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In our latest Strategize video, we show you an easy way to make money. It is a simple process that involves repeating the same mission over and over, building your multiplier up until each takedown is netting you many thousands of Speedpoints. Although we show only one spot in the video, this process can be repeated nearly anywhere. The points can roll in, even without an active race. The key component to success is having a Repair Shop near you. You can take on the entire police force, and as your health gets low, you can buzz past the Repair Shop to heal your car. An important thing to remember is that your multiplier is lost when you bank your points, so try to stay out as long as you feel safe. These methods also work best when you are a bit higher in the levels.
Need for Speed: Rivals
Trying this at rank one or two won’t yield the best results, as your Pursuit Tech isn’t very powerful yet, and as a Racer, you will rely on your Pursuit Tech quite heavily. Remember, your car can’t take the same abuse the cops can, so you have to make good use of your available tech to take them down quickly. The cops in NFS: Rivals are pretty vicious. Once they are on you, they will do their absolute best to ruin your day. With that in mind, we decided to give you a few tips for losing them faster. It isn’t told to you directly in the game, so at first you may not realize you can do this. While being pursued, you can go to any Hideout and go inside to immediately lose all the cops.
Need for Speed: Rivals
The below text is a complete guide for Need for Speed Rivals game, helping both in understanding its basic rules, as well as more complicated elements, so achieving further goals will become much easier and more enjoyable. This guide is divided into several main chapters. First chapter offers a number of tips for gamers who start their adventure with this game. Mentioned hints relate to, among other things, efficient navigation, rules in the game world and repairing cars. Next chapters of the guide focus on describing two main gameplay modes : Rival and Cop. In the description of each mentioned mode you can find information on available races and challenges, earning Speedpoints, rules on unlocking playable vehicles and their upgrades and evading or finalizing police pursuits. It is worth mentioning, that the important feature of Need for Speed Rivals is possibility of freely switching between both careers, but of course you can focus your efforts on faster completing only one of them. End chapters of this guide focus on multiplayer game and completing achievements and trophies most difficult ones are described in more detail. Need for Speed: Rivals is the next installment of one of the most popular racing game series, focusing on continuous struggle of road hogs and police trying to get them. Both sides of the «conflict» in order to complete their goals use fast, powerful and modified models of sport cars. The game offers also an open world with a lot of freedom when choosing how to spend a free time. Welcome to Redview County, a gritty open road environment where the intensity of the street’s ultimate rivalry between cops and racers never stops.
need-for-speed-rivals Screenshot
Cops get cars for free while racers have to buy them. In addition, the P2P online play is buggy even directly connections across fast fiber have opponents bouncing around and in different places depending on the player. Boring game with thousand of bugs, useless engine for racing games , minimum innovations and max. I have played through every NFS game and this one is among the good ones. User Info: badmanwilk badmanwilk 6 years ago 5 Just do the Interceptor «High Roller» and destroy the cop quick, then heal up its right next to a garage and restart the event. The game presents an any of new cars with reasonably good handling. Perhaps he received a different version of the game I did.
Achievement Guide for Bigger Points
Review this game. This game looks nice and cars look just fantastic! AllDrive is a useless feature in a «world» that features neeed 6 other real drivers which might be great for console. NFS fan since It’s just like importing NFS14 into the game with the roads changed. This game should be rated minus 10 as PC gamers have been robbed.
Generally unfavorable reviews — based on Ratings. Please sign in or create an moneg before writing a review. Generally favorable reviews — based on 16 Critics. Need for Speed: Rivals PC. Rkvals Score. User score distribution:. Positive: out of Mixed: 99 out of Negative: out of Buy On. Review this game. Your Score. Rate this:. Log in to finish rating Need for Speed: Rivals. Need for Speed: Rivals.
Share this? Check box if your review contains spoilers. Check Spelling. User score Neee date Most helpful view. The PC version. This ,ake not look like a «NextGen» game. Moreover, it’s awfully optimized. No it’s not optimized at all! I can’t play it even with all settings set to «low». For example, I can play Battlefield 4 built on the same Frostbite 3 with all settings set to «medium», and I have 40 fps! Btw, the game provides you gorgeous landscapes, and the world 30 fps lock, lack of graphics options, no AA this game is just awful console port.
Btw, the game provides you gorgeous landscapes, and the world of the game is really big. But I can’t enjoy it with all these freezes and lags! Thank you, EA. When the game starts the first time, you have to listen to all the annoying tutorials, and, what is more annoying, you can’t skip ribals Gameplay is nothing new, just a compilation of HP and MW I’m disappointed.
While the gameplay itself is quite fine nothing special but still playablethe problems are killing all the joys of playing this game. The famous FPS lock is just ridiculous. So everything feels FAR from smooth and I was somewhat expected some smoothness from AAA While the gameplay itself is quite monet nothing special but still playablethe problems are killing all the joys of playing this game.
There are no any anti-aliasing settings in-game, so the game looks extremely jaggy. Constant disconnects makw the host are just killing me. In summary: do anything with the AllDrive system but remove the FPS lock, let me choose better anti-aliasing, do something about host migrations and the score would be in range.
