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How to make money in ksp career mode

how to make money in ksp career mode

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Kerbal Space Program Store Page. Global Achievements.

An upgrade for the support module, a return capsule

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Those things are so precise it isn’t even a little funny, considering how the game bars you from zooming in enough to make the map icons legible. You really don’t need anything that’s not in the 45 science tier. Sure, getting into orbit probably isn’t happening, but you get enough EVA reports, and the flyby contract and when you get home you’re looking at enough science to get to Eve at least.

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My ship is My little space plane has a set of double wings, a pair of rocket boosters bolted on, and a mismatched set of double engines—one pointing forward, one pointing back, a puny cockpit sandwiched in the middle. It keeps falling over, because this Frankenstein’s monster was never meant to see the light of day. As I attempt to launch for the fifth time, something dawns on me: I’ve never done this before. I’ve played Kerbal Space Program for hundreds of hours. More than any other game in my library. But I’ve never found myself parachuting a malformed, experimental craft into the Sea of Kerbin so I can run tests, fulfill my contract, and make bank.

how to make money in ksp career mode


These first few contracts are a good way to get your initial starting cash up a bit to where some of the other missions become more doable. Sign up using Email and Password. Just add the part and run the test. Between loading quicksaves and reverting flights back to launch, though, I have a spotless safety record in the game. Rinse and repeat 3 times and game over. How are you supposed to do this? Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. I will launch 1 satellite to to accomplish all 4. Perhaps future updates will see missions to Duna the Mars equivalent in the Kerbalverse only funded if your rockstar kerbal, the hero of previous missions with the high reputation rating, is at the helm. New worlds Reputation is the least well-defined of the three new systems.

My little space plane has a set of double wings, a pair of rocket boosters bolted on, and a mismatched set of double engines—one pointing forward, one pointing back, a puny cockpit sandwiched in the middle. The specific payouts, variables, and penalties for contracts will undergo a long tweaking process before the difficulty and the rewards line up. After that it’s just a case of learing the good missions to take and declining the bad ones. Do easy contracts. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. And you can do as many as you want at. The second thing you should do is mkae sure that every flight rewards you some science. Store Page.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Kerbal Space Program Store Page. Global Achievements.

What is the mechanism for making money in career mode? Are contracts really the only way? I can’t for the life of me stay in the positive in the begining of the game. I manage to make some money after the first few launches and can complete a few contracts, but after that it seems impossible. The challenge-expense ratio for the first few missions is ridiculous. You have to spend quite a bit of money to complete them, and if you fail, you are out 10k.

Rinse and repeat 3 times and game. How are you supposed to do this? Showing 1 — 6 of 6 comments. Do easy contracts. Anything that says landed you don’t even need to leave the pad.

Just add the part and run the test. Engines and boosters don’t even need fuel. And you can do as many as you want at. The first missions you are given are vital. You get money for launching your first ship, then passing meters. You also get a mission forand meters, BUT, you don’t get them until you complete the ones before, and if you go past them in the moeny missions you don’t get.

Design ships accordingly. You can decline missions, and you will decline A LOT of missions until you get the ones that are sutable for your current science level and cash. Once you get into orbit you can decline one star missions and after you decline enough of the bad ones you get a collect science from the space around Kerbin.

This mission will respawn again and again, so you can use it to get cash every time you launch a vessle into space. After node it’s just a case of learing the good missions to take and declining the bad ones. Cash will start rolling in after. Last edited by PKNecron ; 17 Feb, pm.

Place probes with just a battery a solar panel an antenna and a thermometer around some bodies, and farm the «! If you are at the space center, the time dilation inn work the same as when flying, so career generally plays out by speeding up time until 5 days or so pass, then checking to see what new contracts are available.

Slap together a 20 part plane, and clean up, so creer speak. Originally posted by maculator :. Last edited by jamesc70 ; 18 Feb, pm. Originally posted by jamesc70 :. Armarnis View Profile View Posts. One bit of advice is that for the early altitude contracts, deliberately ONLY fly high enough for the altitude record and no higher.

That’s because carewr other contracts you’ll be getting for 11,m, ks, and so on, but you wont’ see them if you arleady beat that record on an earlier mission. These first few contracts are a good way to get your initial starting cash up a bit to where some of the other missions become more doable. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 17 Feb, pm. Posts: 6. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.

All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. View mobile website.

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have ,ode and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. I know, there are tons of people and questions about the new career mode, mostly the tight money. Most of these posts are answered with «Farm the ‘test kwp while landed on Kerbin’ missions,??? The more lucrative missions tend to send you off into orbit, or even to the Mun and Minmus while you still only have the 3 basic 1. The question is this: How do I progress in the game without grinding super easy missions or exploiting game quirks however realistic they may or may not be? In other words, how do I run an honest space program, while still having fun? Do missions and milestones. The first few missions are really easy.

Kerbal Space Program

The same for the milestones, you get most of your cash early game by completing. Some of the strategies in in the Administration building could be helpful. And as third you should attach parachutes to every decoupling stage.


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