Wondering how to make money on Twitter? Since Twitter is one of the biggest social media platforms with million daily active users, there are a ton of people you can introduce to your business. So, you tweet constantly and hope that just some of those million people see your tweets and check you. But before we show you how to make money on Twitter, you need to build your Twitter profile and your following. Of course, if you want to make money on Twitter, you need a Twitter profile. Not just any Twitter profile. In order to make money tweeting, your Twitter accountt needs to be set up for success.
#1. Sponsored Tweets
There are several ways that you can make money through the social network without trying to sell your own products or services. Twitter is a powerful platform unto itself, not just a conduit for marketing another site. You can create a Twitter account around a profitable niche — making money online, online education, or motherhood, for example — and amass a large number of followers interested in that niche. Then you can tweet links to interesting content from around the web, offering your followers something of value without ever having to create content yourself. So how do you make money? The same way you do on a blog: Selling advertising, sponsored links, and affiliate marketing. Here are a few programs that can help you make money on Twitter:. Sponsored Tweets is a well-known ad service for Twitter allows you to set your own price-per-click for ads that you tweet. You can choose the ads you tweet from a list of available ads that are updated regularly. You must have at least 50 followers, tweets, and an account that is at least 60 days old to sign up for this service. You get to choose ads from thousands of advertisers, and you get to schedule the time the advertisement will be tweeted from your account. Instead, you create a profile of your interests, then advertisers can choose your account to publicize a campaign.
#2. MyLikes
You agree to send out a specific number of tweets on a specific schedule, and you get paid a lump sum. The more followers you have and the higher reputation you have, the greater access you will have to higher-paying campaigns. You are able to set your own cost-per-click, but you have to wait for advertisers to accept your bid. You will also have to identify your niche so that advertisers can match their products with you appropriately. There are many other ways you can make money with your Twitter account, including selling banner ads on your profile page, setting your own rates and selling direct sponsored tweets, charging to send a personal message to your followers, or charging for access to your private list of followers. These advertising services can also help you make money through pay-per-click advertising, which can be especially lucrative if you have a large following. Guest Author: Carlina Yepinski is the primary researcher and writer for networkmonitoring. Her most recent accomplishments includes graduating from Kentucky State with a degree in communications and computer science. Her current focus for the site involves server monitoring and it monitoring software. Image By rgddesigns.
UberFacts founder Kris Sanchez has turned his addictive Twitter feed into a wildly lucrative business. But not everyone’s buying it.
Make Money Online. You know some great ways to monetize your blog. But can you monetize your Twitter efforts? Of course you can!
#1. Sponsored Tweets
Twitter is a news and social networking platform where people communicate with short messages called Tweets. Tweeting, on the other hand, is the sending of short, public notes to other users within the platform. Some people use Twitter to discover interesting people, others use it to find threads to join. What Twitter is known for is their message-size restriction, which is intentional. Sometimes, it can be hard to fit all your thoughts into the tweet limit.
You still want to tweet other content to stop people from thinking you’re strictly commericial and unfollowing you. Method 5. Carlina Yepinski. You can do affiliate marketing, tweeting a particular store or brand’s products. Updated: March 29, But, as others have said — building a site and a list is always a good idea — you want to build a longer-term income.
#2. MyLikes
Earn money by contacting these leads through emails with product offers targeted to their interests. Traffic from Twitter will go to the blog and click contextual advertising — Profit Very true of the latest Google applications include tweets in search results! You can simply post a shortened link on your Twitter account, and with a personal touch, you are likely to get more bids. Log in or Sign up. It only shows several links. Each time you generate a valid page view on Kwerdo you earn money. You get to choose ads from thousands of advertisers, and you get to schedule the time the advertisement will be tweeted from your account. Nonetheless optimize your account and posts with some good twitter marketing software like twtboardpro. Guest Author: Carlina Yepinski is the primary researcher and writer for networkmonitoring. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. John DeningApr 7, Article Edit. Share the articles on your Twitter account to get more readers. Twitter is a key part of any social media marketing campaign.
How to Make Money on Twitter
There are several ways that you can make money through the social network without trying to sell maje own products or services. Twitter is a powerful platform unto itself, not just a conduit for marketing another site. You can create a Twitter account around a profitable niche — making money online, online cna, or motherhood, for example — and amass a large number of followers interested in that niche. Then you can tweet links to interesting content from around the web, offering your followers something of value without ever having to create content.
So how do you make money? The same way you do on a blog: Selling advertising, sponsored links, and affiliate marketing. Here adcount a few programs that can help you make money on Twitter:. Fan Tweets is a well-known ad service for Twitter allows you to set your own price-per-click for ads that you tweet. You can choose the ads you tweet from a list of accoynt ads that are updated regularly.
Twitrer must have at least 50 followers, tweets, and an account that is at least 60 days old to sign up for this service. You get to choose ads from myy of advertisers, and you get to schedule the time the advertisement will be tweeted from your account.
Instead, you create a profile of your interests, then advertisers can choose your account to publicize a campaign. You agree to send out a specific number of tweets on a specific schedule, and you get paid a lump sum. The more followers you have and the higher reputation you have, the greater access you will have to higher-paying campaigns.
You are able to set your own cost-per-click, but you have to wait for advertisers to accept your bid. You will also have to identify your niche so mondy advertisers can match their products with you appropriately.
There are many other ways you can make money with your Twitter account, including selling banner ads on your profile accouunt, setting your own rates and selling direct sponsored tweets, charging to send a personal message to your followers, or charging for access to your private list of twwitter. These advertising services can also help you make money through makr advertising, which can be especially lucrative if you have a large following.
Guest Author: Carlina Yepinski is the primary researcher and writer for networkmonitoring. Her most recent accomplishments includes graduating from Kentucky State with a degree in communications and computer science. Her current focus for the site involves server monitoring and it monitoring software. Image By rgddesigns. Join over 25 million other readers that have been educated and inspired to transform their life and business.
Carlina Yepinski. Twitter is a key part of any social media marketing campaign. Sponsored Tweets Sponsored Tweets is a well-known ad service for Twitter allows you to set your own price-per-click for ads that you tweet. What About You? Do you have any experience with any of these ad platforms? Were you successful with any of them? Tell us about your experiences in the comments!
Look forward to hearing your stories Guest Author: Carlina Yepinski is the primary researcher and writer for networkmonitoring. You May Also Like.
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Fast Company
The year-old former dancer—he studied theater in high school and was among the hundreds of dancers who performed at the Microsoft Kinect launch in in Times Square—is wearing jeans and purple high-tops. His dark hair is cut in a thick Mohawk, the tips bleached the color of burnt caramel. I only went there for a year. The way wlth works is that a company called Social Reactorwhich pairs social media influencers with advertisers, supplies him with galleries or other web pages that he links to in his Tweets. He gets paid for every click those pages receive. Plus the apps. The iOS app, which has been downloaded omney. They stay for an average of more than 14 page k a visit. A twentysomething college dropout can make more can i make money with my twitter account on Twitter than a corporate executive.
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