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Someone who is good at making money

someone who is good at making money

When adults and teens learn that there is a big difference between «earning» money and «making» money, they get excited because they’ve goo learned there is an alternative to having a job for the rest of their lives. The concept of making money often gets a bad rap because people sometimes associate making money with get-rich-quick or pyramid schemes. Making money, however, means something entirely different. Let’s contrast making money with earning money to learn the difference and see why understanding that difference is so important when it comes to becoming financially free. You earn money when you trade your time and energy for money. In other words, you work for an hour, you get paid for an hour. It doesn’t matter whether you’re being paid by the hour or you receive a monthly salary — you’re still paid by someone else in exchange for your time and energy.

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. I am using compound word «money-oriented» too much in my essay. I want another word for it. Person who not only thinks about money all the time but also earns money through any means. They are ready to earn money even in the middle of war. They don’t think what is right or what is wrong. Only one thing they can think off is making money by any means. They need not to be in bad or good light. In short, they don’t have any particular ethics to follow. I want the word which is quite neutral. It should fit greedy politicians, greedy businessmen, greedy youngster, greedy person etc. One more thing, they are not thieves, or robbers but people who will earn money without thinking something is morally right or morally wrong.

So, little outstanding or catchy word will be helpful. Perhaps the exquisite and rare adjective » quomodocunquizing » will suit your need.

20 Ways to Make Money Online

He could make money by solving the secret for a troubled soul. All the people who had tried to make money and had not been able to do it, said, There you were! He was old; he had no money and no way to make money; he could find nothing to do. If this means that the poet is not to make money his object, it means well: no man should. I desire to make money for reasons that are not entirely selfish, as you know. It does not make money an idol, but regards it as a useful agent. You can see for yourself, then, whether it is anything by means of which you can make money. I told him he’d make money if he could get somebody to take the bet. A mint is where they make money and I certainly do not make time. Xerox act like affect ape assume bluff carbon cheat circulate bad money clone coin copy defraud delude ditto do do like dupe fabricate fake feign forge go like imitate impersonate knock off make like make money mimeo mimic mint phony phony up pretend put on sham simulate stat.

Understanding the buyer is the key to being a strong seller

A few years ago, I decided I wanted to learn to play the drums. I’ve always loved the drums. Whenever I listen to music, I hear the drums first. I can listen to a great jazz drummer like Art Blakey for hours on end. I’d give up almost anything to be as good as Glenn Kotche of Wilco. The path to learning the drums is pretty clear. You sign up for some lessons, you get some pads, you get some sticks, you learn some drills, and you practice. And you keep practicing. Every surface—your desk, your leg, your steering wheel—becomes a drum. You get better over time, but you never really stop practicing. This is how we learn most things. Whether you want to be a writer or a musician or a painter or a baker or an accountant, the way to get there is fairly clear.

The single best way to earn money — automatically

Passionate [adj. Iz Who Is Good At The Economy Please Help Me is a snowclone popular on Twitter in which a person lays out a budget in which they are spending an exorbitant amount on a frivolous item, then asks, «someone who is good at the economy please help me budget. You must login or signup first! Uploaded by Gas Station Sushi. For me, balance is necessary to have a harmonious relationship at work. Professional life [noun] — work life; career life. Bob’s X thinking by applying an obscure idea from computer science to his dissertation on the impact of wine production on the somene of classical Roman architecture. Without a second thought [phrase] — immediately. Don’t have an account? The term was promulgated in by Edward de Bono. Share this:. On this part, the speaker someone who is good at making money added some supplemental or secondary details to the story that focused on the reasons why he believed that this ,aking was very good at doing his job.

16 Ways to Make Money Fast

Get ideas from this post and achieve band 9. PART 2. Describe a person who is good at his or her job. You should say:.

Let me talk about my cousin who is a financial advisor in one of the biggest financial insurance companies in this country. Eho few months ago, I made up my mind to find a financial advisor who can help me educate finance related matters.

So, I searched through the internet about the best financial advisers in my city, to my surprise, the name of my cousin appeared in the list. More often than not [phrase] — usually. Cash flow statement [noun] — a financial statement that provides data of cash inflows and outflows of a company. Search through [phrase] — to look for. For ages [idiom] — for a long time.

Professional life [noun] — work life; career life. Without a second thought [phrase] — immediately. Meetup [noun] — informal gathering. The speaker gave a very direct introduction of his story, immediately talking about who the person was and what he actually did. After that, he transitioned to providing a background story on how he found his cousin and why he needed. This is a very good way to make the examiner understand the story better. A background story is essential for better understanding!

To make a long story short, I learned that he attained an Accounting degree from one of the best schools in the US gooc started working in a financial company in our city whl years ago. He has been awarded as the most valuable financial advisor in his company several times for lending a hand successfully to many CEOs and companies. To make a long story short [expression] — to skip some unnecessary details and focus on the most important points.

Lend a hand [phrase] — to help. Lost for words [phrase] — to be surprised. Bring in [phrase] — to produce as profit. On this part, the speaker provided all the necessary details as to why he was excellent in the job that he did. The speaker gave instances that would best support or answer the key point of somwone given task. Notice some very good expressions here, some are business terms that helped the speaker expressed his thoughts even better. As much as possible, add some someonne topic vocabulary words or collocations to get a good mark in the criterion, Lexical resource.

