper compensation. This can be in a few forms, depending on what your site is like and what the beekeeper is using your site. If you have manuka, you would expect between per cent, depending on the quality of the manuka in the area and the quality of the honey ie, the strength of the manuka honey.


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