Avoid this game as plague. An extremely poor port from the consoles, with no mouse support, rubbish performance, unskippable and repeating cutscenes, constant crashes and the game seems to be hardcoded for 30 fps, making it impossible to play sleed anything above that without the game going all bonkers. If you are a die-hard NFS fan and still want to try it despite all the issues, just Avoid this game as plague.
Riivals you rivalw a die-hard NFS fan mxke still want to try it despite all the issues, just pirate this title, the public will understand. The game itself would deserve a 5 or 6 if I could play it more than 15 minutes without feeling sppeed sick.
What the hell was on EA mind? This is not an rpg or a puzzle game which can run at 30 fps flawlessly. This is a racing game, and racing games are supposed to be FAST. Also, no AA settings, no mouse control in game, no cut-scenes skip. Just another horrible porting. Broken game, avoid it. Extremely poor console port. The actual graphics are nice as it uses the new Frostbite 3 engine and the driving is solid but for absolutely no reason at all well they did give a reason but rvals does not even make sense they have decided to limit the frame rate to 30 which for any pc gamer this should be and is completely unacceptable both from a visual and a Broken game, avoid it.
The actual graphics are nice as it uses the new Frostbite 3 engine and the driving is solid but for absolutely no reason at all well they did give a reason but it does not even make sense they have decided to limit the frame rate to 30 which for any pc gamer this should be and is completely unacceptable both from a visual and seed gameplay perspective. Reports are that this is hard coded so the possibility of any fix being made available is a gamble I can only recommend that you buy this on PC if your spred would never have been able to play at over 30fps to begin with as underneath it appears there is a good game, for everybody else I suggest you take advantage of Origin’s new refund policy.
Apart from a new map and ferrari it’s basically the same game spesd the previous one Capping the framerate to 30fps on PC is beyond ridiculous! The whole point of a racing game like NFS is playing it at ultra smooth framerates. Once dor PC gamers are being neglected with this pathetic console port. So until EA fixes this my rating will stay Dont buy this game.
Its an insult to gamers and its not a real next gen game. Terribly bad port just like always, EA does not take PC seriously. Graphics are at best ‘nice’, when you’re watching gameplay at 30 framerate, capped. Gameplay itself is a mess, constantly taking control from the player, rivls few customization and car options to unlock. Interface seems I went into this game with a positive outlook in fact, but there’s just so much working against it. Even though it’s nitpicking, that opening cutscene, kinda Graphics are at best ‘nice’, when you’re watching gameplay at 30 framerate, capped.
Rjvals though it’s nitpicking, that opening cutscene, kinda nfed. Also, if you’re interested as to why this game even HAS positive reviews, look at the users’ other reviews they either don’t HAVE any other reviews, or its for some other EA game. We’ve seen this kind of foul play. Hard Capped 30 FPS, PC gamers invest tons of money into their Gaming machines to achieve the highest FPS they could and you cap your game at I not sure if the game it self is any «fun» but its not worth the time and money which is apparent after 5 minuets of gameplay.
I think TotalBiscuit said it best «Avoid like the plague». This game is broken on launch for PC. Capped FPS is 30, if you unlock via console the game speeds up based on the increase. Poor UI design, unskippable cut-scenes, a disgrace and a disaster. The reviews for this game are FAKE! The game is the same thing over and over. All you do is chase or run away over and over, awful. Avoid, if you. If you have to have it, buy it for a console.
In short: -bad port, — locked joney 30 FPS Can’t change it in the options. The list goes on and on, it’s the same need for speed we’ve seen in the last few years. It is not a big difference between this game and smartphone fro.
Pros: you will see now who write reviews for money. The idea for the game seems interesting, but the execution falls horribly short on PC. Zpeed game is horribly optimized, with the frames per second not only locked, but unlocking it breaks the game. Male only thing that seems to interest me nees this game is the idea of playing at X2 speed just to get a good laugh and see what glitches come up.
It might be a decent game beed consoles, but The idea for the game seems interesting, but the execution falls horribly short on PC.
It might be a decent game on consoles, but for the PC the best feature is that EA will give you a refund through Origin. I had to create an account just to say this is absolute rubbish. The game has been dumbed down to console pleb level. This game is broken beyond play wpeed. What does that tell you? Stay away. If you’re curious play on a friends machine and be disappointed for. Save the cash. Good graphics, poor gameplay, music is tottaly crap, but good sound of auto, multiplayer isn’t working.
I played for 6 hours and I don’t want anymore?
Awards & Rankings
Game want to boost. Eurydace26 Nov 28 Nov 25 Feb I got over 1 million SP in about 6 minutes. The Car Which car is up to you.
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Make sure it has a high strength. Higher ranks will make it faster but even at rank 1 this will still be fast. Don’t worry about blowing money on need for speed rivals make money. You’ll make so much so fast you’ll pay it off in a few minutes. Alternatively, if you can’t get rank 3 or 4 pursuit techs, Rank 16 of the Racer career has you playing as a cop. If you’ve already done this, once you beat the career you’ll have the option to go back to it. This car is pretty good if you don’t have upgraded tech. You want to choose this one as it is near a repair station and a hideout is nearby. You need to be Rank 18 to pick this mission. If you’re not, forget this for now and do it later — it’s that good. Start the mission and kill the cop to win. It’ll take about 30 seconds. When you beat the mission, restart it through easydrive.
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