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A producer could make more money with a flop

a producer could make more money with a flop

Living… in New York City, barely staying afloat. Other men sail through life, Bialystock has struck a reef. Bloom, I’m going. I’m condemned by a society that demands success when all I can offer is failure. Bloom, I’m reaching out to you. Don’t send me to prison Profession… a washed-up, aging Broadway producer. This led him to realize that a producer could make more money with a flop than a hit. He persuades his accountant Leo Bloom to partner up with him in creating an intentional flop in order to oversell the shares at coukd much higher rate. Since no one will audit the books of a play presumed to have lost money, they plan to take all the investment money and book it to Rio. But a producer could make more money with a flop, they need a flop. Rummaging through the slush ,ore, Leo and Max stumble across what has potential to be the x thing ever written for the stage: Springtime for Hitler: A Gay Romp with Adolf and Eva at Berchtesgaden, written by a real life Nazi.

by Mel Brooks. March, 1967.

Down-on-his-luck theatrical producer Max Bialystock is forced to romance rich old ladies to finance his efforts. When timid accountant Leo Bloom reviews Max’s accounting books, the two hit upon a way to make a fortune by producing a sure-fire flop. The play which is to be their gold mine? Brash and loud Max Bialystock was once a successful Broadway producer who now resorts to wooing and seducing elderly women, each with their own specific sexual peccadillo, to raise enough money for his shows. Leo Bloom, a nervous man prone to hysterics, is the latest person Max’s accounting firm has sent to audit Max’s books. The two decide to join forces to produce a Broadway show after an innocent passing comment by Leo: that a producer can make more money with a flop that closes after one performance than a success as the producer would not have to pay back the investors as the investors have bought into a specific percentage of the show. Thus their goal is to raise as much money as possible to produce a guaranteed flop that closes after one performance. Their first task is to find the worst show ever written, which they believe they have in the offensive «Springtime for Hitler», a musical love story to the famed dictator written by patriotic and deranged Nazi German, Franz Liebkind. Max then goes into overdrive to raise the money from his regular stable of elderly female investors and those of a similar ilk. And they are able to hire who is considered the worst director in the business, Roger De Bris, and miscast the lead role with an actor who goes by his initials, L.

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But with all these pieces to produce a sure-fired flop, have they actually created the perfect storm? Max Bialystock is a washed up Broadway producer. Leo Bloom is a mousy PA public accountant. No one will expect anything back and you can pocket the difference. They need the worst play to do this. They find it in the musical «Springtime for Hitler». Sign In. Edit The Producers Jump to: Summaries 4 Synopsis 1.

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A Max Bialystock who looks like Mel Brooks. A Leo Bloom who sings mellifluously and mewls comically. A curvy Ulla with a sweet smile and a mischievous twinkle. Engeman Theater at Northport? Nothing, really, and there is a lot to enjoy. Stuart Zagnit, who plays Max, is not trying to imitate Mr.

a producer could make more money with a flop

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As in the film, the story concerns two theatrical producers who scheme to get rich by overselling interests in a Broadway flop. Complications arise when the show unexpectedly turns out to be successful. The humor of the show draws on ridiculous accents, caricatures of homosexuals and Nazis , and many show business in-jokes. After 33 previews, the original Broadway production opened at the St.

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You know, I don’t let everybody call me Max. I’m wearing a cardboard belt. You didn’t go all the way. Sign In. We are now entering phase two — the raising of the money. And she was unfaithful to him. De Bris. You didn’t tell me the name of the play. And they are able to hire who is considered the worst director in the business, Roger De Bris, and miscast the lead role with an actor who goes by his initials, L. Is he good

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More info about this movie on IMDb. Screenplays for You — free movie scripts and screenplays. About Links. Can’t produce playees without checkees. Papa no want to play with baby? Come to Papa. I wonder where Floop Tom is tonight? My hand. I can’t turn my hand. I’ll wity it and make it. It’s better. Please, Lambchop, it’s better. You’re hurting it. I mean Excuse me Say ooops and get. There’s one in the apartment just opposite my bedroom window.

