The most successful YouTubers are able to do what they love and make a significant amount of money at the same time. But if thinking of viral idea was easy, everyone would be a YouTube star. I ncreasing your YouTube views and subscribers can be incredibly difficult, and involves having everything right. From channel art to content. Make sure you have an attractive channel, with cool channel art to set the scene and theme for your viewers. Whether your channel is decorated with geometric designs like theseor simply something to do skkll your topic, it must be accompanied by quality video content and ideas. We have compiled superb ideas that can help you get more views.
Estimated Total Earnings by Channel
Make money on YouTube through video channels? You bet, and more and more savvy video passionista’s are making the most of the popular online video site — although new rules make it more difficult for brand-new YouTube entrepreneurs to crack the code and earn some dough. YouTube certainly has a huge global audience , with 1. Check out these other interesting factoids about YouTube, which point out why it’s such a hot landing spot for YouTube video makers:. What marketing manager wouldn’t love to have that many eyeballs attached to his or brand on a regular basis? That’s why there’s so much cash to be made on YouTube — and there is no shortage of people looking to take full advantage. Making money on YouTube requires creativity, grit, and the now-so-easy ability to generate video content that’s unique, and that people want to see. That said, making money on YouTube is doable and here are the most successful paths to profits that YouTube video mavens are taking:. The goal with any YouTube video upload is to leverage the advertising angle. Ads are embedded on a YouTube channel page that hopefully generates revenue from channel viewership. There is no hard and fast way to estimate what you’ll earn as a YouTube partner, as experiences on the site differ.
Estimated Total Earnings by Video
For instance, a small ad placed on a YouTube channel in a small town in, say, Argentina, will likely pay out less than a huge advertisement placed by a major U. Companies love to attract eyeballs to their brands, and to their products and services. Thus, many businesses sponsor so-called «influencers» to create YouTube videos that promote their products, and pay the influencer for doing so. Newbie YouTube video producers likely won’t qualify for sponsorships, until their videos start attracting 10, or more user engagements. Some YouTube video producers earn good money selling gadgets, knick-knacks, shirts, hats and even gift cards to viewers who like what they’re seeing on YouTube.
Weigh the implications of selling access to you
Way back when, what did you want to be when you grew up? Police officer, veterinarian, ballet dancer? Some answers to this classic question are timeless, but according to new research the mix of childhood dreams is changing drastically over time. While lots of children in the age of the Space Race dreamed of becoming astronauts, kids today apparently dream of conquering the internet rather than the stars. According to a new LEGO and Harris poll conducted to mark the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, children were three times as likely to want to be a YouTube star than an astronaut. Only 11 percent of American year said they wanted to work for NASA while 29 percent wanted to broadcast their life online.
YouTube Video Ideas for Every Genre
From the topic Life. Whenever YouTuber Evan Edinger meets somebody new he says he always get asked: «How much money do you make? Enough to pay rent and to have a takeaway once in a while. It’s not too bad,» he said. It used to be a bigger part of the pie, but as time has progressed and as YouTube has evolved, it’s become less lucrative. For every thousand impressions of the ad that is played per video, the Youtuber will get paid a certain amount of money. These can range between one to five dollars. Some YouTubers set up a specific feed for that, where those paying viewers can get access to exclusive content. It’s simple, it’s easy and I don’t expect anything. This is especially relevant for fashion and beauty bloggers. This is when the YouTuber might refer to specific products in their post, by way of endorsing them.
How Much Money do YouTubers make
Wouldn’t you, if you had hundreds of thousands of followers who hung on your every word? The reason being, most of his video was less than 2 mins long — too short for advertisers to play their ads. And everybody loved her for it. Fair enough! While PewDiePie is the exception rather than the norm, his financial success has to be a good omen for all YouTube content providers. For me, I’m right now fully into production of our next video on YouTube, and Athene spends a lot of time livestreaming and being part of brainstorming whenever people want his input. One, Pewdipie makes a fortune out of YouTube. Forbes published a list of the highest paid YouTubers in As a result, we ran into the funny obstacle of every lawyer telling us we can’t prove that it’s us doing the fundraising. For you to earn anything from a CPC ad, you need a viewer to click on the ad. Continue as Guest. His first video, where he played World Of Warcraft like an eccentric but talented maniac, racked up over four million views. You can learn more about Spinozism by talking to basically any stoner alive, but the point is that this guy became e-famous by acting like a crazy troll, then felt qualified to launch a quasi-religious movement. Athene and his pals flew to Liberia as a part of a fundraising effort.
