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Make extra money in the national guard

make extra money in the national guard

Armin Brott is a former U. Many military families live paycheck to paycheck and sometimes even struggle to make ends meet. By learning to make smart decisions about moneyyou can help your family achieve financial stability throughout your stint in the service. While most of us learn about geometry, science, and language arts in school, we rarely learn how to manage our money. That may explain why so many people get themselves into financial trouble. Start learning financial terms now and take as many free financial courses you can. The government offers a host of financial programs to help military members become—and stay—financially stable. But many service members never take advantage of those programs.

Second known Daca recipient detained by immigration officials in Texas

Marquez Racing. Posted on Apr 22, Besides your Army Pay, what did you do to make extra money? SPC P Join to see. I ran and still do a vinyl cutting business, selling on ebay. What did you do to make some extra money while on Active Duty? Posted in these groups: Money Entrepreneurship Business. Follow this discussion. Responses: 8. SFC Randy Purham. Great question. I delivered pizzas, I was a bar tender, cab driver, club security, and in telemarketing. Now, I just promote my book, and my home based business — ACN. Passive income at this point in my life versus active income. But my whole career, I kept a gig going, doing something.

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Vote down. PVT James Strait.

12 Ways to Be Financially Stable

So what can be done to maximize your income with the least amount of effort? For military folks, there are a surprising number of options. Here are some ideas, starting with the easiest. Maximize your current pay. There are at least nine components of military pay that increase or decrease depending on the circumstances facing the servicemember. By understanding how military pay works, you can maximize your pay by doing some relatively little things. Getting extra training and education is the best way to increase pay by specializing your skills, and the added education may ultimately get you a better civilian job. The military pays for it, so why not take advantage of it? Also, monitor your budget on items such as food and housing.

make extra money in the national guard

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One in three employees with a full-time job in held a second job, mostly to bring in more cash. A second job can bring in much-needed extra cash, provides additional job stability even in uncertain times and means plenty to do during an average workweek. The US military does provide wages and benefits, but with the rising cost of living and with families sometimes finding their expenses increasing, many military families turn to additional work to raise extra income. In addition, military spouses and family members sometimes have their own reasons for seeking extra work. They may like the idea of extra spending money or they may want to build their resume, even when stationed overseas. Traditional work may present some challenges for military families. Military families may also move often, which can impact career choices. The good news is that there are several ways you can earn extra money right now as a military family:. Freelancing is an increasingly popular field. There were 54 million people in America freelancing in While some freelanced full-time, others worked full-time jobs and made extra money on the side. You can even work as a freelance researcher, transcriber, composer or photographer. Craigslist, FlexJobs and other sites advertise these positions.

Hispanic caucus members ejected from meeting about immigration raids

When he orignially looked into enlisting, he felt there were no other options. Will , troops roam through Latino neighborhoods picking people up, presumably based on their physical appearance? Chemistry Engineering Mathematics Physics. Someone said: our national animal tiger. The page document calls for the unprecedented militarization of immigration enforcement as far north as Portland, Oregon, and as far east as New Orleans, Louisiana. While national guard personnel have been used to assist with immigration-related missions on the US-Mexico border before, they have never been used as broadly or as far north as the memo proposes. Sign In. That is the point of the National Guard. It is irresponsible to be saying this. Ice trained and certified roughly 1, officers to carry out those checks from to Ads by Google. Someone said: For the most part the above is correct however couples can serve in the same unit.


Do you feel squeezed by your monthly budget? If so, you’re not. For many of us, there is only a bit of room between our monthly expenses and our monthly income. Whether it’s because of sequestrationbudget cutsor the lingering effects of the recession, a lot of families and individuals are looking for ways to increase their income on the side in order to help make ends meet. This is particularly true for some military spouses who run their family’s household but would like to generate a little side income in their spare time.

Personal Finance

And surprisingly, it’s getting easier and easier to do just that because of the rapid growth of the online economy. Below, we’ll look at 4 of the best ways to make extra money from home. These are legitimate ones, unlike some of the ads you might see on other sites:. These days, there are a wide range of options for doing freelance work online. But how do you get started? Well, one of the most common ways is to use sites like Elance. These sites need writers, designers, transcribers, virtual assistants, organizers, accountants, researchers — you name it. There are so many projects and jobs posted on these sites every day that you will almost certainly find something that fits your skill set. It can take awhile to get a steady stream of work, so be persistent and keep bidding on job proposals until you get the hang of it. Once you get a project or task, make sure you do it well and ask questions if necessary so that you will receive good reviews for your work, which enables you to more easily get other freelance clients in the future. One of the fastest growing websites of the last five years is Etsy. If you have always enjoyed making things in your spare time then this would be a perfect opportunity for you to make extra money from home! How do you do it? It’s as simple as registering and then listing your items for sale on the site.


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