You might be an artist, but that doesn’t mean you need to starve. Put your talent to a real world use and earn some dough! Putting your work on the internet is great for publicity, but if you want to pay the bills, you’re going to have to put something in people’s hands. Back in the days of paint and canvas, the general public were snapping up art like it was going out of fashion With most artists now using a mouse and keyboard, printed art is becoming a lot harder to find, leaving the general public with empty walls and thick wallets. The money is clearly out there, so why not use your Blender skills and tap into this already proven market? Most of your local photo printing stores will offer a print-to-canvas service, but depending on your location, you might want to shop. ArtsCow — By making money with blender reddit the cheapest, but it’s based in China, so expect around weeks shipping time. Lulu — Very useful for getting a printed copy of your portfolio in book form. CafePress — Prodomediantly for clothing, but they also offer large poster prints. Office Works Australia. PhotoPrinting UK.
Welcome to Reddit,
We interviewed Jonathan Williamson the founder of Blender Market to find out how you can make you can make money from selling your 3D assets on Blender Market. The Blender Market exists because I grew weary of add-ons and other Blender resources constantly falling into disrepair due to the inability for the developer s to constantly maintain free add-ons. So often add-ons would be created out of a personal need and then shared with the rest of the community for free, which was great! I saw this in my own early add-ons. By selling an add-on, or any other Blender product, the creator has more motivation and a stronger sense of duty to maintain the functionality for their customers. Beyond that, though, the Blender Market also exists because I believe in the ability of simple capitalism, paired with social responsibility, to raise a persons quality of life and to give back to the community. One of the most difficult parts of starting out, in any business, is growing an audience. As the largest marketplace dedicated solely to Blender the Blender Market brings huge audience to your doorstep, all you have to do is embrace it and work hard to create compelling products that people need. Not at all. This is a common misconception around free and open source tools. There is no conflict between commercial products and the freedom that open source brings. Being open sources ensures that Blender will always be free to use, adapt, and modify for any purpose, including the selling of tools and services that are built on that same open source code.
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It’s worth remembering too, that selling a product is about far more than the code or the models or the textures that are included in the product. Selling a product is about creating value for your customer.
Why should artists sell and buy tools on Blender Market?
How do you want to make money as a 3D Artist? Now that I am employed, it just seems like I have to adjust my work to where the money lies. Do you adjust to the industry, look for jobs and create whatever a client wishes and wants to spend money for? Creative Jobs, especially in the 3D industry, that let you create entire worlds and stories digitally, sound like jobs that should fulfill you to the core! It is for telling stories, building audiences and sharing a common vision. Today, everyone wants to pay less, the value of your 3D skills seems to have plummeted and the global competition can be excruciating. Customers are satisfied with less than your best and settle for good-enough. So how can we, as 3D Artists, make a living and feel fulfilled in this kind of environment? Be crushed and burn out because of too much low-quality, tedious work, and a 3D-Artists or Game Designers salary, that is usually much too low? Should we give up our former hopes of starting a career in a creative industry that had the potential of making our dreams come true?
2. Sell stock images
If someone doesn’t know where their next meal is coming from, they haven’t asked. I have a LONG history with Blender — I wrote some of the earliest Blender tutorials, worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender the first one on the internet! Is it just me, or does it look like they’re in trouble? Get to know the tools as best you can so you have a broader understanding of the development process and where the skills you currently have fit in and can be improved to the benefit of all involved. If seeking employment within a studio or company search employment web sites and agencies for appropriate listings. BlendNmix : I’m not a web designer, and I made my site in pure html to be sure that every one can see.
Blender For Dummies, 3rd Edition
The following is for informational purposes. It took 3 years to have it as my only 3D app. If at this point in the game yo are thinking » okay, so you’re not telling me anything useful either » then congratulations on at least realising there might be more to this whole » make lots of money with Blender » lark, namely that you are not being told » The Truth! Andrew writes: You might be an artist, but that doesn’t mean you need to starve. How do YOU earn a living with Blender? BlendNmix : I’m not a web designer, and I made my site in pure html to be sure that every one can see. If you intend to, and actively pursue income selling anything, Blender or not, your local State or Federal Government may stipulate it be declared and subject to tax — whether something is taxed depends on your situation so its important to get this sorted out so you only pay exactly what’s .
