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How to make money writing for buzzfeed

how to make money writing for buzzfeed

BuzzFeed is a place for you to discover, share, and track everything awesome that is happening on the Internet as soon as it happens. You can post standalone items such as a video or an image, and you can also post lists of stuff — all using the same interface! Doing this part well is essential if you want your post to succeed. Better yet, post lists of things. Here are some examples of awesome lists that you can look at for inspiration. Porn, spam, links to your blog. Our community editors can then choose to promote them to different areas of the site. Timestamps buzzfeed our posts reflect the timezone where the reader is located. Let us know using this form. It only makes them worse. Buuuuut …. Our main badges LOL, Win, Cute, etc are assigned by BuzzFeed algorithms which take the number amke corresponding reactions a post gets, its viral traffic, and editorial merit into account.

Bump up your bank balance before payday. We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. If you can wrap presents, help with a house move, do a bit of weeding or help with errands, then you can be a «tasker». You can sign up at TaskRabbit. If you’ve got a halfway decent camera and a bunch of old photos cluttering up your hard drive then it’s worth offering them to photo agencies like Shutterstock , who put your images on sale and give you a cut. Ignore the naff cliches about «Avon ladies»: becoming a Avon rep can be very lucrative and plenty of men do it too. All you really need is an outgoing personality. Good at knitting? Love to cross stitch? If so, you really need to start getting paid for your handiwork. Create your own Etsy shop and reap the rewards. Rentmyitems helps you rent out anything that could be of interest to someone else, like camping equipment, bikes; even fancy dress costumes. More info at Rent My Items.

Pop Culture

If you’re good at something, why not teach other people to do it too? You can either run a face-to-face class and advertise locally , or post a course on Udemy and generate income every time it’s downloaded. This Amazon service named after an 18th century chess-playing machine posts quick tasks known as HITS that you get paid to carry out. Recent HITS include: «select the correct spelling for these search terms». Sign up at Mechanical Turk.

We send you writing jobs.

BuzzFeed has quickly become one of the most popular websites on the internet, attracting million visits every month. BuzzFeed has also been spending a lot of time on crowdsourcing content within their community section, making it a valuable traffic source to many different websites. In , I spent a lot of time analysing the content within BuzzFeed to get a better understanding of what makes a great article. This involved me crawling a huge set of URLs within BuzzFeed and then pulling in a whole host of different data points for each article. For example, I extracted the headline, the word count, the social shares, the number of paragraphs, the author, the type of post, and much more. Using all of this data enabled me to reach the front page of BuzzFeed on two separate occasions, bringing through over 10, visits to my blog, a ton of social engagement and a few hundred new newsletter subscribers. Like many major content publishers they have a moderation team that works tirelessly to only put forward the very best content for their target audience. You can check out the technical sides of the content analysis process here if you’re interested in carrying out a similar exercise. I’ve analysed 45, articles on BuzzFeed to find out what the key factors of their success are. Find out BuzzFeed’s secrets and apply them within your own campaign.

how to make money writing for buzzfeed

Pop Culture

Whatever that experience is, it should offer insight into an ongoing and relevant cultural conversation for readers. Personal essays can deal with almost any topic; some to think about are money, family, food, religion, sexuality, relationships, disability, illness mental or physical , hormones, race, body image, drugs, travel. What did you learn from your experience? What should we learn? What does it illuminate about humans and the world we live in? Not every personal essay needs to have a tidy ending.

Google Loading It was written is very well. Most of us just starting out have no idea where to even begin. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Advertise your services. Update your blog regularly. This post was created by a member of the BuzzFeed Community. First, ghostwriters are not responsible for publicizing their work — simply fulfill the terms of your writing contract and you’re done. The worldwide recession has resulted in tens of millions of layoffs with many predicting that the layoffs will only continue in the coming years. Always sign a written agreement with your client before undertaking a ghostwriting project.

20 Reasons No Internship Will Ever Be Better Than Interning At BuzzFeed

The predictability mwke establishing an ongoing relationship a weekly guest post, for example may merit accepting a slightly lower pay rate, or monfy might value the opportunity to retain the rights to your material after it is posted. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone can create a post or quiz. Network online and in person. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Be sure to post a link back to your site. Search online resources to find opportunities.

Note: This post has been updated several times. Read to the bottom to get the full story. Within 12 hours the post was up to 1, views. First, some background.

Do you take pitches from freelance writers?

As you may know, I run a digital marketing agency called MWI. You may have seen them when they were featured on Shark Tank. When we get a new client, I try to internalize everything about them, and then I pay attention to random ideas that come into my head. In this case, I was out trail running one day in my backyard in Hong Kong and I was thinking about the U. President with a beard buuzzfeed some time. Then I thought it would be interesting to see what the current crop of wgiting would look like with beards. Then I thought buzzfeec would be a funny blog post to put together some photoshopped images of the candidates with beards. And perhaps we could turn this into some good viral marketing for Beardbrand. Fair enough, and probably wise on their driting. They said sure.


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