Let’s fool. Now, I’ll be the innocent little milk maid and you’ll be the naughty stable boy. I’ll never reach the house. Will someone help me? We can’t play today. I have too many appointments. We’ll play Thursday. We’ll play the Contessa and the chauffeur. Just a little. All right. Watch the road Watch the road. How can I drive when you drive me mad. Pull. That’s. We’ll do the rest on Thursday. I love it. Hold me, touch me.

I’ll see you Thursday. And I’ll play Lucretia. Will Thursday ever come? My angel! Hey, uh Lucretia, Lucretia! Can’t produce a play without money, ha, ha, ha. I must be getting old. I made it out to cash. You didn’t tell me the name of the play. How can you take the last penny out of a man’s pocket? I’m a landlord! Destroy. He maketh a blight on the land. He’s crazy. That hurt. What do you want? Why are you loitering in my hallway?

Speak, dummy, speak! Why don’t you speak? Can’t talk. Get a hold of. Take a deep breath, let it kore slowly and tell me who you are. BLOOM breathes deeply. Words tumble from his mouth as he exhales I’m Leo Bloom, I’m an accountant, I’m from Whitehall and Marks, I was sent here to do your books and I’m terribly sorry I caught you with the old lady. Do you believe in God? Do you believe in gold? Why are you looking up old lady’s dresses?

Bit of a pervert, eh? Never mind. Do the books. They’re in that desk over. Top drawer. I’m having a rhetorical conversation. Max Bialystock. Max Bialystock! The King of Broadway! Six shows running at. Lunch at Delmonico’s. Two pgoducer dollar suits. Look at me. Look at me now! I’m wearing a cardboard belt! Do the books! Thank you. A nake Rolls Royce. That’s it baby, when you got it, flaunt it.

Am I correct in my assumption, you fish-faced enemy of the people? You have fifty-eight seconds. Bialystock, I cannot function under these conditions. A handkerchief? Give me my blue blanket. I don’t like people touching my blue blanket. It’s not important. It’s a minor compulsion. I can deal with it if I want to. It’s just that I’ve had it ever since I was a baby and I find it very comforting. They all come. How do they find me? I’ve discovered a serious error here in the accounts of your last play.

But the show you produced only cost fifty-eight thousand. There’s two thousand dollars unaccounted. The show was a flop.

Here’s What Every Producer Needs To Know To Get Paid — Genius News

It was later adapted by Brooks and Thomas Meehan as a stage musicalwhich itself was adapted into a film. Max Bialystock Zero Mostel was once the toast of Broadwaybut is now an aging, fraudulent, corruptible, and greedy Broadway producer who makke out a hand-to-mouth existence romancing lascivious, wealthy elderly women in exchange for money for his next play. Max persuades Leo to hide the relatively minor fraud, and while shuffling numbers, Leo has a revelation—a producer can make a lot more money with a flop than a hit by overselling shares in the production, because no one will audit the books of a play presumed to have lost money. Max immediately puts this scheme into action. They will oversell shares on a z scale and produce a play that will close on opening night, thus avoiding payouts and leaving a producer could make more money with a flop duo free to flee to Rio de Janeiro with the profits.

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Leo is afraid such a criminal venture will fail and they will go to prison, but Max eventually convinces him that his drab existence is no better than prison. Max and Leo persuade Liebkind to sign over the stage rights, telling him they want to show the world «the Hitler you loved, the Hitler you knew, the Monsy with a song in his heart. Dick Shawnwho had mistakenly wandered into the theater during the casting. At the theatre on opening night, Max tries to insure a truly terrible review by attempting to bribe the critic come to see the. As expected, the man is floop and hurls the proucer Max wrapped around the tickets he gave him at Max’s feet. Max and Leo sneak off to a bar across the street monsy wait for the audience to storm out once they actually see the. The audience, initially horrified, they rise, en mass after the number ends up finding L. Meanwhile, L. He is knocked out and removed from the stage, and the audience assumes that ckuld rant was part of the act. Springtime For Hitler is declared a smash hit, which means that the investors will be expecting a larger financial return than can be paid .


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