Nike workers in Vietnam earn 20 cents per hour, work 70 to 80 hours per week, and are 80 percent female. Nike workers in Vietnam are 80 percent female, and some are illegally forced to labor more than the statutory working week of 48 hours. Working between 70 and 80 hours per week is not typical for a Nike worker in Vietnam. Wages were around 20 cents per hour in the mids but have increased since. One sentiment in particular gained traction on social media in the days following the announcement of the Nike deal: that Kaepernick was demonstrating hypocrisy by criticizing injustice against black people in the United States while also agreeing to be an ambassador for Nike, a company with a history of poor treatment of workers in the developing world. On 4 September, conservative commentator Ryan Fournier tweeted the following widely-shared observations, along with a photograph of women making Nike shoes in a factory:.
As international attention has focused on Colin Kaepernick’s Nike ad , activists and many on social media have pointed to the well-documented low wages, long hours and poor working conditions many who make the global corporation’s products endure. Nike’s new campaign, which commemorates the 30th anniversary of its iconic «Just Do It» slogan, features the former NFL, with the lines: «Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything. The amount factory workers earn making Nike products varies depending on the facility and the country. Nike did not immediately respond to Newsweek ‘s request for comment and clarification about how much it pays workers on average. However, a June report from the Clean Clothes Campaign CCC alleged that factory workers today receive even less of Nike profits than they did in the s. According to CCC, the company has transferred much of its manufacturing to Indonesia, Cambodia and Vietnam as wages have increased in China. In the three southeast Asian nations, average earnings for garment workers are 45 to 65 percent below the so-called «living wage,» according to CCC. Nike told Reuters that all its factories are required to pay at least the local minimum wage or the «prevailing wage. However, Martin Buttle of the Ethical Trading Initiative, told Reuters that Nike’s factories can leave workers «trapped in a cycle of poverty.
A June report by The Guardian also revealed that more than workers in four factories supplying to Nike, Puma, Asics and VF Corporation in Cambodia had been hospitalized due to working conditions. The brands confirmed that the incidents occurred. Most of the workers fainted due to high temperatures and long work hours. Union representatives and workers told the U.
Did This Old Fire Alarm Box Lock Pranksters in Place?
So why should any of this concern UK consumers? Simple: wages have to be paid by car buyers in the form of retail prices. So, how do wages compare around the globe? Image 2 of 6. Annual production : 7. Annual production : 5.
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Your privacy is important to us. We have updated our privacy policy to better explain how we use data on this site. Read it here. Many of these viral posts feature a photo of Nike factory workers accompanied by a claim that the company exploits workers with long hours and abysmally low wages. Most posts are screenshots of a September tweet by conservative commentator Ryan Fournier.
Businesses need people so they can sell their stuff and make money. Of course, the promotional expenses are different for each film — Contrino points out that Fox didn’t seem to waste much money promoting Gulliver’s Travels , once it was clear they had a dud on their hands. But still, overseas box office does matter, more and more. If you even pay a little attention to what’s going on in the entertainment industry, it’s easy to get snowed in with box office information that seems meaningful, but is hard to interpret. People make businesses because it is a good way to make money. There’s a lot more, although studios are loath to give out numbers.
Critics of Colin Kaepernick’s endorsement deal with Nike shared viral claims about the pay and conditions of the company’s factory workers.
There pverseas a lot of costs that go into running a movie theater, and showing movies is all the movie theater does — unlike most places where DVDs are sold. If you really liked a particular movie, and you’re hoping it made enough money to warrant a sequel, then the wealth of box-office news can be confusing. Filed to: Movies. According to the book The Hollywood Economist by Edward Jay Epstein, studios take in about 40 percent of the revenue from overseas release — and after expenses, they’re lucky if they take in 15 percent of that number. Mich will sell their products to consumers in order to make money. Get our newsletter Subscribe. A single penny left for me. Asked in Government What purpose of a government in an indirect democracy include? And the studios oversead a much bigger cut of DVD revenues than they do of theatrical revenues, because the retailers aren’t as «significant of a middle man» as the theater owners, according to Paul Dergarabedian, president ma,e Hollywood. The more customers value these products or service, the more they will pay for .
Plan of the open lesson. Grade: To moneey listening skills with nake help of watching video. Aids : Textbook: » English10″smart board, blackboard, presentation, video clip.
Who is absent? All are present. Checking up the home-task. Presentation of New lesson. Speaking and reading. Do you like work? Do you like money?
What do you think about the importance of money in our life? Could we live without money or work? Whom do you want to be in the Future? New words: Income, salary, bonus, fee, wage, scholarship. Task: Fill in the blanks. Task: Watch the video and discuss with the partner. Ex:3 What are the best and worst paid jobs in your opinion. Fill in the columns. Constructions with an active and passive participle. Doing exercises. Ex: 10 Complete the definitions. Put in an active or passive participle of these verbs.
Read about 2 young people. Task: Fill in this chart with Erlan’s and Aigul’s details. How old are they? Where do they work? What are their jobs? How much pay do they. A week. A month. How much money do they save? Who do they how much money do factory workers make overseas with? Ex: 5 Find the words. Resting time. To pay the bills I have to pay. A single penny left for me. In my dreams I have a plan. If I got me a wealthy man.
Money, money, money. Must be funny. Always sunny. All the things I could gow. If I had a little money. Students should collect the sentences of sing while listening. The end of the lesson. Giving the home task.
Giving marks. Ex: 5 b, Ex: You oversezs very active today. I give you good hw. Aids : Textbook: » English10″smart board, blackboard, presentation, video clip I. How much pay do they get A week A month How much money do they save? The end of overseae lesson 1.
Giving the home task 2.
🇨🇳Working In China🇨🇳 How Much MONEY Can You Make? (2018)
Sincethe United States has lost 2. Partly, it can be explained by China’s cheaper workers: The average hourly wage for Overseae manufacturing workers is less than a tenth that of their average U. It being about twice as cheap woekers live in Chinathose lower Chinese wages go.
Our exclusive investigation shows how salaries vary wildly in the world’s top car-making nations
But Chinese factory workers also tend to work longer hoursmaking them more appealing to some employers. In fact, U. That’s in part because U. Chinese and U. Factory workers in China are more than three times more likely to get killed at work than their American counterpartsand the government’s health insurance programs do not cover basic care. German factory workers, on the other hand, enjoy a higher quality of life than American manufacturing workers. Their wages are 11 percent higher than those in the U. How does the global workforce nake Check out HuffPost’s infographics:. US Edition U. News U. HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. Newsletters Coupons. Terms Privacy Policy.
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