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Black desert online saunil money making guide

black desert online saunil money making guide

When you basically know everything in Black Desert Mobile and already reach the middle game. You probably looking for ways on how to earn silver for free, especially when you already have done will all of the daily chores in the game. However, the Black Spirit Mode automatically locates the best farm location, so makking the suggested location is still the best choice. There are farming spots locations guice Black Desert Mobile where you can earn drops from the monster you eliminated and eventually sell those drops to exchange for silvers. So far, the best area to loot is in the Troll Defense Outputyou could get as much assilver within 5 hours. Below is the list of location that fits in monye level that you can earn more silver in 5 hours of farming, the calculation is at 2. Also to let you know, farming in the map with below the CP level nlack your character will disable the earning of experience, so it is the best way to stay farming in the suggested CP requirement to earn both experience and loots. Now you have the drops, you can now sell those to any merchant in the nearest town. You can teleport to the nearby town to easily reach those merchants.


Hover over an item to view more info. I found the most density of Tree Spirits where on the hills. Right-click the item in your inventory to show his location on the map. Once you reach level 13, make sure you go back to Western Guard Camp and pick up a quest from Jarette Domongatt inside the tents and complete it before moving on. This is a very important quest which will awaken your Black Spirt and enable you to Enhance items. These mobs are very easy to deal with. They are easy to aggro and easy to round up. Be careful of the Small Mine Imps because they have a ranged attack. There is also a Violent Imp Elite that has a ranged spell, inflicting a burning debuff on you. It spawns at the bottom of the hill.

MMORPG and Mobile Game Guides

The mob density at the top and bottom of the mine is good enough that you can keep doing continous large pull from top to bottom. This spot is perfect for earning a large amount of silver early on so consider staying for an extra level if you want to collect more silver. Be careful whilst hunting here because these mobs deal quite a lot of damage and might hurt a lot if you only have starter gear. This spot is good but quite out of the way and. Outside the castle and inside the castle you will find many camps filled with a mix of ranged and melee monsters as well. Bronze Daggers are the best in slot daggers for Rangers so hang onto it if you get one. I personally recommend grinding inside the castle itself as the mob density is amazing and all the mobs are melee.


I have not yet tried all of these methods to their fullest extent i. As such, I will try to make as few superlatives and judgment calls as possible. Furthermore, please let me know if I have the wrong numbers or if I am missing any methods. Remember that this guide is purely focused on making money and as such, does not consider personal tastes e. As a short overview, I have divided this guide into two sections—overall pointers, active and passive money-making methods AM, PM respectively. AM cycles require full participation, disallowing any other activity. PM cycles require only minor participation, typically at the end in which goods are sold to either the marketplace MP or an NPC trader.

This is definitely the most contested and controversial money-making method. Whenever you are online in the game the worker will gather resources for you. Sjaak den Heijer Contributor. This site uses cookies. So get yourself some food, watch a movie, or go out and explore the real world. Exhausted, Abundant. Any method to make money will very often and likely hinder someone else from making money. Your crates should be done in a couple of seconds. Furthermore, please let me know if I have the wrong numbers or if I am missing any methods. With that said, there are some downsides to this method.

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Whenever you are online in the game the worker will gather resources for you. If you use the nodes from the second slide, you should already have some eggs and potatoes in your storage, so simply put those in your inventory. Invest in nodes, prioritizing those that produce the most silver per hour—for the sake of simplicity, I will not factor in the amount of CP. Advice: Obtain all 5 fishing speed levels—faster speed results in faster money. Depending on your processing rank, you can average X amount of black stone powder per crystal. No one person has the same three rates, as they are heavily reliant on your gear, knowledge of the game, and progression in the game.

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I have not yet tried all of these methods to their saaunil extent i. As such, I will try to make as few superlatives and judgment black desert online saunil money making guide as possible. Furthermore, please let me know if I have the wrong numbers or if I am missing any methods. Remember that this guide is purely focused on making money and as such, does not consider personal tastes e. As a short overview, I have divided this desret into two sections—overall pointers, active and passive money-making methods AM, PM respectively.

AM cycles require full participation, disallowing any other activity. PM cycles require only minor participation, typically at the end in which goods are sold to either onlie marketplace MP or an NPC trader.

Without a doubt, most people agree that grinding is the most reliable and effective means of making money, netting anywhere between 1M to 3M per hour. Most people who fish at hotspots report earning between K to 1. Exhausted, Abundant. I have not tried this A and I would maaking appreciate any data i.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Depending on your processing rank, you can average X amount of black stone powder per crystal. Almost always, you will produce more black stone powder than the crystal is worth. This method is, by far, my favorite.

I will not take the time to explain this method, as Dulfy and Meme have created extensive guides for this already links to come. This is definitely the most contested and controversial money-making method. As time passes and more people jump on this bandwagon, this method will produce weaker returns, as profit is dependent on supply and demand. Refer to my pointers at the beginning of the guide for more information e.

Skip to content. While you should always have enough in your bank saved for your next big purchase, all extra cash is sitting around, decreasing in value due to inflation like it or not, the population is getting bigger, with each additional character generating makiny silver. Predict trends and Invest your silver into items that you expect to appreciate.

For example, everyone gets a free pet thanks to the Maehwa Seals event; I would bet that Good Feed will come in high demand. Energy is sajnil to all AM and PM. Dseert the character you are currently logged, energy regenerates passively every 3 szunil.