Requirements for Earning Money on YouTube
Thanks for connecting! You’re almost. Connect to your existing Cracked account if you have one or create a new Cracked username. Yes, people can make a living playing video games — especially on YouTube to teenagers, PewDiePie is more recognizable than Jennifer Lawrence. But how far does the phenomenon go? Does it surprise you that fans travel across the country just to hang out with YouTube stars at conventions?
What if we told you that some even booked it all the way to Germany? And join his cult. Athene real name Bachir Boumaaza is a pro gamer who lives with 25 of his followers. Together, they make philosophical videos and perform vaguely defined «experiments» into human consciousness. We spoke to Athene, as well as his friend and right-hand man Dries Leysen, to find out how deep this particular rabbit hole goes. Athene was one of the first people to tap into the gaming video phenomenon, getting his start in the YouTube dark ages of His first video, where he played World Of Warcraft like an eccentric but talented maniac, racked up over four million views.
He eventually accumulated just shy ofsubscribers, over million views, and a six-figure income. His channel became popular not only for Athene’s gaming skills, but for his charitable interests and his bizarre sense of humor the videos of his girlfriend wearing revealing outfits probably didn’t hurt much. He also had a stint as a poker player, and appeared on a season of Belgian Big Brother. He’s so popular, he was able to rally fans to crash a World Of Warcraft server by having a coordinated goof-off in one of the game’s cities What’s the next step when you’ve become hugely successful in the world of gaming?
You guessed it — an abrupt switch to lengthy, serious philosophical lectures! Inafter a few years of gaming and goofs, Athene released a minute documentary about the nature of consciousness called Athene’s Theory of Everything.
It was like if Nicki Minaj abruptly started hosting podcasts about the Crimean War. And everybody loved her for it. Athene’s video has over 4. It claims to offer a solution to the «many current unsolved problems in physics,» and warns that it may require multiple viewings to fully appreciate the implications it has for life, death, and the origins of the universe.
Needless to say, it caused both confusion and controversy amongst Athene’s fans, especially since he has precisely zero relevant credentials although we were told «Athene studied political sciences, has a bachelor’s in IT, and has spent many years autodidactically studying parts of psychology, neuroscience, and physics. Some die-hard fans loved it anyway, because they’re die-hard fans. That’s what die-hard fans. Some haters hated it, because that’s what haters.
But most were just left baffled:. Physics StackExchange. It seemed like a weird one-off experiment, but in lateAthene began focusing heavily on philosophy. In Novemberhe released a minute video called Science Finds Goda new-age mix of pseudoscience and philosophy explaining his outlook on life. Here’s a three-and-a-half-minute video on how to live an ethical life without God as a moral compass.
Again, this is from a man who got famous for being really skill cult how youtubers make money at World Of Warcraft. He also took his Twitch stream, which used to be mostly gaming shenanigans, and began to feature live philosophical debates between himself and other YouTubers.
Here’s the archive of a discussion on consciousness and determinism, which clocks in at a breezy two hours. Long story short: Athene has created a movement called Neuro-spinozism, or, more modestly, Athenism. It’s inspired by Spinozism, a 17th-century religious movement that claimed every single living being’s mind and body is part of an infinite interdependent organism, essentially meaning that all of existence interconnects to form God. You can learn more about Spinozism by talking to basically any stoner alive, but the point is that this guy became e-famous by acting like a crazy troll, then felt qualified to launch a quasi-religious movement.
Wouldn’t you, if you had hundreds of thousands of followers who hung on your every word? Athenism began as a dude streaming from his apartment, but soon became a movement of about 25 people, all living together and working on «projects. Singularity Group. Athene made a video tour of his compound his word, not. And it looks like an appropriate descriptor to us:.
We’ll let you decide whether it looks more like a college dorm, or just a few refreshments away from Jonestown they debated a rule encouraging members to hug more, but ultimately decided against it. Here are a few of their projects:. They think that their work, which includes messing around with hypnosis and sensory deprivation, will improve a person’s cognitive abilities and unlock the brain’s «potential.
