Around this time of year, Santa may be one of the hardest working figures. Not only is he up at the North Pole getting ready for December 24, but he’s also zantas malls and department stores, appearing in parades and holiday plays. And don’t even get him started on all of the mony for Christmas decorations with his picture on. Yow you’re looking to be among theseasonal workers for this holiday season, this job just might be for you. The ideal Santa candidate will love spending time with children and have maol «ho-ho-ho» that brings more smiles than tears from the young visitors to the workshop. Top employers will require a real beard and don’t think about stuffing a pillow under your shirt — you’ll have to have the whole look going for you in this competitive job market. Of course, you can’t be hlw to having your picture taken. Even if you work private Christmas parties, you’ll likely have to pose for at least a few holiday shots. Clauses sinceaccording to its website. And, of course, that figure can go higher, depending on certain factors. The rate can jump higher on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. And if you know more than one language, anything about seasonal toys or Christmas trivia, you may be able to command even .
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Experts say Sanderson’s is a coveted job — and on the higher end of what a Santa might make. But even so, a typical Saint Nick earns more in six weeks than many consumers do in six months. Whenever Santa’s paycheck is mentioned in the media, Mesco’s phone line is flooded with wannabes. But there’s a lot of variation in what Santas make based on location and experience, she cautions. Those top earners tend to be the few Santas who have the right look and acting skills for television and print ads, she says. The market is competitive, especially in suburban areas where there might be a veteran Santa who has held court in the local mall for years. Then there’s that Christmas spirit thing. Plenty of Santas appear for free at children’s hospitals, shelters and other community events, according to The Kringle Group , LLC, a network of companies that includes a Santa school and Santa booking agency.
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More Santas are ordering variations such as long European-style robes and holiday vests, she says. On a more practical level, a Santa might buy multiple suits with different linings to accommodate different temperatures, or to have a backup so there’s always a clean suit while the other is at the dry-cleaners. Then there’s the accessories. Then there’s that long flowing beard. Last year, month-old Nora cried and cried the first time she met Santa. So this time around , the family took great pains to ease the toddler into the experience, says Nora’s dad, Paul Johnson, of Silver Spring, Md. They went to the mall just as it opened on one of Santa’s first days there in early November, and brought along Nora’s grandmother, a family therapist. For nearly half an hour, a calm and happy Nora watched Santa take a photo with her grandparents and talk with her parents. But when it came time to snap her own photo on Santa’s lap, Nora went into «full civil disobedience protest mode,» complete with eyes scrunched tight, flailing arms and tears galore, Johnson says. It could be the beard that’s scary, or the fact that Santa is, after all, a perfect stranger or simply, the power that Santa represents. All of this can be especially frightening to special needs children, says Jessi Fausett, marketing director for mall developer Glimcher Realty Trust, which offers early morning «Sensitive Santa» sessions for autistic children in its 23 properties nationwide. Parents looking to avoid the trauma and get a photo worth its price should aim to arrive early on a weekday when the mall is less crowded and Santa has more time to coach a reluctant child. It also helps if you’re willing to get in the photo, too, Carnell advises.
Do mall Santa actors have a union?
If you set foot in a shopping mall during the holiday season, you’re all but guaranteed to see the festively adorned pavilion marking the presence of everyone’s favorite jolly old elf. If you celebrate Christmas, the sight probably conjures up memories of sitting on Santa’s lap yourself as a child. Check out these 17 hilarious and heartwarming real letters to Santa. Listening to the requests of small children, all while embodying the spirit of Christmas, might sound like a delightful way to make some extra cash—or it may sound like an utter nightmare. Either way, any mall Santa will tell you that the job is far more than just throwing on a red suit. Mall Santas-to-be often go through a rigorous training process, learning the ins and outs of North Pole etiquette. And, of course, Santa needs a suit before he can start taking Christmas requests. While many mall Santas are provided with the iconic red getup, some must provide their own, Vox reports. And those suits, especially custom-made ones, can cost upward of a thousand dollars—and real-looking white beards cost a pretty penny, too. Does the salary make up for those expenditures? And then there’s something of a «Santa elite»—people who are deeply passionate about the job and return to it year after year. But even the smaller paychecks for mall Santas average higher than the hourly take for most other seasonal jobs. What all Santas can agree on, though, is that it’s not a job you do for the money. You take on the mantle of Santa Claus because you love the holiday season and want to spread Christmas cheer.
