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Top ten money making business in nigeria

top ten money making business in nigeria

Some of them require a little capital to set-up, while others are not cost-effective, all the same, they are profitable. Since no one can do without drinking water, you can be sure your business will do pretty well if it is well taken care of. Everyone enjoys wearing clean clothes, but not everyone enjoys the process of making niberia clothes clean, and this is where you come in. Laundry business is a small-scale business that can be established at the back bksiness your house and requires small capital to establish. With more Nigerians getting busier and some lazier by the day, this business can fetch a lot of money in a short. You can also set it up in a big way to gain rich customers who dry-clean expensive ln and pay busines. Because everybody wants to be nourished and look fresh, Nigerians drink fruit juice more than any other people nigerua the world. The country is blessed with various fruits; mangoes, oranges, pineapples, and banana, especially in states like Benue. But a lot of these fruits go to waste due to lack of preservative methods. Although this business is capital-intensive, one can set it up in a fruit producing state to cut down production costs. Education is a necessary door that every Nigerian must pass. School business has no rival among its mates.

Not every entrepreneur starts with a specific business idea in mind. And with so many small business ideas in Nigeria today, it becomes even more complex, right? It may seem like its good business ideas or best small ideas, but they are not. The most successful small business ideas in Nigeria come from people who work for someone and they believe they can do better. Some other businesses can start as employees or trainees, and then gradually build skills and experience before hitting a business opportunity in Nigeria. With the right thought and determination, they can fulfill their own small business to make their dreams come true. I have compiled a list of hot online businesses in Nigeria selling like wildfire, I also stated the requirements to get started and exactly how to start. Read: Hot online businesses in Nigeria. For beginners with the right skill set, but without a lot of capital and business experience, here is a list of business ideas in Nigeria, I mean a lucrative business in Nigeria.

1. Agribusiness

The love for football in Nigeria is overwhelming, hence football viewing centres have become a lucrative business in Nigeria today. The huge recurring bill from cable TV has made it compulsory for a large percentage of football loving fans to patronize any local viewing centre around. All that you need to start this business is a huge TV, decoder and space. Amazingly today, there are matches almost every day of the week. Real Estate is one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria and in the world at large.

top ten money making business in nigeria

The best business to start with little money

Many people want to start profitable businesses, and usually, people start small before developing into something great. If you consider starting a business and maintaining it, then you have a great chance to make good money out of it. In this article, we will list the most successful small business ideas which will help you to decide what you want to do, and how to do it most effectively. Follow our pieces of advice and become wealthy in no time!

One thing that makes this business so attractive is that there are lots of loans or financing options available for agriculture entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Buy buses, okada or keke-napep. There are more if you do your research. We will keep adding to and modifying this list. There are thousands of small business ideas in agriculture to venture into. Farming and Pond. Please wats the cost of placing an advert on ur website…..

Nigerian Latest news

You may also be required to hire a hall, do the setup and provident food caterers. A population explosion in the next few years has been predicted, making the agribusiness industry a more lucrative business option to consider. The financial wherewithal is just not readily available. These days, nearly all businesses are jumping on the online scene. Contact me You can start a video blog on YouTube and focus on your favourite subject. Nigerians especially those who can afford it take education seriously. Some of these brands are so popular that people are loyal to a particular brand. Many business lenders give lots of preference to the agriculture sector. If you are not interested in carpentry shop, you can open a ij and source for well made furniture from good carpenters. Contact me dandiescares gmail.

50 Best Small Scale Business ideas in Nigeria for 2020

Wealth is an ego fuel, it boost your mindset and gives you a different kind of feeling, everyone needs a life that everything is possible, the luxury and fast life but they sit at home lazily waiting for opportunity to knock when they have the potentials at their fingertip. Ours is not a very developed society so there are pretty several challenges and problems that can be solved with the creative use of technology.

In the past decade, technology has provided the youngest group of billionaires in the world many of them in their twenties. If you have a keen eye for spotting problems and challenges you can create valuable solutions to these challenges. You can either come up with the ideas and team up with more talented developer or if you can, hire a couple of developers. If you makibg operate a food and drinks center in Nigeria, then it can be a good money maker for you because Nigerians will always eat, even when the economy is bad.

A restaurant is a good business that is businsss profitable as long as it is located in a populated area. In cities like Lagos, there are many restaurants springing up almost every year and the numbers have not actually gone.

Wedding planners are basically meant to take the work load of planning a wedding off the shoulders of the intending couple and as a wedding planner, you need to have an office or at least have your phone number and contact publicly listed so majing people can contact you.

You may also be required to hire a hall, do the setup and provident food caterers. There are not many Nigerians who own their own houses but for those who do, they only end up getting richer because real estate is one sure kn in Nigeria that hardly ever loses value except it gets to over 50 years or more depending on how good the structure is.

There are a lot of free e-books on how to import cheap goods from countries like china, Vietnam, Australia and so on and sell them in the Nigerian market. Everyone travels every day.

Ignore what anyone might want try to tell you about the moral justification of bookmakers. Bookmaking and sports trading business is one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria. It is also one of the businesses that require the highest capital to set up.