While it’s nonsensical to portray valuing critical thinking as something that is potentially psychologically damaging, presenting it as an almost arcane and dangerous brain-hack got a lot more people interested. Here’s what they said a regular day looks like: «Everyone is sort of doing their own thing to try to maximize the impact we can have, so it’s a continuously morphing phenomenon here and it really depends on who you ask when it comes to what a typical day looks like.
For me, I’m right now fully into production of our next video on YouTube, and Athene spends a lot of time livestreaming and being part of brainstorming whenever people want his input. When pressed to be more precise about their experiments, they told us: «We did do a lot of math tests and such to document the ‘click’ effect as we’re working on a scientific paper.
The «click» is their buzzword for the end-goal of their ideas. They claim that by making logic and critical thinking, not emotional decision making, the focus of your life, «your intelligence goes up like crazy.
As Athene himself puts it, new members are «going to get laid with logic pussy. Basically, they think their beliefs can turn people into a bunch of Vulcans who also kick ass at League Of Legends. CBS Television Distribution. In a similar way as a gamer who is much more invested in winning is more likely to win than a casual gamer, someone who highly values critical thinking is more likely to see logical solutions to problems.
The effect has similarities with what is described in many spiritual teachings but as science evolves, it becomes clearer how such a mindset can be achieved more optimally and without the need for esoteric beliefs.
So is he serious, or is he just trolling? It’s hard to tell: In one video, Athene claims to be the most intelligent person on the planet. But when old fans made videos accusing Athene of running a culthe responded by making a goofy video that purposely made them look as cult-like as possible. And yet dozens of people don’t just move to Germany to help execute a joke. There’s even a subreddit dedicated to helping people «make the click. Others call Athene out for his angry, egomaniacal outburstsand his creepy attitude towards women.
While some just generally wonder what the hell is going on, and how to put a stop to it. How does Athene himself respond to being accused of running a cult? The more we focused our content on critical thinking and exploring how science can nowadays answer questions that used to be considered as exclusively belonging to the domain of philosophy or religion, the more we were baffled that some people felt compelled to label our movement as a cult.
But as with everything, we love to just roll with these things and use the controversy to our advantage rather than trying to fight it. What’s especially un -cult-like here is, Athene doesn’t seem to be in it for the money. Remember the Ebola outbreak? Athene and his pals flew to Liberia as a part of a fundraising effort. He even made a documentary, and streamed their lives with the community. It wasn’t a misguided vanity project — it was endorsed by Save The Children.
Which has an entire page on him, because the Twitch-based charity he founded, Gaming For Goodhas raised 23 million dollars for. They ran into some trouble when trying to register themselves as a charity, and everyone had a laugh when one of their members jokingly suggested they just register as a religion As a result, we ran into the funny obstacle of every lawyer telling us we can’t prove that it’s us doing the fundraising.
The twist we then came up with was: What if our non-profit would be a religion that is basically just critical thinking? The response we got from lawyers that we consulted was that this is a possibility, and we’re now waiting to see if we get approval for it.
There isn’t a clear-cut framework for cults. There’s no «cult stamp» you can just smack on a form and make it official. So where do you draw the line between an exploitative, possibly dangerous situation, and just a gaggle of geeks playing mind games?
Athene does portray himself as the one guy in the world who can teach you how to be happy, and that’s a pretty cult-like. On the other hand, he doesn’t want your money, or for you cut all ties with your family — the classic cult «one-two» combo.
We don’t know what his endgame is: Maybe the German police will bust down the doors after the neighbors complain about a nasty smell one day, maybe they’ll all just quietly move on to something new after a few years, maybe it’ll all turn out to be an elaborate prank, or hey, maybe they really will discover the meaning of life. But for now, they are, as far as anyone can tell, completely serious about it.
We sort of improvise as we go. And the side effect of putting together a team of people who are financially self-sufficient and love to think outside the box is that you tend to end up with mostly entrepreneurial individuals. We have members of the team who’ve been with us for almost two years now, and others who have just been part of it for about a month. We only know this: Someone who got famous for playing video games and trolling has raised millions of dollars for charity, while also convincing people to come live with him in a compound and participate in strange experiments on the human mind.
We’re calling it: That’s the plot of the next BioShock. Tiago is on Twitter. Mark is tooand he also has a book. Have a story to share with Cracked?
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