The pnline of regeneration depends on where your character is located every 3 minute mark; if you are sleeping in a cash shop bed, 3 regen; if you are in a non-cash-shop bed, 2 regen; if you are anywhere else, 1 regen. Make alternate characters ASAP. On the characters you are not logged, energy regenerates at a static rate of 1 energy every 30 minutes.

Make sure to do the Red Battlefield Daily level 50 required for a cool energy 1-time regeneration. Blessing of Kamasilve from onllne Loyalty shop for 1, loyalty should be prioritized. The benefit is clear for people who grind and people who do life skills. Spend your loyalty on Blessing of Kamasilve. Do not forget opportunity cost. For every minute, contribution point CPor energy you spend, you could sajnil spent it on something.

Therefore, to maximize profit, everyone must attach a monetary value to every minute, CP, and energy i. No one person has the same three rates, as they are heavily reliant on your gear, knowledge of the game, obline progression in the game. This serves as a good anchor point at which to gauge the effectiveness of your other money-making methods. Invest in nodes, prioritizing those that produce the most silver per hour—for the sake of simplicity, I will not factor in the amount of CP.

Given that a Wheat node only produces a maximum of 14K per hour and most nodes produce ojline than that, do not invest in wheat. Non-productive time is time you actively spend that does not produce money in and of itself even if it is an essential part of the related activity.

Examples include running from grind spot to the General Goods store and even sleeping in bed. This non-productive time can and should be spent elsewhere e. Transporting trade goods via wagon can mmoney productive time.

Advice: Get a pet or three —faster drop collection allows for faster grinding. Develop a closed-loop route—predictable monster spawns allow for mindless spamming and more efficient pot usage. If you find yourself waiting for a spawn, then expand your loop. Join a party—if monsters are respawning much faster than you can keep up, then join a party to match clear speed with respawn rate.

Bring a wagon—greater weight limit allows for fewer trips to town non-productive time. Use crystals—buffs to AP, attack speed, critical allow faster grinding. Eat food—buffs to AP, attack speed, critical allow faster grinding. Drink milk tea—greater EXP gain allows onlnie faster leveling which allows for faster grinding.

Note that milk tea and food are affected by the same cooldown. Invest energy from your main and your alts into the nodes in which you grind—this increases drop rates. Hotspot Fishing active Most people who fish at hotspots report earning between K to 1.

Advice: Obtain all 5 fishing speed levels—faster speed results in faster money. Obtain a dedert boat and its accessories—faster ship speed, more inventory slots, and higher chance moneg catching rare fish all raise profitability and efficiency.

Always try for perfect catches—perfect catches cut down the time per cast and prevents durability loss. Do not fill your inventory to the maximum—at least one inventory slot must be empty to trade your fish. Sell fish to the closest trader—the less time spent finding a trader, the greater time left for fishing.

With that being said, check the sale prices for your fish at nearby nodes open map, click on the small wheel next to any trade node to ensure you are getting the best price. Bargain with the trader—this mqking the sale price of each fish in your inventory. Gathering Raw Materials This one is pretty self-explanatory. I will get a ton of flak for this, but here is some advice: Obtain all 5 gathering speed levels—faster speed results in faster money.

Buy and use Steel tools as soon as you have access to them—faster speed blackk in faster money. Map out a onlinr and change channels—you can switch channels every 15 minutes or you can change channels after every cycle through your route. Again, note that this is from a pure-profit perspective.

Crystal Grinding This one is pretty self-explanatory. Advice: Divide the cost of the crystal by the the average number of black stone powders you can obtain from grinding to calculate how much you are spending to obtain each black stone powder. Grind the cheapest blue crystal you can find on the market, as it costs more energy to obtain onlone equivalent number of black gudie powders from green crystals. Cooking More to come! Advice: Obtain more inventory slots—the biggest constraint to AFK fishing is the saunik of available inventory slots.

Rank up fishing—fishing rods with more durability have rank requirements. More durability allows for more time spent fishing. Sunflower Farming This method is, by far, my favorite. Production Empire This is definitely the most contested and controversial money-making onlinf.

Advice: Promote workers as often as possible, prioritizing those at higher levels or those about to break the next possible promotion desett level 20 and level Maximize your energy while processing using this method by Blade Boques.

Black Desert Online [BDO] Beginners Guide: Make Up to 30 Mil Per Hour With 100AP

Choosing the right class for you is a very personal decision. Do you like complexity or simple? Speed or slow and heavy hitting? Ultimately, you will end up playing the class you enjoy the most, no matter what some guide tells you. There are several reasons for this:.

Leveling 1 – 62 Guide

Another bonus for beginners who choose this class, is that it has a good reputation for being strong in both PVE and large scale PVP. I suggest you play a class that looks fun to you at least until level At level 56, all classes change by getting a new set of combat skills after their Awakening. All the characters that you create on onlind account will have the same Family. This Family name will be visible text above your head to players who run into you. It will also be visible in chat. No matter how many different characters you make, you will always have this. Unless you purchase and put on a Pearl Shop outfit called Desert Camouflage. When you join a guild, all your alts join as. Players can switch between viewing Family or Character names in chat, by clicking the gear icon on the chat tab. Other players will still be able to see your names, nlack, and guild if they have this setting turned on.


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