If you have the cash, you should look into sports bookmaking. This is one sure way to make money in Nigeria. A school is one of the businesses you can start small and look to expand over the years. Tn you know how transportation business works in Nigeria, starting a transportation business in Nigeria is a sure way to make money if you have enough cash to start up.

Also you need to reach an agreement drivers and terminal managers. Transport business is really lucrative in Nigeria. All these businesses require tne capital to start na. Give us some that top ten money making business in nigeria little or no capital. All these suggestions are fine… But they problem is ctually not the ideas. I have an island of ideas.

Where is the money. Refresh bsiness mind and relax, and have an exciting moment as you book a massage session. Contact me Am a dry cleaner, please try and patronize if you have any clothes you like to dry clean and also into home cleaning services. Good day. Am njideka Jane am a female Painter pls chat me up on WhatsApp if u want to paint ur house. Nice read, I have just expanded this topic based on my experience with freelancing and mini importation. I have also explained how you can practically set up a restaurant business in Nigeria with less than k in Nigeria.

If this is something you would love to read about, you can get through from here nairadaily. I sell at wholesales price,with u get 25pcs of earrings n chains Wristwatchespcs for 10k Slipperspcs for Leg chainPcs for Braceletpcs for Alphabet chainpcs for and so on I based in Lagos Also now entering in Pepper Farming. I am interested but I live in ibadan. Can we work together? U can reach me on Dons Tech. Laptop screen repair, networking, office and homes.

Survilannce buslness, and data recovery. Contact I need to be directed to the best platform for makingg books and short stories for schools on credit arrangement. I like this platform it will really go a long way to help Nigerian. Are you nterested in learning the new inimitable range of floors and walls of different styles, colors and graphics.

We are having training packaged in two to enable you learn and earn in the epoxy coating industry. Call me on I am so happy to come across such a nice website to read different businesses opinion.

I decided this morning to search online how to move forward in life because everything is just getting harder everyday here in Nigeria. I am an International guy in the sense that I have traveled a lot all in the name of greener pasture before I return back home.

I have business ideas but no financial support at the moment. Any business you want to do is all about location. Okoda, Maruwa and Too Bus. I can assure you on it and payment every week will not fail. If failed the ma,ing will have to drop it. Housekeeping business in a very unique way. That will have a website to share on social media to gain customers all over places in Lagos. I want to go into recharge card Printing, I want to know more about the stuff and secondly am a good footballer, I want to join any academy in abroad.

I sell and transport garri at affordable price… please patronize me Hello guy I advise you to go into importation business. I can put you. When you say importation business, First which type of goods and how much will we be looking at?

I am into catfish farming smoke and freshpalm oil, Garri Ijebu, cay fish and many other things. I have written more than 20 projects till date. My contact is…… Nice article admin. I love the effort you put the creating your contents.

I am a teen merchant maize I need someone to partner with and also companies that can buy from me. Well most of us would gladly put our brains and busindss to good use. The financial wherewithal is just not readily available. Another great way to make money is online trading. There is a Nigerian platform you can use to trade oil, gold, Nikkei… in Naira! They are called Eagle Global Markets. They have a mobile app you can use and a lot of educational material if want to learn more about Forex trading.

Can you link me to a company that want maize that can support me to produce and supply to it? I want to go into large scale production. I am interested in making money. Please send me more information. Thank you. Lonnie Kevin Clark. Am a pure singer… Pls i really need an assistant of a producer…. One live…. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Share Comments All these businesses require huge capital to start na.

Iam lucky a fashion designer in case u want to sew wonderfull cloths chart me up Am in need of a job Please contact me on Hello i am estate broker from Abuja i need partner to run this with me call I play the piano, if you are interested in learning chat me on WhatsApp on I want to be selling grains,I need a supplier at very affordable price, pay on delivery pls!

I am into Epoxy Flooring and training Are you nterested in learning the new inimitable range of floors and walls of different styles, husiness and graphics. This a big eye opener to! Smoke Fish from the north to sell in Lagos. Farming and Pond. You can reach me better on to talk business.

Top 10 African Businesses that will Make You a Millionaire

Every journey starts with one step. You ngeria to become a millionaire maknig fifteen years time, but top ten money making business in nigeria know that you have to start. Well, if your aim is to make millions every year then you need to pick your options very wisely. It will never happen.

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But you know very well that Nigeria has a lot of oil and oil is a very precious resource. So if you can find your way into the oil sector then there is a chance you could be a millionaire very soon. One major advantage of online commerce is that you have over a ma,ing customers on the internet and all the tools you need to convert these people into buyers. You can work with an miney established company to help you start and operate your business. The construction industry in Nigeria is booming and the housing sector is a perfect indicator of. But where do these people get their materials from? Local dealers definitely! There is no doubt that real estate is one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria today. Some would wonder how you could still make millions with hotels when there are innumerable high-class hotels all. But ask yourself how all these hotels manage to remain in business, making huge profits every day, when the competition seems too stiff.


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