1. Sell digital prints
With Blenders increased popularity comes the obligatory flood of those wanting to make money. Naturally all manner of bad-actors emerge from the shadows to prey on the uninformed and eagerly naive who inevitably abandon the pursuit in a cloud of rage-quit text on social-media after what they’ve been told stops working. With a change in attitude, it doesn’t need to be like. Did you know : reproducing bank notes in artwork carries the risks of prosecution under anti-counterfeiting laws?
The following is for informational purposes. TL:DR ; many claim to know the secrets to making money with Blender but promote little more than click-bait and ‘ get-rich-quick ‘ fantasy.
There are no shortcuts. To not waste anyone’s times lets get straight to the point; if this article was found dropping any of the following into a search engine, that is Note : results may vary wildly depending on search history, geographical location, time of day, week or year search is performed such is the nature of Search Engine Results Pages [SERP].
So for those not wanting to know » the truth about making money with Blender «, here are those answers — to make money with Blender you just need to Whilst all of the aforementioned may be ‘true’ they’re not especially helpful with respect to earning money with Blender, often intentionally so.
If at this point in the game yo are thinking » okay, so you’re not telling me anything useful either » then congratulations on at least realising there might be more to this whole » make lots of money with Blender » lark, namely that you are not being told making money with blender reddit The Truth! So here is that ‘truth’; you don’t make money with Blender, you earn it. The former, those seeking to ‘ make ‘ money, are ‘ grifters ‘ who belong to the ‘ get-rich-quick ‘, ‘ five-step program ‘ side of things, usually ‘asking’ after others expertises as they do, because they think, have read or been told, there are quick, simple, easy ways to effortlessly generate an unending stream of money using Blender.
The latter, those seeking to ‘ earn ‘ money, are ‘ professionals ‘ who understand they are providing a service or producing something that has an exchangeable value others are willing to buy [ 3 ]. Choosing one or the other determines long-term success, or not.
The point about this is that no-one is obliged to answer demands of others they be shown or helped, at no cost, how to make money using Blender in the same way they are not obliged to help another business make a profit at their own expense, especially when involved expertises and experience might have been very hard won. Understand, they are not being especially ‘mean’ or ‘selfish’ when they do this, rather their responsibilities and obligations are to their own actions and interests, not anyone else’s.
If they do help, it’s because they choose to, a fact that should be respected rather than, as is all too often the case, abused by an entitled Zeitgeist. To this extent they register themselves as being self-employed so they can properly freelance and take on commissions and paid contract work either as an individual or as a business or company owner, or as someone else’s employee.
Beyond that, the rest is down to hard workquality output and being professionalmaking sure to produce work that’s worth selling or purchase, which takes time and often prolonged and protracted effort.
With all the aforementioned information in mind, below are some tried-and-tested real-world pointers that will at least get you on the right path to a long-term career in 3D, and not just with Blender. In no particular order of importance. If you are serious about earning an income with Blender, or any content creating for that matter, you need a convenient presence on the Internet that you have as much control over as possible to host all your material in one place.
Don’t use free web, image or file hosting services. Avoid using Social Media and other free image, content or file hosts as portfolio proxies, Notwithstanding issues surrounding security, privacy and confidentiality when dealing with sensitive business material, it’s just not worth the hassle of having content disappear or accounts closed with a policy change, service buyout or bandwidth or link overrun, and that’s not to consider someone reporting you for what they perceive as offensive material that’s perfectly and objectively harmless.
Join a mod team or volunteer your time. One of best ways to ‘level up’ and learn transferable skills quickly that can monetised at some point down the line is to join a team modding an existing game, or developing their own using ‘in-house’ tech or preferably one of the more popular development kits available.
Get to know the tools as best you can so you have a broader understanding of the development process and where the skills you currently have fit in and can be improved to the benefit of all involved. Whilst this won’t specifically earn money through the use of Blender, helping others learn something, or by helping them solve a problem they might be having, is another good way to develop and improve a set of sellable skills.
