You can play GTA Vice City on just about anything these days, thanks to backwards compatibility and a rather excellent mobile port. We’ve got tables showing all the cheats for each platform, so just scan for the cheat you’re after and have fun. Vice City was of course, available on the original Xbox. Cheats work in the PC version of Vice City in the same way as the other versions, just with keyboard inputs instead of buttons. We’ve listed the details below:. The problem lies with tneft fact that there is no keyboard input to trigger the cheats .
Beginning Vice City’s story as an ex-con, you start with nothing. Below are a few hot tips on how to build that bank balance fast. It is recommended to commence Vigilante at Escobar International Airport’s runways, as this results in a high likelihood of repeated spawns at this location. Should you complete both of these tasks, one will spawn at the Ocean Beach helipad. Nevertheless, the Hunter’s Vigilante Brown Thunder is often considered the best method for making cash in a hurry, with its auto-targeting minigun and powerful missiles an effective weapon against the criminal contingent you face. A Rhino is the next best vehicle with which to commence Vigilante in, as you can make good use of its unlimited rockets and its ability to destroy any vehicle it collides with. A Rhino may be obtained with ease at a somewhat more practical time than the Hunter if you can manage to nab one during Cortez’s mission Sir Yes Sir! You’ll need to head towards the Hyman Condo’s left garage as this is the only one large enough to house the Rhino — swivelling the turret degrees and firing rapidly is necessary to shave those vital few seconds off the trip time as you need to bail before the tank blows. Once parked safely in the garage, get out of there and allow the mission to fail to save and enjoy your free Rhino! Should this method be unavailable having already passed Sir Yes Sir! Alternatively, collecting 90 hidden packages will ensure one spawns at Fort Baxter. Every time Cone Crazy is passed i.
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Equipped with this knowledge, the intelligent gamer that’s you can exploit Cone Crazy to rack up enormous amounts of cash in a short period of time. This means that the best method for exploiting the prize money alters depending on your platform. PS2: The first time you attempt the mission, collect all the checkpoints, then wait just in front of the last one. Drive through it with one second left. Now park the Stallion back where you got it from, exit and enter to restart the mission. Do the mission as previous, but this time, get the last checkpoint with two seconds left. Repeat again, collecting the last checkpoint with three seconds left and so on. If you beat your record by just one second each time, the time required to pass Cone Crazy for a 23rd time will be a very reasonable 24 seconds. Considering this, the most effective method for XBox and PC is as follows.
GTA Vice City PC Codes
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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Racking up the dollars is very vital if you want to take over the streets and become the top gangster in GTA. This has made earning money a central aspect of the game ever since its first release. Money can be used to buy properties, weapons, and more. To earn money as quickly as possible in the game, depending on the version of GTA, you have the option of using cheat codes or legitimate methods. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 9, times. Categories: Grand Theft Auto. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet?
Discussions Rules and Guidelines. This will enter you into the game world. The reward doubles each time. Previously Viewed. You can earn money by looting the shops. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy.
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View mobile website. If you are low on health than save your game as it will make your health full and you would not have to spend money in hospitals. Civic Loading There is no money cheat for vice city but there is for vice city stories. Hottest Questions. Try not to buy safe houses that you don’t need.
Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don’t have an account? Sign up for free! How can I earn lots of money quickly? I have been playing joney game for a very long time and I was wondering how to earn lots of money quickly because I grabd sick of doing the racer missions at Sunshine Autos constantly. Any suggestions please? User Info: Bissomoneybags. Hope that clears things up for everybody: User Info: Bissomoneybags.
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Rob like ose a shotguun and aim the workerand kil him User Info: mujosmetljar. But not aim and kil a pizza man User Info: mujosmetljar. Top Voted Answer. Beat every asset then collect the revenue there if you vicce the malibu you get 10, a game day.
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