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How much money can you make selling things on etsy

how much money can you make selling things on etsy

After 12 years in the online market, Etsy has become the go-to platform for artists all over the world to sell their goods. What I love about Etsy is that it dtsy an easily accessible way to utilize your talents and start a side business at home. But how do you run an Etsy shop? How much time does it take? How much money can you make? To answer these questions, I interviewed 20 shop owners on their experiences. If you have ever wanted to open your koney Etsy shop, or have a shop but want to make things better, read on to learn what it takes from real sellers! Thanks to all the great shop owners who took the time to share their knowledge! Check out links to their shops throughout the post! Etsy, an online marketplace where users can sell handmade and unique goods, vintage items, and crafting supplies. The marketplace has seen incredible growth over how much money can you make selling things on etsy past several years.

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In any other thread you may provide your unlinked username only. This applies to everyone. No witch hunts. No following users between posts. Don’t report every comment a user has made. Spammers will be banned. Do not do this. Then yes it will, if you’re willing to put in the work to learn Etsy best practices and marketing. Start a shop, read the Handbook then come ask us for help. We do not support sellers who are selling unlicensed merchandise.

Making Money Selling Printable Wall Art On Etsy

Please don’t do it. We will report you. The same goes for if you’re using unlicensed copyright or trademarked material. Social Media Swap — Summer Coupon Codes for Redditors — Summer Please put your Etsy username no spaces! This flair can the be used to find your store by going to etsyusername.

how much money can you make selling things on etsy

Reader Interactions


Reader Interactions

I have my own spreadsheet where I keep track of my Etsy business expenses. I need new marketing strategies. Each listing can include 5 photos and lasts 4 months or until the item sells. Thank you for the information. Good luck with all your efforts including being a Mom!!! What about branding or copyrights? Your email address will not be published. You can listen to podcasts on the Apple Podcasts app on your phone, on Spotify, or anywhere else you can listen to podcasts. And I feel that this concept absolutely applies to Etsy!

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Consider investing in Promoted Listing too, which will help you get to the top of search results. But if you keep making better and better artwork, you might find that you can sell more of it more. You could try just moving some of your inventory over and see how it does! You can decide where you are willing to ship. Traffic to the site is very low and as we are around the holiday time we thought it would of been much higher. Hlw I had to do was purchase digital downloads of the right kinds of artwork from artists, create the art in Photoshop, and then cab it printed. Naturally friends and neighbors see his work and want things for themselves, all of which he does for free. Add that to the cost for packaging and shipping. I know I need to update some of my photos! They make selling stuff online thijgs easy. You would need to see if the license is just for personal use or if what you make from the fabric can be sold. We adopted a child tthings and my hou has been on the back burner because I needed to be home with. Starting your own affiliate website really is the holy grail of «making money while you sleep» and earning income from anywhere in the world. Do you sew clothes?

Welcome to Reddit,

When I first heard about Etsy back inthe entrepreneur and the crafter in me got curious. I wanted to try it, just an experiment.

We were grateful for the success of my experiment when my Etsy income fed us during law school. Do you have a handmade specialty? Do you make jewelry? Do you sew clothes? Are you a potter? Are you a carpenter? Do you paint portraits? Whatever your crafty or artsy skills are, there is a way to market it on Etsy. The possibilities really are endless. Sell something that you enjoy creating. If you can figure out how to ship it, then go right ahead and sell it.

Browse Etsy to get your wheels turning. The sky is the limit! You can sell digital creations on Etsy too, so patterns, photography, printables, web design and so many other ideas are fair game. You have complete control over the price of the item and the shipping charges. You can decide where you are willing to ship.

Many handmade items how much money can you make selling things on etsy made-to-order and production times vary, so you can specify in your listing how long it will be before the item is shipped. We will talk about pricing in another post. Right now, just brainstorm all of the possibilities of what you could sell. Continue with the other 4 posts of the Earning on Etsy series where I will talk more about how to do market research, set up your shop, setting prices, marketing, and a whole slew of other tips and hints.

I am writing an ebook full of tips and success stories from some Etsy sellers who have it all figured. Want to hear what successful Etsy sellers did and are doing to grow their shops?

Learn their tips and tricks in my upcoming ebook. Sign up here to be the first to know when it’s released and get a discount! I started to sell Etsy but in a month I just achieve to sell one item. I am selling handmade carver smoking pipe. I am using the best meerschaum in the world, it just comes out Eskisehir and 40 years experienced carver make the pipes, I am using facebook groups as well but I am not successful pls help to find out the reason, I sell the best handmade meerschaum pipes but still fail.

