Eddie spent 35 years in the automotive business with Honda. You’re a mechanic. You have been working on cars and trucks for a few years and you just don’t seem to be making any more money than last year. You ask yourself, «How can I earn a higher salary? Automotive mechanics dont make good money was shocked to see such low numbers, and I couldn’t help but wonder if someone had made a mistake. I can teach you the principles of being the best auto tech, and also teach you how to earn the highest salary as an automotive technician, but that doesn’t mean you. To earn more than you ever did before, you need to become someone you never were. I’m going to quote some of my mentors in this article because these are people who have embedded in me the philosophies and core values you need to have deep inside of you to be a better you.
Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems: Automotive Technology: Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (Vehicle Maintenance & Repr Nv2)
Please, anyone considering this field, learn from what I have to say. This field is a black hole. The money isn’t there, the UTI commercials are a lie to get you in the door so they can profit from your student loans. I flagged I was there for 50 hours both weeks. I am drowning in student loan debt and tool debt. Customers are stupid blockheads who just look for the cheapest oil change deal that week and never do any needed maintenance. You go for broke. This industry is broken, you will be broken, this isn’t fun like your hobby car, this is hard work, low pay and bullcrap pay systems to make your pay even lower.
I don’t care how much you know or how much you love working on cars, you will be starved out at the beginning stages unless you live at home with mom and dad, no wife, no kids, and they feed you. Don’t learn the hard way like me. I doubt I can afford rent this month. Couldnt agree more, been doing for 12 years and the only thing I have to show for it is a busted back,bad knees, and a severed tendon in my hand. Flat rate is a total joke and should be illegal. I thank god everyday thay I will never have to turn wrenches for a living again! It was a good living in the beginning but as the years have gone by it has steadily gotten worse.
Step 1: Build Relationships
Jobs are ranked according to their ability to offer an elusive mix of factors. Read more about how we rank the best jobs. Average Americans work well into their 60s, so workers might as well have a job that’s enjoyable and a career that’s fulfilling. A job with a low stress level, good work-life balance and solid prospects to improve, get promoted and earn a higher salary would make many employees happy. Here’s how Auto Mechanics job satisfaction is rated in terms of upward mobility, stress level and flexibility. Opportunities for advancements and salary.
The auto mechanic has a physically demanding job, often exposed to extreme temperatures, lifting heavy objects and staying in uncomfortable positions for extended periods. Get a high school diploma. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Now I know that I need to do better in language arts and math.
How to Earn More as an Auto Tech
To learn more about the required experience and certifications, scroll down! Not Helpful 3 Helpful Then, you can start gaining experience as an assistant at a car shop or dealership to get better at finding and fixing a variety of problems. Work mexhanics and ogod of the job’s responsibilities. Not Helpful 7 Helpful Work as an assistant, helper, or trainee. It may take a little longer to get than a certificate and may also cost. Increase your salary with an ASE certification. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Automobile repair. To boost future job prospects — both opportunities and pay — newly hired auto technicians should seek industry certification once they are brought on board. Opportunities for advancements and salary.
Yes, I must agree, the automotive technician job used to automtoive profitable, rewarding and honest years ago. More tools, more training, more complexity and constant pay cuts due to warranty labor rate reductions. The warranty labor rate reductions trickle down to Chiltons, Motors, Mitchells and other flat rate manuals.
They bump up the posted warranty rate and there you have it You used to get a decent percentage of the flat rate. You do the math! Very sad! That’s they only thing that really gets a full service! It is so sad to see what has happened in this business over the years. I really used to love it and loved doing it. I left the business over a year ago at the top of my game, experience, certifications.
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