To this end hang out in content creating communities and be sure to provide considered information people can act on and get results. When asking the broader community, or a willing mentor, for help learning the skills you need, do it earnestly and honestly in good faith without expecting or making demands on others time — you might not be the only person they are helping. Keep in mind also that in a more formal settings you might otherwise be paying for the assistance you get so be appreciative and LISTEN to what’s being said, the person helping is doing so because they currently know more than you for a reason so don’t be obnoxious.
Be mindful also not to throw them under the bus by not acknowledging their help, they may be friends with or know the person in a position to offer you work in the distant future. If you intend to, and actively pursue income selling anything, Blender or not, your local State or Federal Government may stipulate it be declared and subject to tax — whether something is taxed depends on your situation so its important to get this sorted out so you only pay exactly what’s.
Concentrate on quality rather than quality. Notwithstanding trying to find a balance between being a quick worker, focus your efforts on quality rather than quantity. Bias your output towards your interests Content creating can on occasion be a hard slog, a reality that can generally be lessened to a degree by engaging predominantly in the production of something you enjoy thematically, for example sticking with character design if you are a character designer.
Alternatively develop an interest in learning new skills or seeing if what you already know can be transferred to other aspects of content production and development.
Bias output to under served or other market demands. If you have no particular bias, considering yourself a generalist rather than specialist, you can cater to whatever market seems to provide the greatest opportunity to employ your skills more broadly.
Not only are you competing in a global market against weaker economies, you’re also going against others with fewer ‘distractions’ or greater socioeconomic limitations that literally demand they work else they starve.
Look for work obviously. When actually looking for work do so with realistic expectations. Know your limitations, positive and negative, and don’t waste peoples time. Don’t apply for ‘gigs’ you are objectively unqualified for unless, as is often the case for mod teams and amateur game-development, they state experience and skill are not specific prerequisites. Note : depending on the type of work being sought, trawl through various game editing or production art forums small game developers to main-stream CG forumsSteam Workshop groups or other places people might be posting work requests.
If seeking employment within a studio or company search employment web sites and agencies for appropriate listings. This order of magnitude difference between Blender and other significantly more main-stream applications is an oxymoron but nonetheless remarkable considering Blender is still looked down upon by and as a professional content creation tool, it’s still not used nearly as much in commercial environments as the aforementioned applications.
In other words the desire to make money with Blender appears to be disproportionately larger by a significant degree than the available demand that might support that outcome — the market is essentially over-supplied or over-saturated with workers.
In other words, the Blender user is not creating something with Blender that can be purchased and used independently like a 3D model or other digital asset, they are instead using Blender as a ‘service’ proxy, that of essentially being a ‘broadcaster’ and providing customers or subscribers a ‘TV Show’ to watch. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this or associated properties shall be reproduced without prior consent. Copyright Policy. Copyright Contact. KatsBits provides freely available game and content making tutorials and resourceshelping Visitors build their own games, or go further, Game Design Studios!. At KatsBits we strive to bring relevant material to our Readers and forefront Blender as a general game development tool. Asset Store Blender 2. Contents Same ol’, same ol’ make money with Blender you still haven’t told me!
Watched how quick and easy it is to make money with Blender Sponsored Ads. Search KatsBits using StartPage.
By Jason van Gumster. There qith many sites on the web that are excellent places to check out for Blender news, extensions, and services. This is a listing of some of those helpful sites.
Jonathan, why does the Blender Market exist?
It works similar to sites like Reddit, where anyone can post a link or an article and the community up-votes or down-votes that post based on how mohey or relevant it is. When getting help with your projects online, be it on sites like BlenderArtists. You can upload images, code snippets, and. Just upload your file and the site gives you a Web link that you can share with anyone. Fortunately, p3d. You can upload a static 3D scene monsy p3d. No need for special downloads or. You share your scene and anyone can see it in its full 3D glory. Sketchfab offers features similar to p3d. It also shades models slightly differently, so you should both p3d. On a long, complex animation with a lot of detail, it can take days and weeks to render. A render farm combines the processing power of many computers to complete a render job, substantially reducing your overall render times. Unfortunately, setting up a personal render farm can be very expensive. Sheep It is a community-based render farm. You can sign up and voluntarily offer extra processing power from their computers to help with rendering images. The Blender community is typically very, very good at providing feedback and support as you work your way through understanding how to use Blender.
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