Anyway, during our conversation, I noticed how eloquent and knowledgeable he monej in explaining things about finance that made me speechless. Eloquent [adj. Innumerable [adj. Passionate [adj. On this part, the speaker simply added some supplemental or secondary details to the story that moneg on the reasons why he believed that this person was very good at doing his job.

Adding secondary details is essential to extend whho story and to be able to consume the allotted time given. Apply supplemental details on your answer. PART 3. What skill set or characteristics do you think a manager should have? First of all, a manager should have a good amount of knowledge of the work that he does in order for him to give proper training or guidance to all of his subordinates about their work. Second, he sets himself a good example, which means he has to be responsible and diligent before the eyes of his workers so that they pay respect and follow.

These are what I believe the most essential skill set or qualities that every manager should possess. Subordinate [noun] — a person especially a worker who is under the authority of. Set an example [expression] — to behave in a way that one should be imitated. Diligent [adj. Work under pressure [expression] — to work under deadlines or demands in order to meet the requirements set Empathy [noun] — the ability to understand and share the feelings of.

Possess [verb] — own;. The speaker gave a spontaneous answer by enumerating the different qualities which he believed every manager should. He gave three very specific quality and explained them thoroughly. Also, he used some good business terms when he explained his points. This is a very good way to get a better mark in the mnoey, Lexical Resource.

Finally, he stated a simple conclusive statement just to wrap up his answer properly. Should a manager be strict? Why or why not? I do not think a manager should be necessarily strict as it emanates negativity to his or her workers. People want to work with a manager who has a positive attitude — someone who is accommodating, understanding, and who knows how to treat them. However, I also believe that managers have to set boundary of their relationship with their workers professionally, they have to make sure that their subordinates still respect them as their superior.

As we know, makung some workers take advantage of the kindness of their managers and managers should not allow that to happen. For me, balance is necessary to have a harmonious relationship at work. Emanate [verb] — spread. Goodd [adj. Superior [noun]; [adj. Harmonious [adj. The speaker expressed his negative answer to the question and explained thoroughly on why managers should not be strict.

He explained about the characteristics of a good manager to support his main argument. He then transitioned to talking about his opposing idea but saying that managers should set a limitation of their relationship towards their workers to maintain a respectful relationship as managers and subordinates. Then, he ended his answer by giving his realization or reflection on the situation.

Always make sure to explain your argument clearly and end your answer properly. How should new workers perform on their first jobs? I believe each company or industry has its own standards or regulations imposed on newly-hired workers that they need to abide by from the start of their career in a company. So basically, the work performance depends on what industry they belong. If the new workers are on creative or advertising industry, it is zt that they have the freedom to be peculiar and outstanding in order for them to deliver what their clients are asking.

On the other hand, if the new workers are in the IT industry, they have to work systematically to achieve their task. For instance in computer science, system or mone engineers need to follow some protocols to be able to transmit data between electronic devices without causing any technical problem.

They have to fully understand the pre-existing agreement as to how the information will be structured and how each computer sends and receives data.

Standard [noun] — the level of quality; something used as a measure or model in comparative evaluations. Regulation [noun] in the answer — rule set by a company. Impose [verb] — force on. Abide [verb] — obey; follow. Peculiar [adj. Outstanding [adj. Systematically [adv. Solely [adv. The speaker answered the question by stating his opinion about the uniqueness of each company or industry.

The speaker presented a very well-discussed answer by giving two examples of industry. He described the two kinds of workers in different industries thoroughly. Also, he used some good topic vocabulary words and collocations to express his thoughts even better. How can workers improve their work id I really believe that constant learning can make workers improve their performance at work.

Providing them with various kinds of training that will help them develop their skills is an effective method to make them work more efficiently or productively.

Through training, they will be able to achieve. Efficiently [adv. Capability [noun] — the ability to do. With that being said [expression] — used to transition from something you have just said to something different; usually contradictory to what has been said first It boils down [phrase] — the most important or the basic aspect.

The speaker directly gave his answer by talking about continuous learning. He then presented a specific example to support his argument that surely helped his reasoning clear and understandable. Finally, he ended his answer by reiterating that constant learning like training was the most effective way. He ended his answer with a very good conclusive statement. Always properly end your answer. Now that you have some good ideas about this topic, make sure to develop your confidence and speak naturally on your IELTS Speaking exam.

Ace it!

The 10 Rules Of Making Money: What I Wish Someone Had Taught Me In School

someone who is good at making money
The No. With a side hustle or money-making hobby, you can give yourself a raise whether your employer wants to or not. There are only so many ways to save, but there are an unlimited number of ways to earn extra money you can use to pay down debt, save for the future, or actually have some fun. If you want to know how to make money online, consider these possibilities:. Open an Etsy store.

Entrepreneur Jason Fried offers the most fundamental of all small-business advice: how to get good at making money.

Complete surveys online. Sites like Swagbucks and MyPoints. While the payday for these sites is modest, participating frequently can help you earn extra money in a short amount of time. Get paid to search the Web. To qualify, you need to be willing to download their search bar and use it for everyday Internet use. If you can parlay those gift cards into items you need to buy anyway — like groceries or gas — searching online can be a lucrative way to spend your free time. Evaluate search engines. Search engine evaluators use somrone search engines monet order to seek out bugs or errors. You may not earn a lot, but you can do this job in your spare time and from the comfort of your own home. To find gigs, check sites like Lionbridgeand Appen Butler Hill. Start a blog. If you love writing and are passionate about a specific topic, starting a blog is a great way to launch a low-cost side business with little money out-of-pocket.


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