I need new marketing strategies. I am a new visitor to your page. I love how interactive you are! I found you today because I have always wanted and etsy shop, just did not know what to. My husband has always been a wood working enthusiast and does beautiful work. Most of what I have in my home has been made by.

Countertops, kitchen shelving, desks, tables, wine racks…. He has been out of work for 2 months and started making things for me again it has been a.

Naturally friends and neighbors see his work and want things for themselves, all of which he does for free. Then I started googling things similar to what he has made and showed him the potential of his work in an etsy shop. Now the wheels are turning.

We have so many questions. Where to start, how to start, what if someone actually buys something, how will we ship it; etc. I need to finish reading your series but need all the help we can. He wants me to get a shop up and running so he can start making things. Thank you for sharing your expertise! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I just finished my 1st year on Etsy selling organic salve and skin products. Just now running numbers and optimistic.

I still dont have business cards and or have my products up on my own website. Wish me luck! Is it okay to sell jewelries on Etsy that you have not made but you bought them for a good price and would love to resell them? Is that possible? Etsy is just for handmade items, vintage items, and supplies. You could sell on ebay. Howdy very cool website!! So now that I got that out of the way, can I make money as you say people can?

Or is this pretty much just for crafters? Please give me information for making some serious money on selling vintage items that has nothing to do with crafts. This must be fate. I was just talking with a family friend yesterday, and she was telling me that I should use my creative skills to start my own business. Especially, since I am looking to go back to work.

I was just telling her there was a site called Etsy where you can sell products. Years ago, I use to paint on canvas, and decided to try painting with acrylic on fabric. So, I hand painted a sweatshirt. When I would wear the sweatshirt, I would get a lot of people asking me where I purchased it. But, I never really considered trying to parlay it into a business. And… if this could actually become a business. So, I am really excited to hear all your ideas and feedback about selling on Etsy.

Thank you! I love etsy. It has helped me save for our first home, buy a car and bank most of my earnings into savings while my husband covers our base expenses. Stephanie, thanks a lot for this blog and post!! I am really thinking to go into ETSY. My passion is photogrpahy but I would like to give it an exclusive and original touch… I have some ideas on mind!!!

Your posts are helpful and encouraging. I hopefully find you one day in love also with my products! I have had a Etsy shop for about 2 years now with my fiance. The thing is that yes we have had people view our items but never sold anything!

I was so excited when we first made our Etsy shop thinking we would make some money and sell sell sell! If you have any tips please please please let me know as we would love it to work! I have a shop on etsy and thinking about closing.

I think maybe you are selling too many different things. The best items by far are the painted crosses and the Delft inspired tiles. Lots of colours and choice. Your photos are ok but top notch photos really are what sells things to the customer. Think about how food is presented in food magazines and cookery books. I think you could present the items in a much fresher, more professional way. I did a ton of research before opening. In my research, I stumbled across this blog on Pinterest.

I used the information I learned, to help set up my shop. I opened my shop in January of this year, and my shop is far from perfect, but I am very pleased with the amount of sales I am getting. I have had several people approach me about wanting to open a shop and I always refer them to this series. Thank you for taking the time to share this information!! This article is great! I know from personal experience how awesome selling on Etsy is!

I have read your series and have found it extremely helpful. I am wondering though do people start their etsy business on just a hobby they have or a business they have? I make wreaths and have considered starting a shop but right now this is just a hobby. I have done some research as you mention and find numerous etsy businesses for the same thing.

As a creator, Etsy is one of the best places to sell ma,e goods, vintage goods and digital items. The platform has how much money can you make selling things on etsy. If you really want to go pro on this, create or order a prototype to test your product.

About the author

Decide on a name for your shop, and create a custom logo using something like Canva — a free and easier version of Photoshop. A great photo can make a big difference on sales. Consider investing in Promoted Listing too, which will help you get to the top of search results. You aelling avoid the listing fee by signing up for Etsy using this link and get 40 free listings. Note: You must be ready to list your first product when starting an Etsy shop. Here is the Millennial Boss Etsy revenue to-date to give you an idea. I sell printables in the bachelorette party niche. You can research on sites such as CraftCount and HandmadeHunt to see what other sellers are making in various categories. Once you get your shop up and running, use a free tool such as eRank to see how your sales compare to competitors. Take the cost of creating the product including all materials.


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