The cost of being Santa
You have to dance and read lines, depending on how far you go. Clowns can either work full time or take jobs here and. The public, however, is torn on how much the real Santa should be paid. How to buy a house with no money. Princesses must audition for their roles, and auditions can include singing, dancing mmall acting. It indicates a way to see more nav menu items inside the site menu by triggering the side menu to open and close. Claus — it’s been dubbed the «Harvard of Santa Schools. Sometimes thousands of people show up. Open a New Bank Account. How to file taxes mohey
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At Santa School in Calgary, Albertarows of men in white beards and red velour suits learn the techniques that make one a true Claus. They start in early summer, says Jennifer Andrews, dean of Santa School and, she says, the lead elf. All of her students have two things in common: they love children and they love to make people happy. So he has asked me to train Santas mooney that they can be as much like Santa mohey he is not available.
There is a real cross-section. Some of them do this for a little additional income. Some of them do it, honestly, just because they love it. In the recent year, the public has developed high standards for their holiday maie. Private events, like the ones Andrews books for her Santas, pay even better. The public, however, is torn on how much the real Santa should be paid. Most Santas provide their own uniform, so the start-up costs of being a professional Santa can rack up pretty quickly.
There is more to Santa than just a red suit, says Andrews. Most Santas have to bleach their beards. Sometimes they are moneey white but there are little black strands through.
You want to bleach those. Then we want them to have their beard trimmed and kept. They have to wash and condition their beard every single day. Some Santas shape their beards and blow-dry. Some of them will curl. Depends on the type of beard they. Most importantly, no aspiring Claus can be a smoker, says Andrews. Otherwise, his beard will smell. The olfactory side of Santa can never be ignored.
One of the other lessons that wannabe Santas have to learn at Santa School focuses on oral hygiene. Is there a Joney deodorant? Makl rookie mistake for new Santas: relying too much on their looks. This especially happens to the round, jolly, apple-cheeked Santas who look a lot like the original Claus.
They should also practice answering hard questions that Santa is likely to get mal, the children that interact with. Lots of times children will ask for their dad to come to home or they will ask for their dad to get a job.
Sometimes they have a loved one who has passed away and they want Santa to bring them. But sometimes what these children need is a listening ear from somebody they know is always in their corner. Do you like surprises for Christmas? What can Santa bring you? We make sure that he really acts the way Santa would act. Mxll just comes in and announces. Santa has a good balanced diet at the north pole.
Of course, Mrs Claus sees to it that he eats his vegetables and fruit and he eats from all of the food groups. Only when one has smelled like Ho, spoken joney Santa, traveled like Santa and eaten like Santa can he graduate from Santa School and go forth maake the malls of the world.
Santa Claus, it turns out, is not born. He is. Santa School is serious business. Nothing is left to chance — even location. Facebook Twitter Pinterest. Topics US personal finance US money blog. Reuse this content. Order by newest oldest recommendations. Show 25 25 50 All. Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded. Loading comments… Trouble loading? Most popular.
Mall Santas Answer Your Questions
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It requires long hours, physical endurance, and a high tolerance for stressful situations. The endless stream of kids and staring at all those hated Christmas decorations all the time can santss the patience, but the folks who are donning the red robes are handsomely paid for their work makr on that in a minute. The actors who play Santa at the mall mzke for the role.
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The people who do it for a living train for the moeny. Cherry Hill Programswhich has regional offices in New Jersey and Colorado, trains actors for their role, then places them in malls throughout North America. The Iconic Group is another major player in the mall Santa staffing game. It hires 6, actors, photographers, and how much money do mall santas make employees for the holiday season, according to Business Insider. Howard Santa Claus School dates to No matter what happens, they have to go the method acting route and always stay in character, according to MentalFloss. Unions ensure fair pay and high standards for the Santa actors dealing with kids. Labor unions are less and less common in the United States these days, but mall Santa actors have two unions representing .
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